[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] irc log

lara lab_web at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 2 22:13:47 UTC 2016

<F_S> hey!
<pippin> good evening :)
<laraaa> hi all
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<laraaa> how's it going?
* phillll (~phil at cpc73672-dals20-2-0-cust793.20-2.cable.virginm.net) has
joined #lgm
<laraaa> hi philll
<phillll> hey!
<F_S> yes, good --- booked ticket to london, so that's a start
<pippin> I've got the other half of that logistics sorted, need to
consider tickets soon
<laraaa> yippi for both
<F_S> so what would be useful to discuss tonight?
<F_S> for me, i would love to see the program on line and wonder what
can be done
<laraaa> me too, that's a priority
<laraaa> then, i gotta run by you something about food :)
<laraaa> and general update on progress
<F_S> ok good
<phillll> for the downloadable programme - the students are still
working on something. it is nearly done and we can push them to complete
by the end of the week
<F_S> ok!
<F_S> so the web-based program, any updates?
<laraaa> phillll: did you reply to alice's email?
<laraaa> for all: alice is the student working on the programme
<phillll> yes, i sent some comments...
<laraaa> cool
<F_S> ok good. there will probably be changes and updates though, up to
the last moment ... how do we deal with that
<phillll> i think we can update the file as necessary
<phillll> but for now, it is probably the quickest way to get something
on the site?
<F_S> yes
<laraaa> what is hold up with implementation??
<laraaa> what can we do to help?
<F_S> there are issues with the schedule builder
<pippin> would it be possible to go back to how we did the schedule last
<F_S> ale said he would look into it last friday but that did not work out
<F_S> this was also ale's work, not very automatic
<F_S> hence the 'builder'
<F_S> so a good plan but now stuck in the middle
<F_S> ok so i guess ok if the downloadable schedule is there asap
<houz> are you aiming for single track again?
<pippin> yep - single track of talks, only workshops/bofs slots with
paralell activities
* a-l-e (~quassel at 2a02:1205:c6a2:4100:226:82ff:fe9d:8e25) has joined #lgm
<F_S> hey a-l-e
<houz> then scheduling should be easy, at least for talks. sort by topic
and put behind each other :)
<F_S> just when we need you ;-)
<pippin> houz: the schedule has been made and decided - the issue is
getting it presented over html+css over http
<F_S> ... and since presenters can update their talk descriptions with
their own login ...
<houz> ah, ok
<a-l-e> hey F_S
<a-l-e> the drag and drop of the talks should now work
<F_S> ahh good
<laraaa> hey a-l-e!
<F_S> so if i add all talks tomorrow, when do you think we could publish
the schedule?
<phillll> a quick question on the downloadable programme - do we want
the talk description included, or is presenter name and talk title
enough (we are working on 2 options)?
<a-l-e> i should be able to do something on friday...
<F_S> phillll: think for now presenter and title should suffice?
<F_S> a-l-e: that would be great
<laraaa> +1
<phillll> ok, cool
<F_S> i can unfortunately only return to it on monday. is someone around
to follow up with ale after thursday?
<laraaa> i'll be working on all things lgm from tomorrow till monday...
<houz> please also provide an vcalendar file :)
<F_S> ok, so i finish as much as i can on thursday and pass it on to you
laraaa alright?
<laraaa> sure, no probs
<a-l-e> i'll try to do a presentation in four columns that somehow shows
how the slots are placed during the day...
<a-l-e> and a second view where you can read through all the descriptions
<a-l-e> (a bit like last year's view, but expanded by default)
<F_S> phillll:  i send you the updated schedule?
<phillll> yes, i think so.....
<a-l-e> houz: do you have a good spec for the vcalendar file?
* a-l-e thinks he has done some vcalendar for a previous year...
<a-l-e> houz: like this?
<a-l-e> http://bc-oberurdorf.ch/programm
<mrscribe> Title: BC Oberurdorf (at bc-oberurdorf.ch)
<a-l-e> http://bc-oberurdorf.ch/bc-oberurdorf.ics
<F_S> yes, and i liked to have the epub too btw, that gregory p did
<houz> yes :)
<a-l-e> ok, then i know how to do it...
<F_S> yeah
<F_S> so now we can talk about food?
<laraaa> ok
<laraaa> so, i'm about to confirm the menus with the caterer
<laraaa> is £5.50 for a lunch agreeable price?
<laraaa> they will have 2 options, but are asking for a confirmation
there will be 100 people for lunch
<laraaa> and if not, we'll have to pay difference
<laraaa> unfortunate thing is the monopoly for food and i cannot bring
anything else to the campus
<laraaa> any thoughts, objections?
<phillll> also, for those who arent aware, the campus is a little
'isolated', without many other lunch options nearby.
<phillll> which is why we are working on this option
<F_S> sounds ok to me?
<pippin> on a similar topic .. is there a pub nearby where we could rent
a non often frequented function room for some evenings?
<laraaa> ok, on party plans
<laraaa> and pub availability
<laraaa> we'll have exhibition opening - that is on campus - friday night
<phillll> with drinks!
<laraaa> i booked us a space for saturday night party
<laraaa> here:
<F_S> yeah, excellent
<phillll> for drinks!
<laraaa> http://www.commonhouse.org.uk/
<mrscribe> Title: Common House (at www.commonhouse.org.uk)
<laraaa> this will require some travel, but is a grass-roots run place
and very much up our alley
<laraaa> and then there's another place that may be available on sunday
- but will have to double check and confirm
<laraaa> just a sec, need to find the link
<F_S> hey laraaa the place looks great
<laraaa> oh, thanks! i'm delighted you think so!
<laraaa> so this may be our sunday hangout:
<mrscribe> Title: Function Room, Somers Town, London (at functionroom.co)
<laraaa> it's in kings cross so easy to reach from harrow
<F_S> nice
<laraaa> but i have to get in touch with them if all up for it
* patdavid (~Pat at has joined #lgm
<patdavid> howdy
<F_S> so pippin you think there would be need for additional pub space?
<laraaa> hi pat!
<F_S> hey
<laraaa> this place, functionroom/cock tavern is a pub with an upstairs
room for use
<laraaa> or just got to the pub...
<F_S> there something else we should not forget, once program is up, is
the call for 2018 venues :-P
<pippin> the cock tavern and its function room is the type of thing I
was thinking of
<laraaa> http://functionroom.co/use/index.html
<mrscribe> Title: The Function Room, Somers Town, London (at
<pippin> laraaa: perhaps you could inquire if they have a wifi we could
use as well...
<laraaa> will email them to see how to book it - it seems free to use :)
<laraaa> ok
* natuk (~thanasis at has joined #lgm
<laraaa> ok, party plans are laid out :)
<F_S> great
<laraaa> now to exhibition, keepsakes, documentation, fundraising,
<laraaa> phllll, antonio and i are finalising plans for the show
<laraaa> i had a brief meeting with gallery manager today - she sent us
all to do and timing
* Guest64529 (~tobias at xd9bf56e6.dyn.telefonica.de) has joined #lgm
<F_S> so there will be quite some objects/works on show?
<laraaa> printer is alerted - i just need to get him to calculate the
cost of printing
<laraaa> yep, we'll have much work there :)
<laraaa> we will send tshirts, stickers and other dongles to print on or
around 10th march
<laraaa> C R volunteered in fron of LGM to do documentation + there's
one student to help so far, but there will be one or two more - to help
in the auditorium
<patdavid> laraaa, if i needed to print some stuff can i use the uni
printer (i can pay of course)
<patdavid> (non-lgm specific printing, btw)
<laraaa> + there may be one more person from ATF (autonomous tech fetish
- a collective I work with) for possible audio interviews for reportage
<laraaa> patdavid: ok, let's talk about it via email?
<F_S> ok, so it might be good to think of easily distributable tasks for
people that join and want to help out
<laraaa> ATF will look after us at the common house during the party
<laraaa> yes, do you have any suggestions?
<patdavid> laraaa, aye aye
<patdavid> also
<patdavid> i'd like to carve out a time/place to shoot some portraits of
attendees if they are ok with it
<laraaa> i'm sure that's not going to be a problem - there's lots of
places where you could do it
<patdavid> ok
<patdavid> ty
<sanguivor> Are the rooms/locations available the day before the start
of the event? IIRC the conference start was delayed slightly because the
door was only opened when the conference was supposed to start.
<laraaa> the meeting is deliberately scheduled during easter break - so
most of the spaces will be available day before
<laraaa> however i cannot say 100%
<laraaa> it is a large campus that is open 24/7
<laraaa> so all should be open and accessible without any problems
<sanguivor> Ok. Sounds good.
<F_S> yes!
<F_S> curious about those stickers etc.
<laraaa> :)
<laraaa> anyway - i'm soliciting students left-right and centre
<laraaa> they are getting ready for their workshop and to help out
around the campus
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<laraaa> F_S: are you up to work out with me delegation at some point?
although i have ideas - it would be good to run it pass you :)
<F_S> ok, of course. next week some time?
<pippin> laraaa: did you contact schumaml?
<laraaa> Pippin: not yet - will do in the next couple of days
<laraaa> F_S: next week thursday/friday?
<F_S> yes, can I confirm after weekend?
<laraaa> ok
<laraaa> marketing is waiting for programme to be published, i'm in
touch with julien
<F_S> friday 21:00 CET could work actually, or saturday
<laraaa> friday better - sat i'm busy
<F_S> ok let's do friday night
<F_S> hey, will need to leave you all soon
<laraaa> great - irc? we can try jitsi meet too... although it has be
wobbly lately
<laraaa> ok
<laraaa> and lastly, i have no news from louis
<F_S> let's start irc
<laraaa> ok
<laraaa> this brings me to the end of update
<F_S> re: sponsoring you mean?
<laraaa> yes
<F_S> anyone else involved in sponsoring we can ping?
<laraaa> nate
<laraaa> i've emailed them both with request for an update but had no
<F_S> ok so let's make that the priority after getting the program
on-line asap
<laraaa> grat, thanks
<laraaa> great
<F_S> need to now, thanks all and will be doing my wordpress homework
tomorrow evening
<F_S> btw
<F_S> http://gallery3.constantvzw.org/index.php/FOSDEM-2016/IMG_3799
<mrscribe> Title: IMG 3799 (at gallery3.constantvzw.org)
<F_S> ;-)
<pippin> oooh - a nomis in belgium :)
<laraaa> oh sweet!
<phillll> nice!
<F_S> ok, speak soon!
<F_S> ciao
<laraaa> ok, good night all
<laraaa> i'm off too
<laraaa> unless if there's anything we missed
<laraaa> is there?
<phillll> nope, think that's all

On 02/03/16 19:04, lara wrote:
> hi all,
> apologies for a very later reminder for our fortnightly irc meet.
> hope to see you there in 1 hr.
> best,
> lara


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