[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] 2017 location meeting: 30.06 20:00 CET @ #LGM

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Sat Jun 27 02:25:13 PDT 2015

Dear all,

This is an invitation to make a decision long due: Where will the Libre Graphics Meeting take place in 2017?

Two interesting proposals were made [1], one for Niteroi/Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and another for Singapore (Singapore).

Following our experience from last years, I propose the following procedure:

People involved in organising, gather for an IRC meeting on *Tuesday 30 June 20:00 CET* for a general discussion of these two proposals.

 From the list of people that have committed for 2016 [2], we get: Nate Willis, Louis Desjardins, Larisa Blasic, Antonio Roberts, Phil Langley, Pippin, ginger coons, Femke Snelting, Ale Rimoldi, Julien Deswaef, Liam Quin, Loraine Furter, Manuel Schmalstieg, Camille Bissuel, Martin Owens. Last years, Dave Crossland and Greg Pittman joined the discussion; would be good if you both can join again?

The first meeting we use to check the proposals against criteria, and to discuss the consequences of either decision. Some points to consider [3]:

- Ethical and political issues
- Security issues
- Health issues
- Free software acceptance or support in the host country
- Budget and sponsoring
- Proposed dates and agenda issues with other events
- Venue and on-site infrastructure
- Travel and accommodation
- Experience of the local team at organizing such an international event
- Communication skills of the local team

Relay-persons will clarify questions, issues with proposed venues.

In a second meeting, we aim to find a consensus between organisers. Only if we cannot agree, we vote.

The proposed venue is communicated to the LGM community for comments, objections.

We aim to announce the 2017 location by August 1.

Hope this works?



[1] http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-proposals/2017-venue-proposals/
[2] https://titanpad.com/lgm-organisation2016
[3] See also previous listings of criteria: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-requirements/ + http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-selection-process/

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