Connecting to 5G

Carl Yin(殷张成) carl.yin at
Mon Jun 7 09:26:15 UTC 2021

	Next commit maybe helpful.

Thanks & Best Regards!

> > While scanning you would not see a 5G network, since it is non-standalone, so it
> only provides a secondary, optional and faster data radio bearer. However SIB2 iirc
> shall contain a single bit indicating your LTE master node has a 5G node connected
> to it, allowing you to potentially get the 5G bearer. However I am unsure if this
> information is exposed in any way in libqmi. On Android e.g. you could see it with a
> 5G logo at the top without being filled with white color. If it is filled you have an
> active 5G DRB working. If it is just the contours it means you are in the coverage
> area potentially, but the bearer is not active.
> This is extremely valuable information. If Android is showing that, we should
> definitely be able to do the same. Does anyone know what QMI TLV or message
> would allow us to know whether we're registered in 4G + 5G NSA? @Eric Caruso
> @Andrew Lassalle @Carl Yin(殷张成) @Daniele Palmas ?
> --
> Aleksander

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