wget with https not working via qmimux0

Martin Maurer martin.maurer at mmeacs.de
Fri May 3 13:38:47 UTC 2024


I establish a connection via qmicli.

I set raw IP to "Y". I am using qmimux0.

I can sent pings (e.g. to with various ping message sizes).

When I use wget with --bin-address=x.x.x.x (x.x.x.x the assigned IPv4 
address), the http seems to work.

I get a redirection to https, but https it not successful. It seems that 
https start phase (encryption) is not successful.

Also downloading via http does not work. Perhaps something with big 
frames received as answer?

Doing the same over attached ethernet works.

I have set MTU to the value I got during connection establishment.

Does someone have a clue, what could be wrong or have seen the same 

I have previously used a linux kernel 5.x, meanwhile using a linux 
kernel 6.6.21, but same behaviour.

qmicli version 1.34.

Many thanks!

Best regards,


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