QMI Message for Network Survey
Richard Genoud
richard.genoud at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 06:36:32 UTC 2023
Le 15/06/2023 à 12:18, Richard Genoud a écrit :
> Le 15/06/2023 à 09:36, Daniele Palmas a écrit :
>> Hello Richard,
>> Il giorno mer 14 giu 2023 alle ore 14:52 Richard Genoud
>> <richard.genoud at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> Hi all,
>>> On Telit modems, there's an AT command AT#CSURVC that dumps informations
>>> on all surrounding cells.
>>> e.g. :
>>> <uarfcn>,<rxLev>,<mcc>,<mnc>,<scrcode>,<cellId>,<lac>,<cellStat>,<rscp>,<ecio>
>>> I tried to find some specification on the Qualcomm MSM Interface listing
>>> the messages IDs but without success.
>>> Do anyone has access to this kind of information ?
>> I suggest you send this request to Telit technical support: maybe the
>> information you are looking for is available also on a custom Telit
>> QMI request, so it would be easy to add support for that in libqmi.
>> If, instead, they are related to Qualcomm requests, it could be more
>> difficult due to NDA/licensing issues.
For the record, I contacted Telit tech-support and they told me that it
can't be done with QMI.
They just proposed to use modemmanager in debug mode and issue the
AT#CSURVC command :/
Anyway, I guess I'll have to stop modemmanager, issue the command and
restart it after.
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