QMI errors om Telit LM960A18 after reset

Alex Ballmer alexb at meshplusplus.com
Tue Feb 18 19:50:18 UTC 2020

Hi there,

I have been trying to use a Telit LM960A18 using ModemManager 1.12.6
using libqmi 1.24.4 on a router running openwrt. I have been
experiencing instability some time after the modem is reset.
Sporadically after one or more resets, the modem will refuse to connect
or reset. Resets have no effect, while attemping to bring up the wwan
network interface for the modem results in

 daemon.notice netifd: wwan (8476): error: couldn't connect the modem:
 Couldn't set operating mode: QMI protocol error (60):

being printed in syslog. This failure persists after a warm reboot. In
order to fully reset the modem a hard power cycle of the board is

Is this something that can be worked around in libqmi or is it entirely
the modem's fault?

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