Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Wed Oct 7 10:11:24 UTC 2020


> an other question:
> why you don't provide a bash script to keep connection alive?
> is impossible to do it?

It's not impossible, it's just that different users will have
different requirements, and so implementing something that is generic
enough to be shipped with qmicli/qmi-network is very hard. I've worked
with multiple companies in the past writing different "wwan monitor"
applications, and each company really had their own usecases and
requirements. E.g. in your case, you would like to check signal
quality before attempting a connection, and then check connectivity
with pings to some server out there. I've written such monitors even
on top of ModemManager+NetworkManager, which already give you
"autoconnection" logic, because there may be multiple ways to check
connectivity and multiple ways to attempt to recover the connection
(e.g. including a modem reset).

My suggestion, if you just want to have autoconnection setup, is to
use ModemManager+NetworkManager instead of the very raw qmicli
communication with the modem.


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