[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] irc meeting reminder/LOG
lab_web at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 6 13:13:02 PST 2016
araaa> hi all!
<laraaa> happy new year!
<F_S> hey laraaa, thanks and same for you too!
<houz> and you!
<patdavid> happy new year!
<F_S> so what's on the agenda for tonight?
<laraaa> deadline, to extend or not
<laraaa> have you seen sponsorship letter?
<gwidion_> hi there!
<laraaa> hi gwidion
<F_S> ah i saw your mail, but haven't had a chance to look at it
<F_S> hey!
<F_S> *now*
<pippin> if we announce an extension of the deadline before the
deadline.. people that aim to submit at deadline will not submit for the
first deadline
<patdavid> oh, can i mod my summary at some point? i was not feeling
particularly eloquent earlier...
<F_S> pippin: hah, obviously
<F_S> i think we'll have a lot coming in coming days
* hellocatfood (~hellocatf at has joined #lgm
<laraaa> yep, i menat to think/talk about it now and then come 10th to
know what is to be done :)
<hellocatfood> Hi
<laraaa> hi there antonio!
<F_S> hey there! nice
<laraaa> nice surprise!
<hellocatfood> Yeah
<hellocatfood> I know I've been awol
<hellocatfood> and for that I apologise
<F_S> :-)
<laraaa> we'll fix a jitsi meeting as soon as phil returns from his
travels - from monday next week
<hellocatfood> rad
<laraaa> to catch up on all
<F_S> nice.
<hellocatfood> Just le me know.
<hellocatfood> I'm also gonna be in london a lot so can try and meet IRL
<laraaa> cool
<laraaa> i've just got a feedback (for sponsorship letter) from a friend
who's helping me with fundraising here
<laraaa> Looks good - suggest you add:
<laraaa> How many people will the emails be sent to (how many people on
your distribution list) - so they can calculate how many people will see
their logo
<laraaa> - can you offer logos on Posters at the event?
<laraaa> - how many people you expect at the event?
<laraaa> - I would emphasize that this is mainly for the graphic
designers, Front End developers and HTML designers who are working in
commercial or not-for-profit companies.
<F_S> ok that sounds like reasonable additions
<laraaa> IF you can add the figures and focus on audience that is
skilled and in employment, we can make a list of Recruitment companies
that would be interested in getting to those guys.
<F_S> yes, the audience is special/specific
<laraaa> where can i find those numbers?
<F_S> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/about/visitor-data/
<mrscribe> Title: Stats | Libre Graphics Meeting (at
<laraaa> supa - thanx
<F_S> haha some figures missing --
<laraaa> yeah...
<F_S> ok visitors and participants and countries I can update
<F_S> for the last few years i think
<F_S> if it is ok i guess some of it ;-)
<F_S> so will do
<laraaa> of course
<F_S> so going through last week notes
<F_S> eh
<F_S> last meeting
<laraaa> yep
<laraaa> funding was left semi unresolved - i still think it better fro
the lgm to avoid annual change in local org's banking details...
<laraaa> if that makes sense
<F_S> so i understand nate is working on a plan, to be activated after
<F_S> to deal with the receiving and managing end of LGM
<F_S> on the long term. that's good news, right?
<laraaa> what does that mean for current fundraising?
<F_S> but if i read well, local costs are dealt with but no movement on
funding for reimbursement yet?
<F_S> yes, that is what i try to understand from the notes
<laraaa> i think so
<laraaa> that's why i sent the sponsorship letter
<laraaa> and pledgie, according to louis, will be launched at the end of
<laraaa> was he always dealing with pledgie?
<F_S> sometimes
<patdavid> looks like there's a few years worth of pledgies
<patdavid> https://pledgie.com/accounts/LGM2015
* plinnell (~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs) has joined #lgm
<patdavid> 2010,13,14,15
<laraaa> i registered lgm2016
<mrscribe> Title: Pledgie Helping you help others. (at pledgie.com)
<F_S> yes, but i've done a few and ginger was doing 2015?
<laraaa> yes, she did
<F_S> but great if Louis commits to do it this year?
<patdavid> as a small aside - wouldn't it be less confusing to remove
the year from user/name/account information across networks?
<laraaa> i will have to confirm this with him - it was a while ago we
exchanged emails about this
<pippin> patdavid: that would be good - also for avoiding the accoutns
being recycled for "spam"
<patdavid> ^+
<F_S> yeah patdavid don't remember -- there is or was something that
made us do that
<pippin> patdavid: not sure what that means for different
accounts/networks in terms of sharing passwords/credentials though
<patdavid> yep, no idea
<F_S> is there anyone else that can setup the pledgie, i mean ...
patdavid can you help out :-P
<patdavid> yes, i can set it up if needed
<patdavid> not sure what's invovled (re: getting $ to you/louis/etc),
but I'm happy to help
<laraaa> i can send you user/pass for the lgm2016
<patdavid> i'm setting one up now of my own for pixls
<F_S> laraaa: think we should propose this to louis. more important he
works on corporate sponsors
<laraaa> the biggest confusion was related to paypal email address
pledgie are requesting to launch a campaign
<laraaa> ok
<F_S> laraaa: are you following up with nate about what to do about this
year's funding?
<F_S> patdavid: the paypal is connected to LGM account so goes there
<laraaa> sponsorship letter, as you could see, is nearly done - just to
add these numbers and it is a go
<F_S> yes
<laraaa> did not let them know that flossie and floss manuals are way to
small to deal with anything more than local funds
<laraaa> we said we'll foillow up on the mailing list
<F_S> it seems that there needs to be another level of solution, riight?
<laraaa> i think so
<F_S> so i think it would be good to hear his proposal
<laraaa> yes, paypal i probably like fs says all connected, however,
noone knows what is paypal email address...
* plinnell has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<F_S> eh ginger doesn't?
<laraaa> nope
<F_S> huh
<F_S> so how did she do it in 2015?
* plinnell (~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs) has joined #lgm
<laraaa> i can fwd you email louis sent
<F_S> ok
<laraaa> ok, an email is on your way - the email is for louis and nate,
but you and pat are ccd and it contains previous conversation about pledgie
<F_S> great
<F_S> so for extension of deadline ... i really prefer not to
<F_S> if we don't have enough by sunday, that's the way it is
<laraaa> there's 18 so far
<pippin> if we have 40 submissions by sunday, say 30 talks, is that
<F_S> i think we usually have a little more talks/workshops on the program
<F_S> so is there anything we can do to make people not forget to send
in their proposals?
<pippin> how is the distribution of talks/workshops aong those 18?
<F_S> let me look
<laraaa> yeah, it was 50ish, last year and now i can see 89 talks in
<F_S> btw they are mostly interesting
<F_S> well, there was interactivos also
<F_S> and that was too much -- i think 50ish is good
<laraaa> 2 workshops and the rest are talks
<laraaa> agree - 50ish was a good number
<F_S> one BOF
<laraaa> yep, one bof one ws :)
<houz> will there be room for ad hoc meetings? or do we have to register
for those, too?
<laraaa> there's plenty of room for ad-hoc meetings
<F_S> there will be that, and lightning talks
<houz> good
<F_S> the programme once published, draws in participants
* plinnell has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<F_S> ok so let's say if sunday we are below 40, we extend?
* plinnell (~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs) has joined #lgm
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> pippin what do you think?
<F_S> and by how much do we extend?
<patdavid> woudl you rather extend talk time to something like 30min. in
lieu of extending deadline?
<F_S> eh
<laraaa> would 2 extra weeks work?
<pippin> 1 extra week should be enough
<F_S> i hope so
<F_S> we can't do/make the program faster, so it would be published
later too
<pippin> we should continue some slight prodding of people to submit
<pippin> and perhaps even announce the count of talks thus far if
announcing an extension
<F_S> yes. working on it; expecting 5 or so i know of
<F_S> yes
<pippin> most of my twitter interactions this year have been people
retweeting my re-iteration of the call :)
<laraaa> i'm expecting a few too
<laraaa> :)
<pippin> patdavid: I'd rather have longer lunches than more boring talks
<F_S> also, the process of proposing a talk has become super smooth
<laraaa> haha, that's def cool
<F_S> read: longer = boring
<pippin> patdavid: (and yes - many talks will end up being a bit more
boring if 10min longer)
<houz> will there be lunch in the venue or do we have to look for
restaurants again?
<patdavid> ok
<houz> brussels was nice (even though the food sucked imo)
<F_S> haha houz thank you
<laraaa> i'm organising food, it will have to be paid though
<pippin> patdavid: the current talk duration of ~20min brings some of
the qualities lightning talks often have to the main-track
<patdavid> pippin, +
<laraaa> but will give info on local places too
<houz> paying is fine
<F_S> it is about having things in one place
<houz> F_S: right, sitting together, talking
<laraaa> yes, agree :)
<houz> maybe "sucked" is the wrong word, it was just not what i like
<F_S> :-)
<houz> madrid was a little sad in that regard, the downstairs area was
nice, but there wasn't real lunch
<laraaa> will do my best :)
<houz> :)
<F_S> other things ... ?
<houz> british cuisine is world famous, i bet no one will be surprised,
no matter what you provide ^^
<laraaa> :)
<laraaa> tru
* houz could have british breakfast 24/7
<hellocatfood> we're a bit predictable!
<F_S> aha
<laraaa> nothing else at the moment. phil, antonio&i will catch up next
week and push on print , exhibition and some such
<laraaa> a/v testing, etc
* plinnell has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<laraaa> reworking the sponsorship letter and getting it out asap!
<F_S> ok will do tomorrow
<F_S> stats i mean
<laraaa> marketing is happening - julien is working on it
<F_S> also, we'll make some noise at fosdem with help of simon budig
<laraaa> great - thansk
* plinnell (~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs) has joined #lgm
<F_S> so next meet when?
<laraaa> in fortnight?
<laraaa> 20th jan?
<laraaa> with email comm re deadline extension?
<F_S> yes, will be there
<F_S> pippin: we'll be in touch re:submissions
<F_S> before that
<pippin> F_S: yep :)
<F_S> ok good need to go now
<pippin> thank you all for your time; we're at 70min now :p
<F_S> laraaa: let me know if i can help with anything, i am back behind desk
<F_S> yes, we're getting better
<laraaa> cool - will do
<F_S> speak soon!
<laraaa> ok, bye all - thanks
On 06/01/16 15:15, lara wrote:
> hi all,
> a gentle reminder we're meeting at lgm irc tonight 21 CET.
> best,
> lara
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