wda-get-data-format randomly returns error: couldn't create client for the 'wda' service

Tor Rune Skoglund trs at fourc.eu
Thu Apr 16 08:21:16 UTC 2020

Thanks for your suggestions, Brandon,

I think the cause the problem was found - see the other thread. And yes, 
we are using the latest Generic firmware. Actually, that fw update was 
the thing that triggered us to look into the problem, as the failure to 
connect quickly then appeared to happen more often than before. We have 
seen the problem (although apparently much less frequent) on older 
installations also.


Tor Rune Skoglund*


Den 16.04.2020 10:00, skrev Brandon Lee:
> Its concerning your modem fails to, get list images. This is vital 
> information that your modem needs to operate.
> You are on latest version firmware from Sierra Wireless?
> I would definitely try to verify a good firmware is installed and 
> working. You could run qmicli update using the latest from your 
> carrier or trying GENERIC. If you are running manual and getting 
> failure, maybe setup modem as if you just purchased and run updates 
> and confirm image it is using(current image) it will say on the list.
> Beyond that simple troubleshoot, it beyond my knowledge. Hope Dan or 
> another can step in and help.
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2020, 11:54 PM Tor Rune Skoglund <trs at fourc.eu 
> <mailto:trs at fourc.eu>> wrote:
>     Hi Brandon,
>     thank you for your feedback. I have answered inline below.
>     Den 15.04.2020 18:39, skrev Brandon Lee:
>>     What carrier are you using?
>     In this case it is Telenor.
>>     Does carrier support your modem, imei?
>     I am not sure what you mean by "support" here, but we are using
>     the MC7304 with Telenor now and before.
>>     Does carrier require provisioning before imei can be on network?
>     No. As said in earlier mails, it works sometimes.
>>     What drivers are used? # lsusb -t
>             |__ Port 1: Dev 4, If 8, Class=Vendor Specific Class,
>     Driver=qmi_wwan, 480M
>>     Can you run get home network?
>     Well, sometimes and eventually, but not at present using the
>     manual procedure.
>>     Paste results from --dms-list-stored-images
>     qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --dms-list-stored-images
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device
>     with flags 'auto'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] loaded driver of
>     cdc-wdm port: qmi_wwan
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] automatically
>     selecting QMI mode
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service
>     'dms' is supported...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new
>     client ID...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 16
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:02
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 15
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 1
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02
>     <<<<<<   translated = dms
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:02:24
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02:24
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'dms' cid = '36' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'dms'
>     (version unknown) client with ID '36'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] Asynchronously listing stored
>     images...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 13
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:0C:00:00:02:24:00:01:00:49:00:00:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "dms"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 36
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 0
>     <<<<<<   message     = "List Stored Images" (0x0049)
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 20
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:13:00:80:02:24:02:01:00:49:00:07:00:02:04:00:01:00:47:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 19
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "dms"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 36
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 7
>     <<<<<<   message     = "List Stored Images" (0x0049)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:00:47:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = FAILURE: InvalidQmiCommand
>     error: couldn't list stored images: QMI protocol error (71):
>     'InvalidQmiCommand'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'dms'
>     client with flags 'release-cid'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'dms'
>     client with ID '36'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 17
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:10:00:00:00:00:00:02:23:00:05:00:01:02:00:02:24
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 16
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 5
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02:24
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'dms' cid = '36' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:02:23:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:02:24
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02:24
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'dms' cid = '36' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] Client released
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:43:48] [Debug] Closed
>>     What is result from --dms-get-power-state
>     qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --dms-get-power-state
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device
>     with flags 'auto'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] loaded driver of
>     cdc-wdm port: qmi_wwan
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] automatically
>     selecting QMI mode
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service
>     'dms' is supported...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new
>     client ID...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 16
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:02
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 15
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 1
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02
>     <<<<<<   translated = dms
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:02:25
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02:25
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'dms' cid = '37' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'dms'
>     (version unknown) client with ID '37'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] Asynchronously getting power status...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 13
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:0C:00:00:02:25:00:01:00:26:00:00:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "dms"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 37
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 0
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Get Power State" (0x0026)
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 25
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:18:00:80:02:25:02:01:00:26:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 24
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "dms"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 37
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Get Power State" (0x0026)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ power_state_flags = '1' battery_level = '0' ]
>     [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Device power state retrieved:
>             Power state: 'external-source'
>             Battery level: '0 %'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'dms'
>     client with flags 'release-cid'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'dms'
>     client with ID '37'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 17
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:10:00:00:00:00:00:02:23:00:05:00:01:02:00:02:25
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 16
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 5
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02:25
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'dms' cid = '37' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:02:23:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:02:25
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 02:25
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'dms' cid = '37' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] Client released
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:44:30] [Debug] Closed
>>     When manual, issue --wds-set-ip-family=,4
>     I guess the comma is a typo, because with it I get unknown ip type
>     ',4'. But with 4 it runs with not stdout output:
>     qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-set-ip-family=4
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device
>     with flags 'auto'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] loaded driver of
>     cdc-wdm port: qmi_wwan
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] automatically
>     selecting QMI mode
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service
>     'wds' is supported...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new
>     client ID...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 16
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 15
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 1
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01
>     <<<<<<   translated = wds
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:09
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds'
>     (version unknown) client with ID '9'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] Asynchronously set IP family...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 17
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:10:00:00:01:09:00:01:00:4D:00:04:00:01:01:00:04
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 16
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "wds"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 9
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Set IP Family" (0x004D)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Preference" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 1
>     <<<<<<   value      = 04
>     <<<<<<   translated = ipv4
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 20
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:13:00:80:01:09:02:01:00:4D:00:07:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 19
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "wds"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 9
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 7
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Set IP Family" (0x004D)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'wds'
>     client with flags 'release-cid'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'wds'
>     client with ID '9'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 17
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:10:00:00:00:00:00:02:23:00:05:00:01:02:00:01:09
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:12] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 16
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 5
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:13] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:02:23:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:09
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:13] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:13] [Debug] Client released
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:50:13] [Debug] Closed
>>     After manual run, issue cmd --wds-get-current-settings
>     qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-current-settings
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening device
>     with flags 'auto'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] loaded driver of
>     cdc-wdm port: qmi_wwan
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] automatically
>     selecting QMI mode
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming service
>     'wds' is supported...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating new
>     client ID...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 16
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 15
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 1
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01
>     <<<<<<   translated = wds
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:09
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds'
>     (version unknown) client with ID '9'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] Asynchronously getting current
>     settings...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 20
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:13:00:00:01:09:00:01:00:2D:00:07:00:10:04:00:30:E3:00:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:21] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 19
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "wds"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 9
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 7
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Requested Settings" (0x10)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 30:E3:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = dns-address, granted-qos, ip-address,
>     gateway-info, mtu, domain-name-list, ip-family
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 20
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:13:00:80:01:09:02:01:00:2D:00:07:00:02:04:00:01:00:0F:00
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 19
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "wds"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 9
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 7
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:00:0F:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = FAILURE: OutOfCall
>     error: couldn't get current settings: QMI protocol error (15):
>     'OutOfCall'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing 'wds'
>     client with flags 'release-cid'...
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered 'wds'
>     client with ID '9'
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 17
>     <<<<<<   data   = 01:10:00:00:00:00:00:02:23:00:05:00:01:02:00:01:09
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>     request (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 16
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 5
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
>     <<<<<< RAW:
>     <<<<<<   length = 24
>     <<<<<<   data   =
>     01:17:00:80:00:00:01:02:23:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:09
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>     response (translated)...
>     <<<<<< QMUX:
>     <<<<<<   length  = 23
>     <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>     <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>     <<<<<<   client  = 0
>     <<<<<< QMI:
>     <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>     <<<<<<   transaction = 2
>     <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>     <<<<<<   message     = "Release CID" (0x0023)
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 4
>     <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>     <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>     <<<<<< TLV:
>     <<<<<<   type       = "Release Info" (0x01)
>     <<<<<<   length     = 2
>     <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>     <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] Client released
>     [16 Apr 2020, 06:52:22] [Debug] Closed
>>     Remember to run all with -v while troubleshoot.
>>     I ran into similar issue, with internal error, it was carrier not
>>     liking my modem.
>     I don't think that is the issue. Both the MC7304 and Telenor are
>     so common that it would be a big issue if they were not
>     compatible. And when we do get connected, it works fine.
>>     On Wed, Apr 15, 2020, 1:57 AM Tor Rune Skoglund <trs at fourc.eu
>>     <mailto:trs at fourc.eu>> wrote:
>>         Hi Dan,
>>         thank you very much for your input.
>>         Den 14.04.2020 21:17, skrev Dan Williams:
>>          >If you really need to switch to 802-3 mode, OK. But that
>>         needs ot
>>         > happen on both ends: QMI (eg what the firmware expects) and
>>         the kernel
>>         > .  This command only changes one (firmware).
>>         >
>>         > You also need to change the kernel side with
>>         --set-expected-data-
>>         > format=<same>.  Both need to agree.
>>         >
>>         > qmicli will try to do this for you, but as you see below it
>>         fails.
>>         >
>>         > In any case, try both the --wda-set-data-format and
>>         --set-expected-
>>         > data-format.
>>         >
>>         > If that works, then we can move on to the
>>         pdn-ipv6-call-disallowed
>>         > issue. For that, please add the "-v" flag (for verbose
>>         mode) when
>>         > calling --wds-start-network so we can see the actual QMI
>>         commands
>>         > passed to the device.
>>         >
>>         > Maybe it was asked before, but what qmicli version are you
>>         using?
>>         It is version 1.22.2.
>>         There is no change when adding --set-expected-data-format. 
>>         Below is the
>>         log:
>>         Btw, the Linux kernel is compiled without IPv6 on this
>>         system. That is
>>         why we have specfied ip-type=4. But maybe it is still related
>>         to the
>>         kernel not supporting v6 here?
>>         # Checking that we are not connected and that autoconnect is
>>         not enabled
>>         $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-packet-service-status
>>         [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Connection status: 'disconnected'
>>         $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-autoconnect-settings
>>         Autoconnect settings retrieved:
>>                  Status: 'disabled'
>>                  Roaming: 'allowed'
>>         # Seems OK
>>         # Settings expected data format
>>         $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --set-expected-data-format=802-3
>>         [/dev/cdc-wdm0] expected data format set to: 802-3
>>         # Check which data format we have
>>         $  qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-get-data-format
>>         [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully got data format
>>                             QoS flow header: no
>>                         Link layer protocol: 'raw-ip'
>>            Uplink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>>         Downlink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>>                               NDP signature: '0'
>>            Uplink data aggregation max size: '0'
>>         Downlink data aggregation max size: '0'
>>         # Change to 802-3
>>         $  qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-set-data-format=802-3
>>         [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully set data format
>>                                  QoS flow header: no
>>                              Link layer protocol: '802-3'
>>                 Uplink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>>               Downlink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>>                                    NDP signature: '0'
>>         Downlink data aggregation max datagrams: '0'
>>               Downlink data aggregation max size: '0'
>>         # Seemed to work.
>>         # Just check again to be sure
>>         $ qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wda-get-data-format
>>         [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully got data format
>>                             QoS flow header: no
>>                         Link layer protocol: '802-3'
>>            Uplink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>>         Downlink data aggregation protocol: 'disabled'
>>                               NDP signature: '0'
>>            Uplink data aggregation max size: '0'
>>         Downlink data aggregation max size: '0'
>>         # Start the network manually
>>         $ qmicli -v -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
>>         --wds-start-network=apn=internet,ip-type=4
>>         --client-no-release-cid
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Opening
>>         device with
>>         flags 'auto'...
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] loaded driver
>>         of cdc-wdm
>>         port: qmi_wwan
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] automatically
>>         selecting
>>         QMI mode
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0'
>>         ready
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Assuming
>>         service 'wds'
>>         is supported...
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Allocating
>>         new client ID...
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>>         <<<<<< RAW:
>>         <<<<<<   length = 16
>>         <<<<<<   data   = 01:0F:00:00:00:00:00:01:22:00:04:00:01:01:00:01
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>>         request
>>         (translated)...
>>         <<<<<< QMUX:
>>         <<<<<<   length  = 15
>>         <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>>         <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>>         <<<<<<   client  = 0
>>         <<<<<< QMI:
>>         <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>>         <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>>         <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 4
>>         <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "Service" (0x01)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 1
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 01
>>         <<<<<<   translated = wds
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received
>>         message...
>>         <<<<<< RAW:
>>         <<<<<<   length = 24
>>         <<<<<<   data   =
>>         01:17:00:80:00:00:01:01:22:00:0C:00:02:04:00:00:00:00:00:01:02:00:01:09
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>>         response (translated)...
>>         <<<<<< QMUX:
>>         <<<<<<   length  = 23
>>         <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>>         <<<<<<   service = "ctl"
>>         <<<<<<   client  = 0
>>         <<<<<< QMI:
>>         <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>>         <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>>         <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 12
>>         <<<<<<   message     = "Allocate CID" (0x0022)
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 4
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 00:00:00:00
>>         <<<<<<   translated = SUCCESS
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "Allocation Info" (0x01)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 2
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 01:09
>>         <<<<<<   translated = [ service = 'wds' cid = '9' ]
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Registered 'wds'
>>         (version unknown) client with ID '9'
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] Network start parameters set
>>         (apn:
>>         'internet', 3gpp_profile: '0', 3gpp2_profile: '0', auth:
>>         'unspecified',
>>         ip-type: '4', username: 'unspecified', password: 'unspecified',
>>         autoconnect: 'unspecified')
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] Asynchronously starting
>>         network...
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
>>         <<<<<< RAW:
>>         <<<<<<   length = 28
>>         <<<<<<   data   =
>>         01:1B:00:00:01:09:00:01:00:20:00:0F:00:19:01:00:04:14:08:00:69:6E:74:65:72:6E:65:74
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:40:59] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic
>>         request
>>         (translated)...
>>         <<<<<< QMUX:
>>         <<<<<<   length  = 27
>>         <<<<<<   flags   = 0x00
>>         <<<<<<   service = "wds"
>>         <<<<<<   client  = 9
>>         <<<<<< QMI:
>>         <<<<<<   flags       = "none"
>>         <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>>         <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 15
>>         <<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "IP Family Preference" (0x19)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 1
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 04
>>         <<<<<<   translated = ipv4
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "APN" (0x14)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 8
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 69:6E:74:65:72:6E:65:74
>>         <<<<<<   translated = internet
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received
>>         message...
>>         <<<<<< RAW:
>>         <<<<<<   length = 32
>>         <<<<<<   data   =
>>         01:1F:00:80:01:09:02:01:00:20:00:13:00:02:04:00:01:00:0E:00:10:02:00:03:00:11:04:00:02:00:D2:00
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
>>         response (translated)...
>>         <<<<<< QMUX:
>>         <<<<<<   length  = 31
>>         <<<<<<   flags   = 0x80
>>         <<<<<<   service = "wds"
>>         <<<<<<   client  = 9
>>         <<<<<< QMI:
>>         <<<<<<   flags       = "response"
>>         <<<<<<   transaction = 1
>>         <<<<<<   tlv_length  = 19
>>         <<<<<<   message     = "Start Network" (0x0020)
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "Result" (0x02)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 4
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 01:00:0E:00
>>         <<<<<<   translated = FAILURE: CallFailed
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "Call End Reason" (0x10)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 2
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 03:00
>>         <<<<<<   translated = generic-no-service
>>         <<<<<< TLV:
>>         <<<<<<   type       = "Verbose Call End Reason" (0x11)
>>         <<<<<<   length     = 4
>>         <<<<<<   value      = 02:00:D2:00
>>         <<<<<<   translated = [ type = 'internal' reason = '210' ]
>>         error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14):
>>         'CallFailed'
>>         call end reason (3): generic-no-service
>>         verbose call end reason (2,210): [internal]
>>         pdn-ipv6-call-disallowed
>>         [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
>>                  Service: 'wds'
>>                      CID: '9'
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Releasing
>>         'wds' client
>>         with flags 'none'...
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Unregistered
>>         'wds'
>>         client with ID '9'
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] Client released
>>         [15 Apr 2020, 08:41:01] [Debug] Closed
>>         # Failed with exit code 1 and no handle returned
>>         >> Btw, we also tried the qmi-network script, which fails
>>         similarly:
>>         >>
>>         >> $ qmi-network /dev/cdc-wdm0 start
>>         >> Loading profile at /etc/qmi-network.conf...
>>         >>       APN: internet
>>         >>       APN user: unset
>>         >>       APN password: unset
>>         >>       qmi-proxy: yes
>>         >> Checking data format with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
>>         --wda-get-data-
>>         >> format
>>         >> --device-open-proxy'...
>>         >> Device link layer protocol retrieved: raw-ip
>>         >> Getting expected data format with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
>>         >> --get-expected-data-format'...
>>         >> Expected link layer protocol retrieved: 802-3
>>         >> Updating kernel link layer protocol with 'qmicli -d
>>         /dev/cdc-wdm0
>>         >> --set-expected-data-format=raw-ip'...
>>         >> error: cannot set expected data format: Expected data
>>         format not
>>         >> updated
>>         >> properly to 'raw-ip': got '802-3' instead
>>         >> Error updating kernel link layer protocol
>>         >> Starting network with 'qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
>>         >> --wds-start-network=apn='internet' --client-no-release-cid
>>         >> --device-open-proxy'...
>>         >> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14):
>>         'CallFailed'
>>         >> call end reason (3): generic-no-service
>>         >> verbose call end reason (2,210): [internal]
>>         pdn-ipv6-call-disallowed
>>         >> Saving state at /tmp/qmi-network-state-cdc-wdm0... (CID: 9)
>>         >> error: network start failed, no packet data handle
>>         >> Clearing state at /tmp/qmi-network-state-cdc-wdm0...
>>         >>
>>         >> Best regards,
>>         >>
>>         >> *Tor Rune Skoglund*
>>         >>
>>         >>
>>         >> Den 08.04.2020 17:45, skrev Aleksander Morgado:
>>         >>> Hey,
>>         >>>
>>         >>>> tir. 7. apr. 2020 kl. 17:17 skrev Aleksander Morgado <
>>         >>>> aleksander at aleksander.es <mailto:aleksander at aleksander.es>>:
>>         >>>>>> I have some further updates here. I read another
>>         thread about
>>         >>>>>> the '-p' option,
>>         >>>>>> which, when added to all instances of qmicli invocation in
>>         >>>>>> the init.d file makes
>>         >>>>>> the problem go away in at least more than 9 out of 10
>>         cases.
>>         >>>>>> So it is
>>         >>>>>> apparently a timing issue. Still have to test this on more
>>         >>>>>> than one
>>         >>>>>> system, but I am optimistic. :)
>>         >>>>> The "-p" option, if used, must be used in ALL qmicli
>>         commands,
>>         >>>>> so that
>>         >>>>> all use the intermediate qmi-proxy.
>>         >>>>> I wonder what init.d file you're talking about, though?
>>         >>>> We initialise the modem with this routine (somewhat
>>         simplified to
>>         >>>> illustrate the points):
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> START_NETWORK_ARGS=apn="internet",ip-type=4,autoconnect=yes
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> #QMICMD='qmicli -p '
>>         >>>> QMICMD='qmicli '
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> for DEV in $(find /dev -maxdepth 1 -name "cdc-wdm*" | sort)
>>         >>>> do
>>         >>>>       WANIF=$($QMICMD -d "$DEV" -w)
>>         >>>>       if $QMICMD -d "$DEV"
>>         --wds-get-packet-service-status | grep
>>         >>>> -q status:..connected ; then
>>         >>>>           echo "Stopping as it was already connected
>>         $DEV $WANIF"
>>         >>>>           $QMICMD -d "$DEV"
>>         --wds-stop-network=disable-autoconnect
>>         >>> That above is not a good way to disconnect if you're manually
>>         >>> running
>>         >>> Start Network, see other comments below.
>>         >>>
>>         >>>>           ip link set "$WANIF" down 2>&1
>>         >>>>           ip addr flush dev "$WANIF" 2>&1
>>         >>>>           echo "Stopped broadband on $DEV $WANIF to restart
>>         >>>> connection"
>>         >>>>       fi
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>>       # Does it work at all....?
>>         >>>>       if ! $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-get-data-format ; then
>>         >>>>           echo "Modem does not respond as expected -
>>         trying to
>>         >>>> reset it"
>>         >>>>           # Here we had some code to try various things
>>         to get it
>>         >>>> working, like resetting the usb port it is connected to.
>>         >>>>           # However, following commands could still fail
>>         >>>>       fi
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>>       # Change to 802-3
>>         >>>>       if $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-get-data-format | grep
>>         -q 'raw-
>>         >>>> ip'; then
>>         >>>>           echo "Identified $DEV $WANIF as raw-ip,
>>         changing to 802-
>>         >>>> 3"
>>         >>>>           if ! $QMICMD -d "$DEV"
>>         --wda-set-data-format=802-3 ;
>>         >>>> then
>>         >>>>               echo "wda-set-data-format=802-3 failed"
>>         >>> You cannot change data format after having started the
>>         connection.
>>         >>> In
>>         >>> the logic below you're connecting in 2 different ways (start
>>         >>> network
>>         >>> with apn, and autoconnect), but you're only stopping in
>>         one way
>>         >>> (autoconnect). It may happen that the set data format
>>         fails because
>>         >>> the modem is already connected?
>>         >>>
>>         >>>>               exit 1
>>         >>>>           fi
>>         >>>>       else
>>         >>>>           echo "Failed to set $DEV $WANIF data format to
>>         802-3"
>>         >>>>       fi
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>>       # Set up if correct mode
>>         >>>>       if ! $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wda-get-data-format |
>>         grep -q '802-
>>         >>>> 3'; then
>>         >>>>           echo "Modem is not is correct data format mode"
>>         >>> Don't rely on devices supporting all 802.3. All new QMI
>>         devices
>>         >>> don't
>>         >>> support 802.3, they only support raw-ip. If you're stuck
>>         with an
>>         >>> older
>>         >>> model, this may be enough though, so just a heads up.
>>         >>>
>>         >>>>           exit 1
>>         >>>>       fi
>>         >>>>       echo "Starting broadband on $DEV $WANIF with args
>>         >>>> '$START_NETWORK_ARGS'"
>>         >>>>       $QMICMD -d "$DEV"
>>         --wds-start-network=${START_NETWORK_ARGS:-
>>         >>>> apn=\"internet\"} --client-no-release-cid
>>         >>>>       $QMICMD -d "$DEV" --wds-set-autoconnect-
>>         >>>> settings=enabled,roaming-allowed
>>         >>> You're attempting to manually connect with start network
>>         and then
>>         >>> enabling autoconnect, and that doesn't make sense, these
>>         are 2
>>         >>> different things. Autoconnect will use the "default 3GPP"
>>         profile
>>         >>> settings, and the manual start network will try to use
>>         whatever
>>         >>> settings you're passing. You should either use one
>>         approach or the
>>         >>> other, using both won't work properly I believe.
>>         >>>
>>         >>> Also, if you run start network manually, you need to keep
>>         track of
>>         >>> the
>>         >>> CID you used to connect, and also track of the
>>         "connection id"
>>         >>> returned by the command, so that you can then perform the
>>         >>> associated
>>         >>> stop network passing the correct cid and the correct
>>         connection id.
>>         >>>
>>         >>>>       echo "Started broadband on $DEV $WANIF"
>>         >>>>       killall -HUP dhcpcd
>>         >>>>       exit 0 # Done
>>         >>>> done
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> einfo "Failed to set up broadband adapter"
>>         >>>> exit 1 # Failed
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> If I use -p it seems to work close to 100% (maybe 100%
>>         of the
>>         >>>> times). Without the script fails too often on the first
>>         wda-get-
>>         >>>> data-format.
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> (Btw, --wds-start-network also gives an error, but it
>>         does not
>>         >>>> seem to affect anything:
>>         >>>> qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
>>         --wds-start-network=apn=internet,ip-
>>         >>>> type=4,autoconnect=yes --client-no-release-cid
>>         >>>> error: couldn't start network: QMI protocol error (14):
>>         >>>> 'CallFailed'
>>         >>>> call end reason (3): generic-no-service
>>         >>>> verbose call end reason (2,210): [internal] pdn-ipv6-call-
>>         >>>> disallowed
>>         >>>> [/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
>>         >>>>          Service: 'wds'
>>         >>>>              CID: '9')
>>         >>> If start network fails, but anyway you're connected it
>>         means the
>>         >>> modem
>>         >>> may be setup to autoconnect using the default 3GPP
>>         profile (see
>>         >>> qmicli
>>         >>> --wds-get-profile-list=3gpp and qmicli
>>         >>> --wds-get-default-profile-num=3gpp). So it is not that it
>>         doesn't
>>         >>> affect anything, it's that you may be trying to connect with
>>         >>> different
>>         >>> settings to the default ones, and the settings you used
>>         explicitly
>>         >>> are
>>         >>> failing.
>>         >>>
>>         >>>> Actually, while writing this mail, I made a new
>>         discovery: It
>>         >>>> looks like if  -wda-get-data-format fails once, for
>>         example when
>>         >>>> running it first without -p, it will keep on failing,
>>         even if run
>>         >>>> with -p later. However, a usb port reset (unbind/bind)
>>         will make
>>         >>>> it work again if I then run with -p directly afterwards.
>>         >>>>
>>         >>>> I have very few clues on what is going on. It could very
>>         well be
>>         >>>> that we are doing something wrong....(?)
>>         >>>>
>>         >>> The use of "-p" just makes all your qmicli requests be
>>         forwarded to
>>         >>> the device through an intermediate qmi-proxy process.
>>         This is done
>>         >>> so
>>         >>> that multiple applications can use the port at the same
>>         time for
>>         >>> different commands; either multiple qmicli calls or even
>>         different
>>         >>> programs doing different QMI interactions. E.g. you can
>>         use the
>>         >>> "Mobile Radio Monitor" program
>>         >>>
>>         (https://sigquit.wordpress.com/2013/09/17/mobile-radio-monitor/)
>>         at
>>         >>> the same time as ModemManager is managing the device
>>         because both
>>         >>> programs use the intermediate proxy. If there is one
>>         program using
>>         >>> the
>>         >>> proxy, all programs must use it.
>>         >>>
>>         >>> If some programs use it and some others don't, the ones
>>         not using
>>         >>> it
>>         >>> will all fight each other with the qmi-proxy for the
>>         access to the
>>         >>> QMI
>>         >>> control port.
>>         >>>
>>         >>> If you're on doubt on what to do, just use the proxy
>>         always always,
>>         >>> and never attempt a qmicli command without using the
>>         proxy, as that
>>         >>> will break the comm between the device and the proxy. So,
>>         the tests
>>         >>> sometimes trying with "-p" and sometimes without "-p"
>>         don't really
>>         >>> make sense because the testing itself is breaking the flow.
>>         >>>
>>         >>> Also, a lot of this logic is already handled in the
>>         qmi-network
>>         >>> script, I'd suggest you take a look at its source code,
>>         it's quite
>>         >>> simple.
>>         >>>
>>         >>> Cheers!
>>         >>>
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