Hash File

Aleksander Morgado aleksander at aleksander.es
Tue May 18 19:50:29 UTC 2021


> Not sure if anyone's been having this issue but the hash file for libqmi-1.28.4 wasn't working for me when using buildroot:
> $ sha256sum libqmi-1.28.4.tar.xz
>     3b14cd2ab5221a7adbb39fed16ef697538ea1c79308821ad2d19b505e1daaea0  libqmi-1.28.2.tar.xz
>     $ gpg --verify libqmi-1.28.4.tar.xz.asc libqmi-1.28.4.tar.xz
> Used the following in buildroot-2019.02.6/package/libqmi/libqmi.hash instead:
> sha256 3b14cd2ab5221a7adbb39fed16ef697538ea1c79308821ad2d19b505e1daaea0 libqmi-1.28.4.tar.xz
> This works for me.

Looks like I didn't rename the tarball name in the sha256sum output in
the release announcement, it still says libqmi-1.28.2.tar.xz while it
should have been libqmi-1.28.4.tar.xz
But the actual hash value is ok, right?

Sorry for the confusion here :/


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