Who generates answer on "Get Current Data Bearer Technology" (--wds-get-current-data-bearer-technology)? It seems to occur only with qmimux...

Reinhard Speyerer rspmn at arcor.de
Wed Oct 25 20:17:00 UTC 2023

On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 12:05:44PM +0200, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey,
> [...]
> In this case, the translation doesn't work.
> 0x00000400 = 1024 = none (wrong)
> We use qmi_wds_rat_3gpp_build_string_from_mask() to translate the
> bitmask into a string because we expect the values to come from the
> QmiWdsRat3gpp enum, which has the following values:
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_NONE        = 0,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_WCDMA       = 1 << 0,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_GPRS        = 1 << 1,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_HSDPA       = 1 << 2,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_HSUPA       = 1 << 3,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_EDGE        = 1 << 4,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_LTE         = 1 << 5,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_HSDPAPLUS   = 1 << 6,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_64QAM       = 1 << 8,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_TDSCDMA     = 1 << 9,
>     QMI_WDS_RAT_3GPP_NULL_BEARER = 1 << 15
> As you can see we're missing the "1 << 10" value, which would be the
> one required to translate the 0x00000400 in your result. I'd guess
> this is a 5G related value.
> >
> > Is this something libqmi generates? Or is such an answer directly coming
> > from the used modem (in this case a Quectel RM520N-GL)
> >
> > and therefore I must clarify with support of Quectel?
> >
> We need to know what that flag value is, and just add a new item in
> the QmiWdsRat3gpp enum type.

Hi Aleksander,
hallo Martin,

I was able to reproduce the observed effect with a Quectel RM500Q-AE.
For 5G SA the returned value was always 0x400 and for 5G NSA 0x400
only seemed to be returned when ENDC was active.


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