MC7430 Connection problem

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at
Tue Oct 3 07:27:46 UTC 2017

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Erik Kazandjian
<erik.kazandjian at> wrote:
> To be very honest we are developing  a cell ourselves and I see on the cell
> that the modem is attached. But now I also noticed if I reboot everything ,
> the Pi and the modem I see the modem atteching and when I ask for its
> current settings it responds with an IP address.
> This seems to work every time I put switch the modem from low power to
> online. Without any other qmi command.

This looks like the modem is configured for auto-connect, so that as
soon as it's registered in the network it sets up the active


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