[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] Notes from conduct meeting

Liam R. E. Quin liam at holoweb.net
Tue May 5 20:32:01 PDT 2015

I took some notes in our conduct meeting; sending them as they are 
before I forget.

I wasn't sure of the name of the gentleman standing just outside the 
cirle of seats; his comments are attributed to "??" here, sorry for 

-------------- next part --------------

ChrisL: Has it bee used  other than at thes 4 days?
Pippin: yes, e.g. on the list

ginger - opportunity to talk abuot how we'd deal with situations,
to work through a scale, verbal, physical, etc

Femke - last year procedures & people would have helped last year

liam - existance of CoC has given people an idea of how to behave,
which may give a false impression of it not being useful.

Femke - is there a risk that CoC will be broken up again?

Schumaml - at least one person decided not to come because of CoC,
and also distance (from Germany)

lq: some people might have felt safer & more willing to come because of CofC

?? - cultural/lang difference, some people are very blune & oppositional,
maybe saying "didn't come because of CoC" may be a manifestation of that

lq: - other gatherings have looked to lgm coc, and also attitudes are
changing (cf. gamergate and positive reaction).


Femke - one issue remained, explicit examples of what counts as harassment. Not in
here because we struggled with it. Argument was, if you're not explicit it means
someone who felt harassed needs to argue their case.

We referred at first to geek feminism site with history of incidents but
that was putting focs too much on gender.

pippin: opposed to it - I expect people to read the CofC, aftertaste can be
of reading codes with examples "humanity sucks".

ChrisL: in favour of examples in specs :-) but if yuo have 2 or 3, you've
doubled the length and ppl will extrapolate from the example.

Can mitigate by pro/con examples.

Belongs linked in further information.

?? - I think we've a god starting point, want it to be organic.Tick is to try
and encourage people to use your context to ask questions, "I saw this, is it OK?"

ginger - also in 2 minds. Preparing the respondants we used docs from ontario human rights commission

liam - separate doc with examples would be OK, don't want too much emphasis on CofC at conference as a whole.

Andreas - what about 2 or 3 e.g. in separate document?

ChrisL - the intent can rub off onto other people, e.g. not jumping queues but just
respectful behaviour.

[general discussion that harassment is subjective]

[questions about cloaking rudenss in jokes, "that was a pretty good idea... for a non-develoepr]

CONSENSUS: don't want examples in CofC

Femke - purpose to help harassed to avoid having to battle to say, this was harassment.

I'd like to make a document for next year that can be linked from CofC

ChrisL - what about including positive e.g. too,

Lena - or resolutions maybe

liam - multiple goals - e.g. consider use of language in different cultures
[recent example from the Netherlands where something said to be OK there is not
OK here, so we need to explain that diffference]

Schumaml - Creeper Move cards - red/yellow/green: red - what you did i felt harassed about; yellow is, that wasn't OK; green, I liked what yuo just said. Used at some conferences, mainly for people who don't want to talk to harasser, e.g. don't speak the language

pippin: at another conference (ChaosCC) this went very badly.

liam: saying "that was bad" can make ppl defensive; more effective is to say, "a better way to say this might be....." to take the focus away. Gives them the "Thoughtless" way out.

ginger - protocol for responding has been ad hoc this year, what we developed on wednesday

contact person collects info once approached
write n paper
supporters get in touch with other 
deal with people separately
find witnesses if avail; if somone shaken up find a trusted helper if possible
use paper, destroy them when issue resolved. Not email.
(do use email e.g. to confirm when someone is banned from the conference)
"three strikes" - warning, formal warning, asked to leave, geting e.g. campus police or venus security

Lena will hink about local resources to help people

CONSENSUS: retain existing text for CofC

??? - does the document need to be translated to local languages?

discussion - [CREATE] list

qestion on translation of CofC

CONSENSUS: English one is normative because it was the one that was discussed and agreed on colaboratively.

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