Current Data Rate

Dan Williams dcbw at
Fri Jun 23 22:06:02 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017-06-23 at 15:06 -0500, Senthilganapathy Paramasivam wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does qmicli has capability to read the current channel data rate.We
> have a requirement to read the current channel data rate or speed
> without pinging external server.
> It would be really helpful if somebody could help.

It should be possible, somehow.  I just pushed a git commit that
implements the WDS Get Channel Rates request.

But devices I tested (Huawei E397 and Pantech UML290) report bogus
values for the current rates, eg for the UML290 on EDGE:

Channel data rates:
	Current TX rate: 4294967295bps (its all 0xFF in the TLV)
	Current RX rate: 4294967295bps
	Max TX rate:     17200bps
	Max RX rate:     25600bps

There's also a WDS Event indication for current rates, but it would
take more than 20 minutes to see if that works better than

I might be able to poke a bit more next week.


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