[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] weds 9th dec IRC log

lara lab_web at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 9 13:39:14 PST 2015

FYI - please see below. best, lara

* Now talking on #lgm

* pippin turns out to be cheekily present in an irc meeting - with
laptop part hidden under a restaurant table,. now ordering food
<laraaa> :)
<laraaa> hi all
<phillll> hey!
<gwidion_> Hi there!
<F_S> hey!
<F_S> "cheekily present" hmm
<sanguivor> pippin: You can just say it's a very big iPhone if people
give you dirty looks.
<laraaa> shall we start?
<phillll> yep
<F_S> yes
<F_S> do we have a list of things somewhere?
<laraaa> sec
<laraaa> http://piratepad.be/p/LGM-London
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> http://piratepad.be/p/lgm16-exibition
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> although there's no written agenda
<laraaa> for this meeting
<laraaa> phil and i wanted to talk about exhibition
<gwidion_> go for it, then;
<laraaa> but also about fundraising
<phillll> and i also think we need to discuss funding/ sponsorship
<laraaa> and we have 9 submissions so far
<phillll> so, let's start with the exhibition...
* F_S has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
<phillll> to re-cap, we a proposing an invited exhibition
<laraaa> in campus' gallery
<phillll> that will run from the week before the meeting and for 4
weeks(?) after
<phillll> we will use some of the local budget to fund this, as well as
support 'in-kind' from the gallery managers
<gwidion_> cool
<laraaa> dates 15th April - 22nd May
<laraaa> the gallery also have a small budget for publicity
<phillll> and the idea if for the exhibition to reflect the call/ theme
for 2016
* F_S (~fs at has joined #lgm
<phillll> there has also been a parallel discussion about a particular
exhibition for 20 years of gimp
<F_S> (sorry, back)
<laraaa> do you need recap?
<F_S> its exhibition, right?
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> ok
<gwidion_> I was not aware of the exhibition, but by now I could
catch-up by reading the etherpad.
<phillll> http://piratepad.be/p/lgm16-exibition
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> there's a gallery at the campus and i thought it would be a
nice opportunity to show off the highlights of LGM
<laraaa> we than pput up an applicatin (had to be done)
<laraaa> institution...
<F_S> yes so it got approved?
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> good :-)
<F_S> how large is the
<laraaa> dates 15th April - 22nd May
<F_S> space?
<laraaa> phil and i will have a meeeting with gallery manager and
director next week
<laraaa> just a sec - there's a pic or two on the wordpress
<phillll> space is a good size, with a separate side room which would be
good for video/ projection
<F_S> ok so how do you think about this -- you want to curate it/invite
<phillll> and we should be getting some tech support from the gallery
people in terms of screens etc
<F_S> nice
<phillll> yes - i think we should be inviting specific people
<phillll> it is a good draw - london exhibition, university location etc....
<F_S> we could have added it to the form ... so people could also
<F_S> propose stuff. is that an idea?
<F_S> or too complicated?
<laraaa> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/temp-location-images-page/
<mrscribe> Title: Temp location images page Libre Graphics Meeting 2016
(at libregraphicsmeeting.org)
<laraaa> twds bottom of the page
<pippin> it could be nice to have a cycling slide show, of contributed
content - that also could be redistributed and cycled on other
screens/places as example libre graphics work, "a portfolio of the
<F_S> yes.
<laraaa> we already have a wish-list... but are open for your
suggestions before we start planning with the gallery lot
<phillll> we had considered it butt felt that it would leave too many
variables - either we leave the call very open and the propositions are
large/ complex, or we are very specific about format and it becomes a
bit restrictive
<F_S> hmm true
<phillll> we could do another call, though, for the portfolio?
<F_S> yes, coincide it with the state-of-libre-graphics call
<phillll> is also a good way to keep up the 'noise' about the meeting in
<laraaa> yup
<F_S> so you want to discuss the invitations for works here tonight?
<F_S> space looks good btw
<laraaa> yes, there can be a series of large prints of particular
<laraaa> screens with slide shows or idividual projects
<phillll> so far, we only have a very preliminary list of possibles, so
would be good to develop this together and agree a deadline (soon!) for
finalising it...
<laraaa> as well as physical objects on or without plinths
<F_S> ok this is the list below on the pad?
<laraaa> yes
<gwidion_> you mention three projectors - if that is fixed, having one
with a slideshow and two others with projects that require a screen
would be nice.
<F_S> ok, i move it up so we can add some names
<F_S> gwidion_: any people you can think of ?
<gwidion_> Not out of my head. If we are going to invite some of the
projects, I'd say Pat David is a sure bet
<F_S> he's already doing a workshop i guess, laraaa ?
<laraaa> yes, in furtherfield gallery
<houz> https://discuss.pixls.us/t/lgm-london-2016/544
<mrscribe> Title: LGM/London 2016 - Meta - discuss.pixls.us (at
<laraaa> actually to be precise in furtherfield commons
<F_S> i'm just wondering if the exhibition needs to be more explicitly
related to "other dimensions" somehow, to prevent it becomes demo-space
or from a too tight group
<laraaa> yes,
<F_S> right now i think it is too narrow, and also some things we've
seen before
<laraaa> we did, but london hasn't...
<laraaa> or didn't :)
<F_S> hah
<laraaa> i dont know, maybe i'm too much into "introduction" mode...
<F_S> so to start at the other end: these are volunteer contributions
<F_S> ?
<F_S> i mean we work with zero budget for materials, transport?
<phillll> we will have some budget to cover local transport, for example
<F_S> ok good news
<gwidion_> and printing?
<laraaa> there's good printin
<laraaa> sorry
<gwidion_> :-)
<phillll> so cant 'import' anything...
<phillll> gooooood printin'
<gwidion_> 3d printing?
<laraaa> there's printing facility  at the campus - 2d
<laraaa> 3d is available for moneys in a few places, but i'm no expert
<laraaa> i would inquire to see if we could do some printing at the
campus if there's interest
<phillll> i have access to 'affordable' 3D printing, though my university
<F_S> I can see with Wendy about 'objects in common'
<phillll> in sheffield
<F_S> the idea is that people prototype objhects that can be remade
<laraaa> this is local to me: http://makerscafe.com/
<mrscribe> Title: Laser Cutting | 3D Printing | Coffee makersCAFE (at
<gwidion_> I see.
<laraaa> it aint floss though
<F_S> not good
<pippin> wendy (sits left of me) says hi :)
<gwidion_> So, do we have a time limit for this meeting? If so, are we
talking about funding/sponsorship as well?
<F_S> huh?
<laraaa> hi wendy!
<F_S> where are you pippin
<F_S> in MAdrid?
<pippin> mhm
<F_S> oh ok secret
<laraaa> yeah, thanks gwidion
<gwidion_> (I am cool with time, though)
<gwidion_> pippin is at "dinner". He said it already.  :-) And hi, Wendy!
<laraaa> so, for the exhibition - we opened the conversation, phil and
will discuss local issues tomorrw and prep for the meeting
<F_S> ok
<laraaa> meeting with gallery ppl on 16th dec and we feed back with options
<laraaa> is that ok?
<F_S> perfect
<laraaa> meanwhile please feel free to add ideas, questions et all to
the piratepad
<F_S> so timeline is .. invites out end of january?
<gwidion_> ok- i think one thing to have in mind is a balance between
invitations/call for projects, and how to manage those calls.
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> yes, also if there is a lot of production to be done, someone else
than lara/phil needs to make time for that
<laraaa> there was an opetion that antonio may want to do this, but
havent heared from him in a while
<phillll> we will have help also from the students (them again!) i hope
<laraaa> yes, there will be students - i'm soliciting large quantities ;)
<gwidion_> ahhahaa
<F_S> ok great. would be wonderful if they could curate a show actually
<F_S> they'll find lots of new stuff
<laraaa> students will lead a workshop
<laraaa> just added this info to the http://piratepad.be/p/LGM-London
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> to be honest - it may be a stretch  to ask them to curate the
<F_S> yes i know ..
<laraaa> shall we move to sponsorships? or we have something else to add
for the show?
<F_S> small intermezzo: already 9 submissions for talks and all
interesting, all first-time presenters I think
<phillll> i like the steganography one
<laraaa> :)
<phillll> yes, fundraising
<F_S> how's that?
<F_S> ;-)
<F_S> ok
<laraaa> so we are set with local moneys i think
<laraaa> yesterday i approached a friend who will help me with
corporate funding
<laraaa> we're meeting in early jan to figure out who to approach
<F_S> oh that is great news
<laraaa> but i would like to encourage launch of pledgie campaign
<F_S> so with "all set with local moneys" you mean to pay for local costs
<F_S> ?
<laraaa> i think do we have secured £4000
<laraaa> for print show, etc +£1500 from the gallery for marketing,
private view and some such
<laraaa> but have no moneys for the reimbursements
<F_S> ok, so that's clear
<F_S> any news from louis, n8willis on this? they were taking this on right?
<laraaa> would it be ok to send and email out to lgm-org and nudge all
to use http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/support-lgm/
<mrscribe> Title: Support LGM 2016 Libre Graphics Meeting 2016 (at
<laraaa> we had correspondence with louis, but not much have moved to my
<n8willis> eek; didn't realize there was a meeting going on!
<F_S> what would you expect to happen from this?
<F_S> ah hello mr n8willis
<n8willis> I probably cannot stay at participate right at the moment;
we're in the middle of publishing our weekly edition....
<n8willis> (hello F_S !)
<laraaa> hi nate
<F_S> it's LGM2016 funding time ... any news? or soon?
<n8willis> not immediately
<F_S> ok
<F_S> phillll: you started working on the funding letter
http://piratepad.be/p/LGM-London-Funding ?
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<phillll> i put something together, developed a little from what i have
seen previously
<phillll> and then got some comments from louis
<phillll> about how best to 'hook' the bigger donors
<F_S> i see "Great  graphic design, great pictures, great text. Short,
to the point,  explicit and bearing in mind what’s good for this industry"
<F_S> soo
<phillll> i am not familiar with who these are/ how this has been done
<laraaa> me neither
<F_S> long time ago we did something for Python, but there is no LGM
corporate brochure
<phillll> and i am not clear what sort of 'supporting material has been
used in the past/ or has been missing and could provided now?
<phillll> louis mentioned that we need to be clear what 'benefits' are
to be had from supporting lgm - which i agree with, in principle
<phillll> but i dont know how this needs to be stated for the big donors
<F_S> it means someone needs to manage the relationship, i guess
<phillll> are these benefits the same for all of them? do we target
specific orgs/ people
<phillll> have we ever had feedback from sponsors in the past?
<pippin> I would like to raise the question of financial structure of
LGM as well, canada is not good for international banking
<F_S> i don't know -- contacts have always been through Louis or n8willis ?
<pippin> burdening the local organizer with the task of reimbursements,
as well as doing accounting for sponsorship is a stretch though
<F_S> reimbursement them
<F_S> selves are not handled by local
<n8willis> pippin, I think for right now, we must rely on volunteers for
accounting & reimbursement, HOWEVER...
<n8willis> I plan to propose a talk for some changes we can make
<gwidion_> One thing I am thinking about for 2017 is to provide the
sponsors access to free training sessions/workshops - possibly donated
by the local team.  Of cousrse LGM workshops are to be free to everyone,
so that would imply in having sponsor's only workshop sessions.
<pippin> well, if we could rely on the finance people - last year it
seems like sponsorship was hindered by louis
<n8willis> ...hopefully which will ease the volunteer burden.
* a-l-e (~ale at box.ditoy.com) has joined #lgm
<phillll> i am happy to provide docs, letter etc (especially with the
new jazzy graphics for 2016!!), but i would need a bit more direction as
to what was required/ helpful
<laraaa> + what is the approximate budget we're seeking to cover
<pippin> n8willis: changes we can make, hopefully includes removing the
ability for any single person to be a dependency/bottleneck - that
through inaction causes damage
<F_S> n8willis do you think you can maybe join a next time with some
clarity on strategy and how local team can help with general sponsoring?
<n8willis> F_S, probably -- when?
<n8willis> I am free all of next week, for instance
<laraaa> how about next weds again - we'll have news from the gallery too...
<laraaa> or is that too soon?
<phillll> yes - works for me
<phillll> no, would be good to have one about this issue before the end
of the year
<F_S> think so too
<laraaa> +1
<F_S> nate, would you have time to prepare with the others involved in
<n8willis> I believe so, yes
* a-l-e has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
<F_S> great
<F_S> so global sponsorship is for next week
<gwidion_> Wednesday, same time?
<laraaa> yes
<phillll> 16th at 2100 CET
<laraaa> and short report about the show?
<laraaa> ;)
<F_S> yes!
<pippin> yep! :)
<laraaa> so what is general feeling about the website?
<F_S> niceeee!
<phillll> i think it has been a real journey for the students,,,,,
<laraaa> great work by ale&manuel+students did not disappoint
<laraaa> yesh, they are getting more and more involved...
<phillll> ale and manuel did/ doing a great job!!
<F_S> that's such an accomplishment
<F_S> they worked a lot on the way the proposals are handled also
<F_S> so gwidion_ next year all will be smooth
<gwidion_> I'd like to see that! :-)
<gwidion_> And I still hope to have good news on that front even before
LGM 2016
* patdavid (~patdavid at 199-36-84-186.static-ip.telepacific.net) has
joined #lgm
<laraaa> ok, so shall we wrap this up?
<F_S> ah one q for gwidion_
<F_S> would you want to help out with state of the libre graphics this year?
<laraaa> ah, yes!
<F_S> pippin has been doing it so far
<laraaa> thanks for remembering F_S
<gwidion_> I could do, yes. (I remember making up some hurried GIMP
slides for the State last year - I don't even know if they were used)
<F_S> but would be great if we could make that an estafette
<gwidion_> I can talk to Pippin about that.
<gwidion_> "estafette"
<F_S> that would be nice -- might mean including community slideshow as
well :-P
<patdavid> moin
<F_S> hello patdavid
<F_S> ok, that's it for me for today
<phillll> i have to check out - see you all next week....
<laraaa> philllll i see you at 3pm tom ye?
<phillll> yep!
<laraaa> great
* phillll (~phil at cpc73672-dals20-2-0-cust793.20-2.cable.virginm.net) has
left #lgm
<gwidion_> So - I am also leaving a bit right now.
<gwidion_> See you.
<laraaa> ok fellows, wish you a lovely day/eve - till next week
<F_S> laraaa:  can you send log? i miss a part
<F_S> see you all
<laraaa> ok
<patdavid> bye
<pippin> bye, thanks for now :)
* gwidion_ is now known as gwidion_afk

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