Unable to retrieve "Own Number"

Chris McKenzie kristopolous at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 00:21:07 UTC 2019


I have a number of Quectel EC25s with T-Mobile sims.  I'm using the 
debian versions of the following:

modemmanager 1.10.0-1
libqmi 1.22.0-1.2

I'm on a stock debian kernel

I can send and receive SMS messages and connect to the internet. Here's 
my mmcli (with the imei occluded)

  mmcli -m 0
   General  |            dbus path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0
            |            device id: 214b03278af7e2ba2e9020ee8245083e2662874c
   Hardware |         manufacturer: QUALCOMM INCORPORATED
            |                model: QUECTEL Mobile Broadband Module
            |             revision: EC25AFAR05A04M4G
            |         h/w revision: 10000
            |            supported: gsm-umts, lte
            |              current: gsm-umts, lte
            |         equipment id: 861107038510906
   System   |               device: 
            |              drivers: qmi_wwan, option1
            |               plugin: Quectel
            |         primary port: cdc-wdm0
            |                ports: wwp0s29u1u1u4i4 (net), ttyUSB1 
(qcdm), ttyUSB3 (at),
            |                       ttyUSB4 (at), cdc-wdm0 (qmi)
   Status   |                 lock: sim-pin2
            |       unlock retries: sim-pin (3), sim-pin2 (10), sim-puk 
(10), sim-puk2 (10)
            |                state: connected
            |          power state: on
            |          access tech: lte
            |       signal quality: 63% (cached)
   Modes    |            supported: allowed: 3g; preferred: none
            |                       allowed: 4g; preferred: none
            |                       allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 3g
            |                       allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
            |              current: allowed: 3g, 4g; preferred: 4g
   Bands    |            supported: utran-4, utran-5, utran-2, eutran-2, 
eutran-4, eutran-12
            |              current: utran-4, utran-5, utran-2, eutran-2, 
eutran-4, eutran-12
   IP       |            supported: ipv4, ipv6, ipv4v6
   3GPP     |                 imei: 86***6
            |          operator id: 310260
            |         registration: home
   3GPP EPS | ue mode of operation: csps-1
   SIM      |            dbus path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/SIM/0
   Bearer   |            dbus path: /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Bearer/0

there's no "Own Numbers" line.

Using d-feet, I've tried to navigate to the property over dbus and its 
value is empty.

On most of the SIMS there's a "welcome to T-Mobile" sms that comes in 
which makes me think its active and ready to go - especially since I can 
get online and transit SMSs over it.

My /var/log/daemon.log thinks otherwise. Here's the important part, I think

Jun 11 15:14:45 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[485]: 
<warn>  Unhandled QMI radio interface (9)
Jun 11 15:14:45 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[485]: 
<warn>  Unhandled QMI radio interface (9)
Jun 11 15:14:45 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[485]: 
<warn>  Unhandled QMI radio interface (9)
Jun 11 15:14:45 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[485]: 
<warn>  couldn't load list of Own Numbers: 'Couldn't get MSISDN: QMI 
protocol error (16): 'NotProvisioned''

I put a script to do mmcli -G DEBUG when relevant in my /etc/rc.local so 
I can get a better introspection on the issue from early in the boot cycle:

Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
<debug> loading IMSI...
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...#012<<<<<< RAW:#012<<<<<<   length = 
35#012<<<<<<   data   = 
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request (translated)...#012<<<<<< 
QMUX:#012<<<<<<   length  = 34#012<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00#012<<<<<<   
service = "uim"#012<<<<<<   client  = 1#012<<<<<< QMI:#012<<<<<< 
flags       = "none"#012<<<<<<   transaction = 4#012<<<<<<   tlv_length  
= 22#012<<<<<<   message     = "Read Transparent" (0x0020)#012<<<<<< 
TLV:#012<<<<<<   type       = "Read Information" (0x03)#012<<<<<<   
length     = 4#012<<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00#012<<<<<<   
translated = [ offset = '0' length = '0' ]#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   
type       = "File" (0x02)#012<<<<<<   length     = 7#012<<<<<<   
value      = 07:6F:04:00:3F:FF:7F#012<<<<<<   translated = [ file_id = 
'28423' file_path = '{ [0] = '0 ' [1] = '63 ' [2] = '255 ' [3] = '127 
'}' ]#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   type       = "Session" 
(0x01)#012<<<<<<   length     = 2#012<<<<<<   value      = 
00:00#012<<<<<<   translated = [ session_type = 
'primary-gw-provisioning' application_identifier = '{}' ]
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...#012<<<<<< RAW:#012<<<<<<   length = 
39#012<<<<<<   data   = 
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic response (translated)...#012<<<<<< 
QMUX:#012<<<<<<   length  = 38#012<<<<<<   flags   = 0x80#012<<<<<<   
service = "uim"#012<<<<<<   client  = 1#012<<<<<< QMI:#012<<<<<< 
flags       = "response"#012<<<<<<   transaction = 4#012<<<<<<   
tlv_length  = 26#012<<<<<<   message     = "Read Transparent" 
(0x0020)#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   type       = "Result" 
(0x02)#012<<<<<<   length     = 4#012<<<<<<   value      = 
00:00:00:00#012<<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   
type       = "Read result" (0x11)#012<<<<<<   length     = 
11#012<<<<<<   value      = 09:00:08:39:01:62:90:88:39:28:16#012<<<<<< 
translated = { [0] = '8 ' [1] = '57 ' [2] = '1 ' [3] = '98 ' [4] = '144 
' [5] = '136 ' [6] = '57 ' [7] = '40 ' [8] = '22 '}#012<<<<<< 
TLV:#012<<<<<< type       = "Card result" (0x10)#012<<<<<< length     = 
2#012<<<<<<   value      = 90:00#012<<<<<<   translated = [ sw1 = '144' 
sw2 = '0' ]
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
<debug> loading SIM operator name...
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...#012<<<<<< RAW:#012<<<<<<   length = 
13#012<<<<<<   data   = 01:0C:00:00:03:03:00:04:00:25:00:00:00
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request (translated)...#012<<<<<< 
QMUX:#012<<<<<<   length  = 12#012<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00#012<<<<<<   
service = "nas"#012<<<<<<   clie
nt  = 3#012<<<<<< QMI:#012<<<<<<   flags       = "none"#012<<<<<<   
transaction = 4#012<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 0#012<<<<<<   message     = 
"Get Home Network" (0x0025)
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...#012<<<<<< RAW:#012<<<<<<   length = 
48#012<<<<<<   data   = 
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic response (translated)...#012<<<<<< 
QMUX:#012<<<<<<   length  = 47#012<<<<<<   flags   = 0x80#012<<<<<<   
service = "nas"#012<<<<<<
  client  = 3#012<<<<<< QMI:#012<<<<<<   flags       = 
"response"#012<<<<<<   transaction = 4#012<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 
35#012<<<<<<   message     = "Get Home Network" (0x0025)#012<<<<<< 
TLV:#012<<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
#012<<<<<<   length     = 4#012<<<<<<   value      = 
00:00:00:00#012<<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   
type       = "Home Network" (0x01)#012<<<<<<   length     = 
13#012<<<<<<   value      = 36:01:04:01:08:54:
2D:4D:6F:62:69:6C:65#012<<<<<<   translated = [ mcc = '310' mnc = '260' 
description = 'T-Mobile' ]#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<< type       = "Home 
Network 3GPP MNC" (0x12)#012<<<<<<   length     = 2#012<<<<<<   
value      = 01:01#012
<<<<<<   translated = [ is_3gpp = 'yes' includes_pcs_digit = 'yes' 
]#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   type   = 0x13#012<<<<<<   length = 
4#012<<<<<<   value  = 04:00:00:00
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
<debug> loading own numbers...
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...#012<<<<<< RAW:#012<<<<<<   length = 
13#012<<<<<<   data   = 01:0C:00:00:02:08:00:0A:00:24:00:00:00
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request (translated)...#012<<<<<< 
QMUX:#012<<<<<<   length  = 12#012<<<<<<   flags   = 0x00#012<<<<<<   
service = "dms"#012<<<<<<   clie
nt  = 8#012<<<<<< QMI:#012<<<<<<   flags       = "none"#012<<<<<<   
transaction = 10#012<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 0#012<<<<<<   message     = 
"Get MSISDN" (0x0024)
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...#012<<<<<< RAW:#012<<<<<<   length = 
23#012<<<<<<   data   = 
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic response (translated)...#012<<<<<< 
QMUX:#012<<<<<<   length  = 22#012<<<<<<   flags   = 0x80#012<<<<<<   
service = "dms"#012<<<<<<
  client  = 8#012<<<<<< QMI:#012<<<<<<   flags       = 
"response"#012<<<<<<   transaction = 10#012<<<<<<   tlv_length  = 
10#012<<<<<<   message     = "Get MSISDN" (0x0024)#012<<<<<< 
TLV:#012<<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)#012<
<<<<<   length     = 4#012<<<<<<   value      = 01:00:10:00#012<<<<<<   
translated = FAILURE: NotProvisioned#012<<<<<< TLV:#012<<<<<<   
type       = "MSISDN" (0x01)#012<<<<<<   length     = 0#012<<<<<<   
value      = (null)#012<<<<
<<   translated =
Jun 11 16:52:33 bernays-1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg ModemManager[518]: 
<warn>  couldn't load list of Own Numbers: 'Couldn't get MSISDN: QMI 
protocol error (16): 'NotProvisioned''

i have an older sim card, also from T-Mobile, interestingly which is now 
disabled but does show an expected value for "OwnNumber"

Some other notes:

I was unable to send --3gpp-ussd-initiate codes which may have helped me 
When I plug one of the new SIM cards into a phone I get a provisioning 
message from a number 5127. If I accept it and then start using the SIM, 
then turn the phone off and try it again (presuming that t-mobile is 
expecting something we aren't sending), it doesn't help. I still get the 
same errors as above.

I've uploaded a photograph of the two sim cards in case the codes on it 
will be any help. http://9ol.es/sim.png

Thanks a lot and i hope to hear from you soon


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