[LGM-org] Call for papers? Invited speakers? :)

Joao S. O. Bueno gwidion at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 13:12:50 UTC 2016

I am all for such an invitation -

And we should definetely try to invite regional people over. ,
One other person I've been in touch with is Cicero Moraes, who had
been doing an astonishing work on facial reconstruction, 3D modelling
for prostetics - animal and human alike, with several success

He is from here (Goias state), but since I am already known to him, he
did not imagine how important the invitatio was - (and merely answered
with an "well, I might be able to go". ) If someone else could check
on his work and make a more formal invitation, maybe we could really
get him in.  (http://www.ciceromoraes.com.br/blog/ )

The site - at least a preliminar version, should be online at most
next week. It will feature a call for papers text - but maybe I should
submit it here for review first.

(Before someone raise a point on "who should be invited" - for LGM,
actually everyone is an "invited speaker" - the bigger difference is
if we do an effort to individually ask for a proposal submission to
some people or not. But I understand everyone is able to make such
invitations - pointing to the call for papers process once it is
there, and invite anyone person they find relevant)


On 30 December 2016 at 05:39, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Who will make the call for papers? :)
> Will there be any invited speakers? I'd like to propose inviting the Godot
> Engine folks, since vr is coming and they have an interesting story about
> liberating their codebase - and one cofounder is in the region (Buenos
> Aires)
> Cheers
> Dave
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