IPv6 address not stable, when querying via --wds-get-current-settings (from same CID)
Martin Maurer
martin.maurer at mmeacs.de
Mon Sep 25 10:27:45 UTC 2023
I am using a self-compiled libqmi 1.33.8 on a Raspberry Pi 4 (OS from
May 2023)
I am establishing a Internet connection (IPv6)
I am doing multiple --wds-get-current-settings (around 1 second between
each request).
IPv6 address changes on each request, all other entries remain stable.
(4 numbers equal, the other 4 number change)
Even when "/64" (half of the 128 bit number) shall it change all the time???
$ sudo qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-qmi
--wds-get-current-settings --client-no-release-cid --client-cid=20
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Current settings retrieved:
IP Family: IPv6
IPv6 address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:1119:62a:5b0e:ee93/64
IPv6 gateway address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d520:c322:e4f6:c41c/64
IPv6 primary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:221
IPv6 secondary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:222
MTU: 1500
Domains: none
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
Service: 'wds'
CID: '20'
$ sudo qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-qmi
--wds-get-current-settings --client-no-release-cid --client-cid=20
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Current settings retrieved:
IP Family: IPv6
IPv6 address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:35cb:6b3c:577c:12dc/64
IPv6 gateway address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d520:c322:e4f6:c41c/64
IPv6 primary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:221
IPv6 secondary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:222
MTU: 1500
Domains: none
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
Service: 'wds'
CID: '20'
$ sudo qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-qmi
--wds-get-current-settings --client-no-release-cid --client-cid=20
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Current settings retrieved:
IP Family: IPv6
IPv6 address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:ad22:e50:5401:7ae9/64
IPv6 gateway address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d520:c322:e4f6:c41c/64
IPv6 primary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:221
IPv6 secondary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:222
MTU: 1500
Domains: none
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
Service: 'wds'
CID: '20'
trio at radio2:~ $
Logs of 3 calls:
$ sudo qmicli -v -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-qmi
--wds-get-current-settings --client-no-release-cid --client-cid=20
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] opening device with
flags 'proxy'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] created endpoint
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 28
<<<<<< data = 01:1B:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:FF:10:00...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 27
<<<<<< flags = 0x00
<<<<<< service = "ctl"
<<<<<< client = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "none"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 16
<<<<<< message = "Internal Proxy Open" (0xFF00)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Device Path" (0x01)
<<<<<< length = 13
<<<<<< value = 2F:64:65:76:2F:63:64:63:2D:77:64:6D:30
<<<<<< translated = /dev/cdc-wdm0
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 19
<<<<<< data = 01:12:00:80:00:00:01:01:00:FF:07:00...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 18
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "ctl"
<<<<<< client = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "response"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 7
<<<<<< message = "Internal Proxy Open" (0xFF00)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = SUCCESS
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] Reusing CID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] assuming service 'wds'
is supported...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] reusing client CID '20'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] registered 'wds'
(version unknown) client with ID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] Asynchronously getting current settings...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 20
<<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:01:14:00:01:00:2D:00:07...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 19
<<<<<< flags = 0x00
<<<<<< service = "wds"
<<<<<< client = 20
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "none"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 7
<<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Requested Settings" (0x10)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 30:E3:00:00
<<<<<< translated = dns-address, granted-qos, ip-address,
gateway-info, mtu, domain-name-list, ip-family
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 113
<<<<<< data = 01:70:00:80:01:14:02:01:00:2D:00:64...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 112
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "wds"
<<<<<< client = 20
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "response"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 100
<<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = SUCCESS
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Address" (0x25)
<<<<<< length = 17
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:99:09:05:8D:22:E9:3A:0F:41:F8:84:9E:1B:40
<<<<<< translated = [ address = '{ [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1433 ' [2] =
'2309 ' [3] = '36130 ' [4] = '59706 ' [5] = '3905 ' [6] = '63620 ' [7] =
'40475 '}' prefix_length = '64' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Gateway Address" (0x26)
<<<<<< length = 17
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:99:09:05:8D:22:D5:20:C3:22:E4:F6:C4:1C:40
<<<<<< translated = [ address = '{ [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1433 ' [2] =
'2309 ' [3] = '36130 ' [4] = '54560 ' [5] = '49954 ' [6] = '58614 ' [7]
= '50204 '}' prefix_length = '64' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Primary DNS Address" (0x27)
<<<<<< length = 16
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:98:07:FF:00:00:00:10:00:74:02:10:02:21
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1432 ' [2] = '2047 ' [3] =
'0 ' [4] = '16 ' [5] = '116 ' [6] = '528 ' [7] = '545 '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Secondary DNS Address" (0x28)
<<<<<< length = 16
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:98:07:FF:00:00:00:10:00:74:02:10:02:22
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1432 ' [2] = '2047 ' [3] =
'0 ' [4] = '16 ' [5] = '116 ' [6] = '528 ' [7] = '546 '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "MTU" (0x29)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = DC:05:00:00
<<<<<< translated = 1500
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Domain Name List" (0x2a)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = {}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IP Family" (0x2b)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 06
<<<<<< translated = ipv6
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Current settings retrieved:
IP Family: IPv6
IPv6 address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:e93a:f41:f884:9e1b/64
IPv6 gateway address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d520:c322:e4f6:c41c/64
IPv6 primary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:221
IPv6 secondary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:222
MTU: 1500
Domains: none
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
Service: 'wds'
CID: '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] releasing 'wds' client
with flags 'none'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] unregistered 'wds'
client with ID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] Client released
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:28] [Debug] Closed
$ sudo qmicli -v -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-qmi
--wds-get-current-settings --client-no-release-cid --client-cid=20
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] opening device with
flags 'proxy'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] created endpoint
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 28
<<<<<< data = 01:1B:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:FF:10:00...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 27
<<<<<< flags = 0x00
<<<<<< service = "ctl"
<<<<<< client = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "none"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 16
<<<<<< message = "Internal Proxy Open" (0xFF00)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Device Path" (0x01)
<<<<<< length = 13
<<<<<< value = 2F:64:65:76:2F:63:64:63:2D:77:64:6D:30
<<<<<< translated = /dev/cdc-wdm0
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 19
<<<<<< data = 01:12:00:80:00:00:01:01:00:FF:07:00...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 18
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "ctl"
<<<<<< client = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "response"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 7
<<<<<< message = "Internal Proxy Open" (0xFF00)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = SUCCESS
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] Reusing CID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] assuming service 'wds'
is supported...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] reusing client CID '20'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] registered 'wds'
(version unknown) client with ID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] Asynchronously getting current settings...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 20
<<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:01:14:00:01:00:2D:00:07...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 19
<<<<<< flags = 0x00
<<<<<< service = "wds"
<<<<<< client = 20
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "none"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 7
<<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Requested Settings" (0x10)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 30:E3:00:00
<<<<<< translated = dns-address, granted-qos, ip-address,
gateway-info, mtu, domain-name-list, ip-family
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 113
<<<<<< data = 01:70:00:80:01:14:02:01:00:2D:00:64...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 112
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "wds"
<<<<<< client = 20
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "response"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 100
<<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = SUCCESS
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Address" (0x25)
<<<<<< length = 17
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:99:09:05:8D:22:D4:57:B4:4E:13:CE:4B:D2:40
<<<<<< translated = [ address = '{ [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1433 ' [2] =
'2309 ' [3] = '36130 ' [4] = '54359 ' [5] = '46158 ' [6] = '5070 ' [7] =
'19410 '}' prefix_length = '64' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Gateway Address" (0x26)
<<<<<< length = 17
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:99:09:05:8D:22:D5:20:C3:22:E4:F6:C4:1C:40
<<<<<< translated = [ address = '{ [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1433 ' [2] =
'2309 ' [3] = '36130 ' [4] = '54560 ' [5] = '49954 ' [6] = '58614 ' [7]
= '50204 '}' prefix_length = '64' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Primary DNS Address" (0x27)
<<<<<< length = 16
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:98:07:FF:00:00:00:10:00:74:02:10:02:21
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1432 ' [2] = '2047 ' [3] =
'0 ' [4] = '16 ' [5] = '116 ' [6] = '528 ' [7] = '545 '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Secondary DNS Address" (0x28)
<<<<<< length = 16
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:98:07:FF:00:00:00:10:00:74:02:10:02:22
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1432 ' [2] = '2047 ' [3] =
'0 ' [4] = '16 ' [5] = '116 ' [6] = '528 ' [7] = '546 '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "MTU" (0x29)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = DC:05:00:00
<<<<<< translated = 1500
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Domain Name List" (0x2a)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = {}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IP Family" (0x2b)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 06
<<<<<< translated = ipv6
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Current settings retrieved:
IP Family: IPv6
IPv6 address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d457:b44e:13ce:4bd2/64
IPv6 gateway address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d520:c322:e4f6:c41c/64
IPv6 primary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:221
IPv6 secondary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:222
MTU: 1500
Domains: none
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
Service: 'wds'
CID: '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] releasing 'wds' client
with flags 'none'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] unregistered 'wds'
client with ID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] Client released
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:29] [Debug] Closed
$ sudo qmicli -v -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-qmi
--wds-get-current-settings --client-no-release-cid --client-cid=20
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] opening device with
flags 'proxy'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] created endpoint
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 28
<<<<<< data = 01:1B:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:FF:10:00...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 27
<<<<<< flags = 0x00
<<<<<< service = "ctl"
<<<<<< client = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "none"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 16
<<<<<< message = "Internal Proxy Open" (0xFF00)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Device Path" (0x01)
<<<<<< length = 13
<<<<<< value = 2F:64:65:76:2F:63:64:63:2D:77:64:6D:30
<<<<<< translated = /dev/cdc-wdm0
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 19
<<<<<< data = 01:12:00:80:00:00:01:01:00:FF:07:00...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 18
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "ctl"
<<<<<< client = 0
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "response"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 7
<<<<<< message = "Internal Proxy Open" (0xFF00)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = SUCCESS
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] QMI Device at '/dev/cdc-wdm0' ready
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] Reusing CID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] assuming service 'wds'
is supported...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] reusing client CID '20'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] registered 'wds'
(version unknown) client with ID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] Asynchronously getting current settings...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 20
<<<<<< data = 01:13:00:00:01:14:00:01:00:2D:00:07...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] sent generic request
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 19
<<<<<< flags = 0x00
<<<<<< service = "wds"
<<<<<< client = 20
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "none"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 7
<<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Requested Settings" (0x10)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 30:E3:00:00
<<<<<< translated = dns-address, granted-qos, ip-address,
gateway-info, mtu, domain-name-list, ip-family
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received message...
<<<<<< RAW:
<<<<<< length = 113
<<<<<< data = 01:70:00:80:01:14:02:01:00:2D:00:64...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] received generic
response (translated)...
<<<<<< QMUX:
<<<<<< length = 112
<<<<<< flags = 0x80
<<<<<< service = "wds"
<<<<<< client = 20
<<<<<< QMI:
<<<<<< flags = "response"
<<<<<< transaction = 1
<<<<<< tlv_length = 100
<<<<<< message = "Get Current Settings" (0x002D)
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Result" (0x02)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = 00:00:00:00
<<<<<< translated = SUCCESS
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Address" (0x25)
<<<<<< length = 17
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:99:09:05:8D:22:24:6B:4F:7A:F2:9D:44:25:40
<<<<<< translated = [ address = '{ [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1433 ' [2] =
'2309 ' [3] = '36130 ' [4] = '9323 ' [5] = '20346 ' [6] = '62109 ' [7] =
'17445 '}' prefix_length = '64' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Gateway Address" (0x26)
<<<<<< length = 17
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:99:09:05:8D:22:D5:20:C3:22:E4:F6:C4:1C:40
<<<<<< translated = [ address = '{ [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1433 ' [2] =
'2309 ' [3] = '36130 ' [4] = '54560 ' [5] = '49954 ' [6] = '58614 ' [7]
= '50204 '}' prefix_length = '64' ]
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Primary DNS Address" (0x27)
<<<<<< length = 16
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:98:07:FF:00:00:00:10:00:74:02:10:02:21
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1432 ' [2] = '2047 ' [3] =
'0 ' [4] = '16 ' [5] = '116 ' [6] = '528 ' [7] = '545 '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IPv6 Secondary DNS Address" (0x28)
<<<<<< length = 16
<<<<<< value = 2A:01:05:98:07:FF:00:00:00:10:00:74:02:10:02:22
<<<<<< translated = { [0] = '10753 ' [1] = '1432 ' [2] = '2047 ' [3] =
'0 ' [4] = '16 ' [5] = '116 ' [6] = '528 ' [7] = '546 '}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "MTU" (0x29)
<<<<<< length = 4
<<<<<< value = DC:05:00:00
<<<<<< translated = 1500
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "Domain Name List" (0x2a)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 00
<<<<<< translated = {}
<<<<<< TLV:
<<<<<< type = "IP Family" (0x2b)
<<<<<< length = 1
<<<<<< value = 06
<<<<<< translated = ipv6
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Current settings retrieved:
IP Family: IPv6
IPv6 address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:246b:4f7a:f29d:4425/64
IPv6 gateway address: 2a01:599:905:8d22:d520:c322:e4f6:c41c/64
IPv6 primary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:221
IPv6 secondary DNS: 2a01:598:7ff:0:10:74:210:222
MTU: 1500
Domains: none
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Client ID not released:
Service: 'wds'
CID: '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] releasing 'wds' client
with flags 'none'...
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] [/dev/cdc-wdm0] unregistered 'wds'
client with ID '20'
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] Client released
[25 Sep 2023, 11:16:30] [Debug] Closed
I am using a Quectel EM05-E
(revision: EM05EFAR06A06M4G)
Correct behaviour? Possible problem of libqmi? Possible problem of the
firmware of the used Quectel module?
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