[Patch] add QMI cmd defintion to create PDP profile at specific index (Sierra only)

Wolfgang Tolkien w at tolkien.email
Thu Jul 19 18:14:31 UTC 2018

The WDS_CREATE_PROFILE command does not allow to specify which profile index should be used to store the newly created profile. It will always use the first available profile index (and then returns the index so at least the user knows afterwards). This is contrary to the AT+CGDCONT command which does specify the profile index.

Sierra seems to have noticed and they created a custom QMI command which seems to be identical to WDS_CREATE_PROFILE except that it requires a profile index parameter. This patch adds support for it. I have only included TLVs which I was able to test (on EM7455 and EM7565) even though others will probably work as well.

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