
Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Tue Aug 31 13:47:44 UTC 2021


> For a device that talks QMI, if the firmware options are the same and fixed everytime, it should be possible to only use QMI to update firmware?

There are modules that use QMI exclusively to download new firmware
(e.g. HP lt4120 can do that via QMI PDC). Other modules use QMI to
download carrier configs, but not system firmware (e.g. Dell DW5821e
also using QMI PDC). None of those are currently supported by
qmi-firmware-update, which is, as of now, a Sierra Wireless specific
update tool. For Sierra Wireless modules, you cannot do a QMI-only
firmware upgrade (as far as I know), you still need Firehose or QDL,
and that's what qmi-firmware-update provides.


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