Taking data bearer technology string

Carla Alvarez Chaves calvchaves at gradiant.org
Fri May 15 16:07:41 UTC 2020

Hi, I'm trying to make a C++ program (not a command line program like
qmicli) which catches the result of commands like the qmicli command

sudo qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-get-data-bearer-technology -p and is
able to use it in a main (or another function), like as an if condition to
make a decision, for example.

Do you know what I mean? Until now, I was looking to the qmicli code and
I'm currently able to see the result (the current technology) in the
console (thanks to a gprint) when executing my C++ code (I'm getting the
same result as if I were typing *sudo qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0
--wds-get-data-bearer-technology -p* on the console) but I'm not being able
to pass that result to my main in order to use it as an if condition, for

Thanks in advance.
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