Reliability with Quectel modem

Peter Naulls peter at
Fri Sep 4 15:42:27 UTC 2020

On 9/4/20 6:48 AM, Peter Naulls wrote:
> On 9/4/20 4:51 AM, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
>> Yes, it's definitely confused by the TAB (ASCII 0x09) in
>> __qmi_string_utf8_validate_printable(). We already allow \r and \n in
>> that check (as NMEA traces contain them) so we can probably also add
>> \t as an allowed character as well.
>> See:
> You get a trailing space, but I suppose that's to be expected.
>      Model: 'EM12-AW    '

I know that messing with strings in these cases is asking for all kinds of 
trouble, but is it worth removing trailing spaces?   The luci Javascript does
a trim on this anyway, so it doesn't matter for my purposes, but it's something
you might consider.

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