[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] content call meeting log

lara lab_web at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 9 12:31:56 PST 2015

hi all,

please find an irc log of tonight's content meeting and a date for your
diaries; 25th November 20:00 CET - the next irc meet - half content
call/half event org meeting.

take care,

* Now talking on #lgm
* Topic for #lgm is: LGM 2015 | Toronto, CA 29 April - 02 May
http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/see-you-in-toronto-in-2015/ LGM
2014 |Held in Leipzig, Germany April 2-5| Video:
* Topic for #lgm set by plinnell!~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs at Sun
Dec  7 02:33:48 2014
* [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people
know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
* a-l-e (~quassel at 2a02:1205:c6a2:4100:226:82ff:fe9d:8e25) has joined #lgm
* gingercoons (~Adium at has joined #lgm
<pippin> greetings Doctor coons :)
<gingercoons> :D
<pippin> and the rest :) I see F_S and an unnamed on the pad, who else
are here?
<laraaa> hi all
<philll> i am here!
<gingercoons> hi laraaa, hi philll
<F_S> ah hey yes, here
<pippin> does anyone have a core for an topic/theme for the call?
<F_S> am looking up last years call, for reference
<laraaa> hey ginger - long time no see - hope you're well
<gingercoons> laraaa: finally coming up for air after defending my
dissertation :)
<F_S> ah gingercoons how did that go
<gingercoons> it went well! passed without revisions, which is the best
possible outcome
<F_S> great, not surprised :-D
<philll> congrats ginger!
<gingercoons> thanks!
<F_S> so we can start with the general part, for example ... do we
prefer talks of same length or different
<laraaa> congratulations
<philll> i like the 'simplicity' of keeping talks the same length
<pippin> and I think 20min is a good length
<F_S> ok, +1 but just checking
<philll> yes, i agree on the 20mins too
<laraaa> +1
<F_S> and pippin we keep State of the Libre Graphics Union, what do you
<pippin> if we had very tight MC-ing of the lightning talks, they could
be shorter
<F_S> we had 10m or 5 last year?
<pippin> the call states 7
<F_S> ok well that's alright
<laraaa> ok, just to let you know about the room's i've booked
<laraaa> there's one main auditorium
<laraaa> 5 worshop spaces
<laraaa> workshop
<laraaa> and possible second lecture theatre if needed
<F_S> 5 in parallel
<F_S> ok
<pippin> I think we should keep state of libre graphics - whether I do
it or not
<gingercoons> that's a nice number. maybe we can accommodate more
breakout sessions this year
<F_S> ok, great. agree
<a-l-e> concerning the rooms: personally, i always liked an open space
when people could meet and work... when one was available...
<pippin> in the call thoguht maybe we should phrase notes pertaining to
it slightly differenty/at a different place; making more certain we do
not get the reruns/recurring update talks from our USUAL projects
<philll> we also have a very large open area with shared tables etc that
is a hub between the auditorium, the exhibition space and the workshop
<laraaa> sorry, yes 5 in parallel
<pippin> philll: is there power in the large open area?
<laraaa> yes, there's lots of sockets
<pippin> it could still be an idea to reserve one of the breakout rooms
for quieter hiding away (in pairs?) for getting things done
<a-l-e> wonderful! for the open area!
<a-l-e> yep, quiter room are also important...
<gingercoons> +1 on reserving a room or two for quiet work sessions in
<philll> yes, i think trying to emphasize a difference in the call is a
good idea.
<laraaa> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2016/temp-location-images-page/
<mrscribe> Title: Temp location images page | Libre Graphics Meeting
2016 (at libregraphicsmeeting.org)
<pippin> actual room allocation would pend on the response to our call
though :)
<philll> from my point of view, as i think i may have mentioned before
(!) i am also interested in pushing the 3D part of LGM....
* F_S thinking about the phrase "is there power in the open area"
<F_S> philll: could be fun, and a nice complication
<F_S> but we have been not so good in attracting blender attention,
which would be a must i think if we go that way
<philll> yes, i was going to ask exactly that about blender...i agree,
would be necessary to have the project represented
<F_S> btw just checking
<gingercoons> we almost got some interesting 3D printing action in 2015,
which didn't pan out. would be very nice to see it come through this
time around.
<F_S> dates are 15-18 april
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> ie include monday?
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> ok, so that might need some extra emphasis
<laraaa> do you think it will be a problem?
<philll> i have been discussing LGM with a couple of artists working on
a 'critical manifesto for 3D printing'
<F_S> no idea, it is different :-) we've done wed-saturday as long as i
can remember
<F_S> we could try johan soderberg (ah is that his name)
<pippin> at the first LGM, blender ran their own separate track, since
then we've had some individuals come by with one or two talks
<F_S> yes
<F_S> i talked to ton roosendaal a few times,
<F_S> there are a lot of separate blender-only events
<F_S> so LGM is not really urgent for them
<F_S> in BXL they linked a meeting to LGM
<F_S> so it was on an evening as part of LGM
<pippin> we could communicate to them that their presence/interest is
more important to the wider connected eco-system
<F_S> i think if we make it a focus, and also london might interest them
<F_S> easy reach from amsterdam
<F_S> for the exhibit, are we looking for proposals too?
<pippin> two things that keep being slightly tangential to LGM,.. is
breaking out into another dimension, whether it is temporal like video
or spatial like 3d...
<F_S> yes
<F_S> we can focus on time-based next year maybe
<F_S> there's always some 3D stuff
<philll> no, the exhibition will be curated
<F_S> ok
<F_S> ie invitation only
<laraaa> these were our thoughts for the exhibition:
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<F_S> ah, you've been doing applications :-D
<laraaa> yeah...
<laraaa> and also i've been pressed for academics... we spoke about
fuller and goriunova
<laraaa> any thoughts on that?
<F_S> if 3D is a focus, Libre Objet could be good
<laraaa> libre object, that sounds good
<F_S> and also there is a project Objects in common we are running in
collab with Medialab Prado
<F_S> ok, the call ...
<F_S> gingercoons a-l-e what do you think about adding a dimension this year
<philll> 'other dimensions' is quite a nice tagline.....
<F_S> *Libre Graphics Meeting 2016: The next dimension*
<gingercoons> good point from philll there
<pippin> or new/further dimensions?
<a-l-e> ... i don't know, next is so last year... :-)
<gingercoons> we've definitely toyed with other dimensions in past
editions, might as well make it official
<F_S> *Libre Graphics Meeting 2016: New dimensions*
<F_S> hmmmm
<F_S> next, new not so good
<philll> other
<F_S> different?
<F_S> other
<pippin> more?
<F_S> hah
<F_S> *Libre Graphics Meeting 2016: Other dimensions*
<F_S> quite good
<F_S> *Libre Graphics Meeting 2016: More dimensions*
<F_S> not bad either
<gingercoons> alternate dimensions
<gingercoons> parallel dimensions :p
<F_S> yeah
<F_S> ok, so we have time to settle for a tagline -- philll laraaa (just
notice how your nicks start to resemble ;-)) I guess that's also up to you?
<laraaa> :)
<philll> i think using this " **** dimensions " is a good way of
suggesting the 3D without saying it is only about 3D
<pippin>  /nick pppiin
<F_S> fsssssssss
<laraaa> by april we'll be one big body with aaaas and llllls
<F_S> lgmmmmmmmm (depending on the level of in-campus catering, that is)
<laraaa> anyway - i like the dimensions
<F_S> me toop
<F_S> -p
<laraaa> hahahaha
<pippin> I have a thinly veiled reason for pushing for dimensions, my
current GEGL work relates to video instead of still image processing :p
<F_S> nice.
<gingercoons> so we can build up from two dimensions to four
<laraaa> very cool
<F_S> yes, great. ok so we need to write a nice 'special focus'
<F_S> anyone up for making a start for next week?
<laraaa> let me see where's the old call
<F_S> pasted on the pad
<pippin> laraaa: pad: http://piratepad.be/p/lgm16-exibition
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<pippin> sorry, http://piratepad.be/p/LGM-London-Call
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> ok
<philll> yes - i will have a go at writing it...
<F_S> ah nice
<F_S> ok, so do we need to change the first part?
<F_S> it has the right date :-P
<F_S> wah eleventh
<philll> i think if we want some academics, as laraaa suggests, we might
need to change the first part a little?
<F_S> so how is the site going? i saw in the schedule you should have a
selected a student project for it?
<F_S> ah philll yes
<F_S> though
<F_S> we need to make sure people somehow understand it as a meeting
<laraaa> we have some progress on this -  phil just emailed them our
<philll> well, we have selected three student projects that we will merge!
<F_S> ie not a standard conference
<laraaa> we're gearing towards implementation next week - pending
a-l-e's, manule's and loraine's availability
<F_S> curious about their work.
<philll> yes, i agree completely - i dont think we should change too
much. just that we would also accept this kind of content
<a-l-e> from my side i have some time but not plenty of it... but it
should be enough to assist in the setup of the site.
<F_S> great a-l-e
<laraaa> thanks a-l-e
<pippin> the important thing is that academics presenting needs to know
the audience
<laraaa> yes
<philll> one of the students did a nice logo proposal - changed it from
2D to 3D. can't imagine where that idea came from...
<F_S> haha
<pippin> if they are alien to the community,. and they present as if it
is a regular conference of their field (Whichever that might be),. it
might not work well
<laraaa> these are the guy's i mentioned http://computationalculture.net/
<mrscribe> Title: Computational Culture (at computationalculture.net)
<philll> again, i completely agree about the audience  - it should sound
like an invitation to join the meeting as it is, rather than an academic
<laraaa> we can talk to them about it,
<F_S> yes
<laraaa> agree
<F_S> i remember chris kelty starting his talk slightly awkwardly 'i'm
an anthropologist, normally i observe you, now i speak to you'
<philll> ooooo, bold
<laraaa> yikes - we will speak to them and prune them
<F_S> a-l-e: would you have time transferring the form for signing up from
<F_S> argh
<F_S> from 2015 site to 2016 too?
<F_S> that's o
<F_S> pfff
<F_S> that would be great
<a-l-e> https://github.com/libregraphicsmeeting/htdocs-2016/issues/1
<mrscribe> Title: import the 2015 registration form into 2016 · Issue #1
· libregraphicsmeeting/htdocs-2016 · GitHub (at github.com)
<F_S> hah!
<pippin> can we try wrapping up within the next half hour?
<F_S> so next steps? phill does a draft for the special focus, we
respond next week
<philll> yep
<F_S> a-l-e prepares site for call going out end of november
<philll> do we want to prepare a 'wish list' of people who we might want
to nudge towards submitting?
<F_S> i can help setting up the forms, if necessary, at some point
<F_S> yes let's make a list
<laraaa> yes + shall we plan the next irc for event org or we do one
thing at a time
<F_S> also to keep track of which mailinglists, networks we contacted
<a-l-e> mmm... F_S what i should do for the call?
<laraaa> also F_S did you get pledgie dets
<F_S> ooooooh laraaa i am so sorry i promised
<gingercoons> pledgie deets as in login information?
<laraaa> whatever is needed
<F_S> do you have it gingercoons
<gingercoons> yep, should do. which of you needs it? or both?
<F_S> laraaa:  not me :-)
<laraaa> great! we need it
<F_S> a-l-e: if call goes out, would be good if templates by
students/loraine etc. are done (no precise idea what this involves)
<a-l-e> mmm... i don't get into the 2016/wp-admin and i don't get a lost
password email...
<laraaa> i can send you my login
<F_S> and also the form for entering a proposal needs to be up of course?
<a-l-e> well, yes, F_S as you said... the students and loraine will do
the template :-)
<laraaa> and manuel also offered help
<a-l-e> laraaa: can you just reset my password to something stupid and
send me that password so i can get in and set it to something less stupid
<a-l-e> ?
<laraaa> lets see,
<a-l-e> once they have done the template i can for sure assist in
getting them applied to the site.
<F_S> great, that's what i meant a-l-e
<a-l-e> ok, nice
<F_S> laraaa: when do you want to do next org meeting?
<laraaa> is next week too soon?
<a-l-e> laraaa: i'm not even sure that i have an account... manuel has
set it up and i don't recall if i ever got in...
<laraaa> you doo - just sent you the pass
<F_S> next week fine with me
<pippin> perhaps 2 weeks would be good, to have a week before end of
november and call going out?
<laraaa> @graphicslab
<F_S> 25th?
<laraaa> 2 weeks ok for me - yep that's cool
<F_S> ok, we mix org and finishing call
<laraaa> cool, ep
<laraaa> a-l-e: did you get it?
<a-l-e> yep thanks laraaa, i'm in now!
<laraaa> cool
<F_S> laraaa: can you send this log to the lgm-org list + reminder of
the meeting on 25th?
<laraaa> yup
<F_S> thx
<F_S> happy with those dimensions, and to be back on track
<sanguivor> The channel topic still has this year's LGM, btw.
<F_S> hmmm
* a-l-e_ (~ale at box.ditoy.com) has joined #lgm
<a-l-e> well, if somebody can get mrdocs / peter linnel to handover the
channel to us, then we can change the topic...
<F_S> pfff
<F_S> ok if i have energy tomorrow, i send him the yearly e-mail
<F_S> anything more uplifting to end the meeting with?
<laraaa> yeah! we'll have coffee and tea and fruits from westminster!
<F_S> yeah, that's really good lgmmmmmmm
<laraaa> very nearly fully confirmed refreshments :)
<pippin> not more than agreeing with it being good to see that we
already had momentum and that meetings are getting on track :)
<pippin> s/meetings/irc meetings/
<a-l-e> the registration form is imported... please do not fill any
entry for now... since manuel wanted to attach wp actions to the forms...
<F_S> ok we won't touch it until you tell us, ok?
<F_S> we meet again in two weeks
<a-l-e> but you can review the fields and change them to match this year
* a-l-e_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
<a-l-e> well, if you add test entries, we can remove them.
<a-l-e> so, it's there...
<F_S> a-l-e: great, laraaa: we look at this together once the site is up?
<a-l-e> ... ready to be hacked.
<F_S> or earlier, if you want
<laraaa> ok
<gingercoons> any other business, or can we call this a delightfully
efficient meeting? :)
<laraaa> yes,
<gingercoons> yay!
<F_S> yes!
<laraaa> good to see you all and thanks
<F_S> thank you, laraaa
<pippin> thank you folks, looking forward to updates in a couple of weeks :)

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