wda-get-data-format randomly returns error: couldn't create client for the 'wda' service

Brandon Lee blee0518 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 16:39:04 UTC 2020

What carrier are you using?
Does carrier support your modem, imei?
Does carrier require provisioning before imei can be on network?
What drivers are used? # lsusb -t
Can you run get home network?
Paste results from --dms-list-stored-images
What is result from --dms-get-power-state
When manual, issue --wds-set-ip-family=,4
After manual run, issue cmd --wds-get-current-settings
Remember to run all with -v while troubleshoot.

I ran into similar issue, with internal error, it was carrier not liking my

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020, 1:57 AM Tor Rune Skoglund <trs at fourc.eu> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> thank you very much for your input.
> Den 14.04.2020 21:17, skrev Dan Williams:
>  >If you really need to switch to 802-3 mode, OK. But that needs ot
> > happen on both ends: QMI (eg what the firmware expects) and the kernel
> > .  This command only changes one (firmware).
> >
> > You also need to change the kernel side with --set-expected-data-
> > format=<same>.  Both need to agree.
> >
> > qmicli will try to do this for you, but as you see below it fails.
> >
> > In any case, try both the --wda-set-data-format and --set-expected-
> > data-format.
> >
> > If that works, then we can move on to the pdn-ipv6-call-disallowed
> > issue. For that, please add the "-v" flag (for verbose mode) when
> > calling --wds-start-network so we can see the actual QMI commands
> > passed to the device.
> >
> > Maybe it was asked before, but what qmicli version are you using?
> It is version 1.22.2.
> There is no change when adding --set-expected-data-format.  Below is the
> log:
> Btw, the Linux kernel is compiled without IPv6 on this system. That is
> why we have specfied ip-type=4. But maybe it is still related to the
> kernel not supporting v6 here?
> # Checking that we are not connected and that autoconnect is not enabled
> $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-packet-service-status
> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Connection status: 'disconnected'
> $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-autoconnect-settings
> Autoconnect settings retrieved:
>          Status: 'disabled'
>          Roaming: 'allowed'
> # Seems OK
> # Settings expected data format
> $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --set-expected-data-format=802-3
> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] expected data format set to: 802-3
> # Check which data format we have
> $  qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-get-data-format
> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully got data format
>                     QoS flow header: no
>                 Link layer protocol: 'raw-ip'
>    Uplink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
> Downlink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>                       NDP signature: '0'
>    Uplink data aggregation max size: '0'
> Downlink data aggregation max size: '0'
> # Change to 802-3
> $  qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-set-data-format=802-3
> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully set data format
>                          QoS flow header: no
>                      Link layer protocol: '802-3'
>         Uplink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>       Downlink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>                            NDP signature: '0'
> Downlink data aggregation max datagrams: '0'
>       Downlink data aggregation max size: '0'
> # Seemed to work.
> # Just check again to be sure
> $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-get-data-format
> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully got data format
>                     QoS flow header: no
>                 Link layer protocol: '802-3'
>    Uplink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
> Downlink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>                       NDP signature: '0'
>    Uplink data aggregation max size: '0'
> Downlink data aggregation max size: '0'
> # Start the network manually
> $ qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=apn=internet,ip-type=4
> --client-no-release-cid
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device with
> flags 'auto'...
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] loaded driver of cdc-wdm
> port: qmi_wwan
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] automatically selecting
> QMI mode
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service 'wds'
> is supported...
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new client ID...
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
> <<<<<< RAW:
> <<<<<<   length = 16
> <<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
> (translated)...
> <<<<<< QMUX:
> <<<<<<   length  = 15
> <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
> <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
> <<<<<<   client  = 0
> <<<<<< QMI:
> <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
> <<<<<<   transaction = 1
> <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
> <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
> <<<<<<   length     = 1
> <<<<<<   value      = 01
> <<<<<<   translated = wds
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
> <<<<<< RAW:
> <<<<<<   length = 24
> <<<<<<   data   =
> 01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:09
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
> response (translated)...
> <<<<<< QMUX:
> <<<<<<   length  = 23
> <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
> <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
> <<<<<<   client  = 0
> <<<<<< QMI:
> <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
> <<<<<<   transaction = 1
> <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
> <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
> <<<<<<   length     = 4
> <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
> <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
> <<<<<<   length     = 2
> <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
> <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds'
> (version unknown) client with ID '9'
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] Network start parameters set (apn:
> 'internet', 3gpp_profile: '0', 3gpp2_profile: '0', auth: 'unspecified',
> ip-type: '4', username: 'unspecified', password: 'unspecified',
> autoconnect: 'unspecified')
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] Asynchronously starting network...
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
> <<<<<< RAW:
> <<<<<<   length = 28
> <<<<<<   data   =
> 01:1B:00:00:01:09:00:01:00:20:00:0F:00:19:01:00:04:14:08:00:69:6E:74:65:72:6E:65:74
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
> (translated)...
> <<<<<< QMUX:
> <<<<<<   length  = 27
> <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
> <<<<<<   service = "wds"
> <<<<<<   client  = 9
> <<<<<< QMI:
> <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
> <<<<<<   transaction = 1
> <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 15
> <<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "IP Family Preference" (0x19)
> <<<<<<   length     = 1
> <<<<<<   value      = 04
> <<<<<<   translated = ipv4
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "APN" (0x14)
> <<<<<<   length     = 8
> <<<<<<   value      = 69:6E:74:65:72:6E:65:74
> <<<<<<   translated = internet
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
> <<<<<< RAW:
> <<<<<<   length = 32
> <<<<<<   data   =
> 01:1F:00:80:01:09:02:01:00:20:00:13:00:02:04:00:01:00:0E:00:10:02:00:03:00:11:04:00:02:00:D2:00
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
> response (translated)...
> <<<<<< QMUX:
> <<<<<<   length  = 31
> <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
> <<<<<<   service = "wds"
> <<<<<<   client  = 9
> <<<<<< QMI:
> <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
> <<<<<<   transaction = 1
> <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 19
> <<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
> <<<<<<   length     = 4
> <<<<<<   value      = 01:00:0E:00
> <<<<<<   translated = FAILURE: CallFailed
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "Call End Reason" (0x10)
> <<<<<<   length     = 2
> <<<<<<   value      = 03:00
> <<<<<<   translated = generic-no-service
> <<<<<< TLV:
> <<<<<<   type       = "Verbose Call End Reason" (0x11)
> <<<<<<   length     = 4
> <<<<<<   value      = 02:00:D2:00
> <<<<<<   translated = [ type = 'internal' reason = '210' ]
> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
> call end reason (3): generic-no-service
> verbose call end reason (2,210): [internal] pdn-ipv6-call-disallowed
> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
>          Service: 'wds'
>              CID: '9'
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'wds' client
> with flags 'none'...
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'wds'
> client with ID '9'
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] Client released
> [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] Closed
> # Failed with exit code 1 and no handle returned
> >> Btw, we also tried the qmi-network script, which fails similarly:
> >>
> >> $ qmi-network /dev/cdc-wdm0 start
> >> Loading profile at /etc/qmi-network.conf...
> >>       APN: internet
> >>       APN user: unset
> >>       APN password: unset
> >>       qmi-proxy: yes
> >> Checking data format with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-get-data-
> >> format
> >> --device-open-proxy'...
> >> Device link layer protocol retrieved: raw-ip
> >> Getting expected data format with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
> >> --get-expected-data-format'...
> >> Expected link layer protocol retrieved: 802-3
> >> Updating kernel link layer protocol with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
> >> --set-expected-data-format=raw-ip'...
> >> error: cannot set expected data format: Expected data format not
> >> updated
> >> properly to 'raw-ip': got '802-3' instead
> >> Error updating kernel link layer protocol
> >> Starting network with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
> >> --wds-start-network=apn='internet'  --client-no-release-cid
> >> --device-open-proxy'...
> >> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14): 'CallFailed'
> >> call end reason (3): generic-no-service
> >> verbose call end reason (2,210): [internal] pdn-ipv6-call-disallowed
> >> Saving state at /tmp/qmi-network-state-cdc-wdm0... (CID: 9)
> >> error: network start failed, no packet data handle
> >> Clearing state at /tmp/qmi-network-state-cdc-wdm0...
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >> *Tor Rune Skoglund*
> >>
> >>
> >> Den 08.04.2020 17:45, skrev Aleksander Morgado:
> >>> Hey,
> >>>
> >>>> tir. 7. apr. 2020 kl. 17:17 skrev Aleksander Morgado <
> >>>> aleksander at aleksander.es>:
> >>>>>> I have some further updates here. I read another thread about
> >>>>>> the '-p' option,
> >>>>>> which, when added to all instances of qmicli invocation in
> >>>>>> the init.d file makes
> >>>>>> the problem go away in at least more than 9 out of 10 cases.
> >>>>>> So it is
> >>>>>> apparently a timing issue. Still have to test this on more
> >>>>>> than one
> >>>>>> system, but I am optimistic. :)
> >>>>> The "-p" option, if used, must be used in ALL qmicli commands,
> >>>>> so that
> >>>>> all use the intermediate qmi-proxy.
> >>>>> I wonder what init.d file you're talking about, though?
> >>>> We initialise the modem with this routine (somewhat simplified to
> >>>> illustrate the points):
> >>>>
> >>>> START_NETWORK_ARGS=apn="internet",ip-type=4,autoconnect=yes
> >>>>
> >>>> #QMICMD='qmicli -p '
> >>>> QMICMD='qmicli '
> >>>>
> >>>> for DEV in $(find /dev -maxdepth 1 -name "cdc-wdm*" | sort)
> >>>> do
> >>>>       WANIF=$($QMICMD -d "$DEV" -w)
> >>>>       if $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wds-get-packet-service-status | grep
> >>>> -q status:..connected ; then
> >>>>           echo "Stopping as it was already connected $DEV $WANIF"
> >>>>           $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wds-stop-network=disable-autoconnect
> >>> That above is not a good way to disconnect if you're manually
> >>> running
> >>> Start Network, see other comments below.
> >>>
> >>>>           ip link set "$WANIF" down 2>&1
> >>>>           ip addr flush dev "$WANIF" 2>&1
> >>>>           echo "Stopped broadband on $DEV $WANIF to restart
> >>>> connection"
> >>>>       fi
> >>>>
> >>>>       # Does it work at all....?
> >>>>       if ! $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-get-data-format ; then
> >>>>           echo "Modem does not respond as expected - trying to
> >>>> reset it"
> >>>>           # Here we had some code to try various things to get it
> >>>> working, like resetting the usb port it is connected to.
> >>>>           # However, following commands could still fail
> >>>>       fi
> >>>>
> >>>>       # Change to 802-3
> >>>>       if $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-get-data-format | grep -q 'raw-
> >>>> ip'; then
> >>>>           echo "Identified $DEV $WANIF as raw-ip, changing to 802-
> >>>> 3"
> >>>>           if ! $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-set-data-format=802-3 ;
> >>>> then
> >>>>               echo "wda-set-data-format=802-3 failed"
> >>> You cannot change data format after having started the connection.
> >>> In
> >>> the logic below you're connecting in 2 different ways (start
> >>> network
> >>> with apn, and autoconnect), but you're only stopping in one way
> >>> (autoconnect). It may happen that the set data format fails because
> >>> the modem is already connected?
> >>>
> >>>>               exit 1
> >>>>           fi
> >>>>       else
> >>>>           echo "Failed to set $DEV $WANIF data format to 802-3"
> >>>>       fi
> >>>>
> >>>>       # Set up if correct mode
> >>>>       if ! $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-get-data-format | grep -q '802-
> >>>> 3'; then
> >>>>           echo "Modem is not is correct data format mode"
> >>> Don't rely on devices supporting all 802.3. All new QMI devices
> >>> don't
> >>> support 802.3, they only support raw-ip. If you're stuck with an
> >>> older
> >>> model, this may be enough though, so just a heads up.
> >>>
> >>>>           exit 1
> >>>>       fi
> >>>>       echo "Starting broadband on $DEV $WANIF with args
> >>>>       $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wds-start-network=${START_NETWORK_ARGS:-
> >>>> apn=\"internet\"} --client-no-release-cid
> >>>>       $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wds-set-autoconnect-
> >>>> settings=enabled,roaming-allowed
> >>> You're attempting to manually connect with start network and then
> >>> enabling autoconnect, and that doesn't make sense, these are 2
> >>> different things. Autoconnect will use the "default 3GPP" profile
> >>> settings, and the manual start network will try to use whatever
> >>> settings you're passing. You should either use one approach or the
> >>> other, using both won't work properly I believe.
> >>>
> >>> Also, if you run start network manually, you need to keep track of
> >>> the
> >>> CID you used to connect, and also track of the "connection id"
> >>> returned by the command, so that you can then perform the
> >>> associated
> >>> stop network passing the correct cid and the correct connection id.
> >>>
> >>>>       echo "Started broadband on $DEV $WANIF"
> >>>>       killall -HUP dhcpcd
> >>>>       exit 0 # Done
> >>>> done
> >>>>
> >>>> einfo "Failed to set up broadband adapter"
> >>>> exit 1 # Failed
> >>>>
> >>>> If I use -p it seems to work close to 100% (maybe 100% of the
> >>>> times). Without the script fails too often on the first wda-get-
> >>>> data-format.
> >>>>
> >>>> (Btw, --wds-start-network also gives an error, but it does not
> >>>> seem to affect anything:
> >>>> qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-start-network=apn=internet,ip-
> >>>> type=4,autoconnect=yes --client-no-release-cid
> >>>> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14):
> >>>> 'CallFailed'
> >>>> call end reason (3): generic-no-service
> >>>> verbose call end reason (2,210): [internal] pdn-ipv6-call-
> >>>> disallowed
> >>>> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
> >>>>          Service: 'wds'
> >>>>              CID: '9')
> >>> If start network fails, but anyway you're connected it means the
> >>> modem
> >>> may be setup to autoconnect using the default 3GPP profile (see
> >>> qmicli
> >>> --wds-get-profile-list=3gpp and qmicli
> >>> --wds-get-default-profile-num=3gpp). So it is not that it doesn't
> >>> affect anything, it's that you may be trying to connect with
> >>> different
> >>> settings to the default ones, and the settings you used explicitly
> >>> are
> >>> failing.
> >>>
> >>>> Actually, while writing this mail, I made a new discovery: It
> >>>> looks like if  -wda-get-data-format fails once, for example when
> >>>> running it first without -p, it will keep on failing, even if run
> >>>> with -p later. However, a usb port reset (unbind/bind) will make
> >>>> it work again if I then run with -p directly afterwards.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have very few clues on what is going on. It could very well be
> >>>> that we are doing something wrong....(?)
> >>>>
> >>> The use of "-p" just makes all your qmicli requests be forwarded to
> >>> the device through an intermediate qmi-proxy process. This is done
> >>> so
> >>> that multiple applications can use the port at the same time for
> >>> different commands; either multiple qmicli calls or even different
> >>> programs doing different QMI interactions. E.g. you can use the
> >>> "Mobile Radio Monitor" program
> >>> (https://sigquit.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/mobile-radio-monitor/) at
> >>> the same time as ModemManager is managing the device because both
> >>> programs use the intermediate proxy. If there is one program using
> >>> the
> >>> proxy, all programs must use it.
> >>>
> >>> If some programs use it and some others don't, the ones not using
> >>> it
> >>> will all fight each other with the qmi-proxy for the access to the
> >>> QMI
> >>> control port.
> >>>
> >>> If you're on doubt on what to do, just use the proxy always always,
> >>> and never attempt a qmicli command without using the proxy, as that
> >>> will break the comm between the device and the proxy. So, the tests
> >>> sometimes trying with "-p" and sometimes without "-p" don't really
> >>> make sense because the testing itself is breaking the flow.
> >>>
> >>> Also, a lot of this logic is already handled in the qmi-network
> >>> script, I'd suggest you take a look at its source code, it's quite
> >>> simple.
> >>>
> >>> Cheers!
> >>>
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> >> libqmi-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
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> libqmi-devel mailing list
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