Error "free(): double free detected in tcache 2" when querying info from libqmi via Python API

Martin Maurer martin.maurer at
Sat Sep 23 11:04:21 UTC 2023

Hello Aleksander,

I already tried to update (via sudo apt update/upgrade/dist-upgrade) my 
version on Raspberry Pi 4,

but version is and stays at 1.26.10-0.1

trio at radio2:~ $ qmicli --version
qmicli 1.26.10
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Aleksander Morgado
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later 
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

trio at radio2:~ $ sudo apt list | grep libqmi

WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in 

libqmi-glib-dev/oldstable,now 1.26.10-0.1 arm64 [installed]
libqmi-glib-dev/oldstable 1.26.10-0.1 armhf
libqmi-glib-doc/oldstable,oldstable 1.26.10-0.1 all
libqmi-glib5/oldstable,now 1.26.10-0.1 arm64 [installed,automatic]
libqmi-glib5/oldstable 1.26.10-0.1 armhf
libqmi-proxy/oldstable,now 1.26.10-0.1 arm64 [installed,automatic]
libqmi-proxy/oldstable 1.26.10-0.1 armhf
libqmi-utils/oldstable,now 1.26.10-0.1 arm64 [installed]
libqmi-utils/oldstable 1.26.10-0.1 armhf
trio at radio2:~ $

How can I update, what is already delivered by my system?

Or is the way to go to download libqmi sources and build/install.

Will it update the part which could make me problems?

Take the sources from here? Is this the most up-to-date-version?

1.26.10 seems to be around 2 years old.

How to officially get a newer version into Raspberry Pi OS Environment? 
Do you/does someone know?

Many thanks!

Best regards,


Am 22.09.2023 um 15:04 schrieb Aleksander Morgado:
> Hey,
>> I am trying to learn how to use the Python API of libqmi.
>> I extended the to press a key and query some information.
>> When trying to get the revision, I get the correct revision, but afterwards I get the error message “free(): double free detected in tcache 2”.
>> I tried the same with getting the model, and same behaviour: Model can be printed and is correct, but then same error message.
> What libqmi version are you using?

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