[LGM-org] LGM Organizational Knowledge (Global and Local)

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Mon Apr 24 10:44:05 UTC 2017

On 23/04/17 23:03, Frank Trampe wrote:
> There's been some discontinuity recently with the LGM administration, and, as discussed at the meeting today, we need to be sure that whatever people assume responsibility for global and local organizational tasks next year have the benefit of learning from those who have filled those shoes previously.
> So, if anybody (particularly Femke or Joao) has anything to share (task lists, lessons learned, ...), this would be a good time to have that discussion.

Hello Frank, and everyone,

Nice to follow bits and pieces of LGM from far and thanks for taking up some of the organising energy. Most of all happy that the hot potatoe of financing and funding does not come last this time, I am also glad to see that the SPI direction is back on track.

Unfortunately, I have not been available for contributing to the organising of LGM this year and will not be until spring 2018. My apologies for this drop-out; I am of course available to discuss, consult or hand-over.

I am not sure where to start on task lists or lessons learned (it has been ten years of local and global organizing after all) but maybe in addition to the overview of 2015 by ginger, these meeting notes might be a good place to start:


(Exports attached, as Titanpad will be closing end this year)

Some of this and earlier work has been logged here: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm
And before that: http://web.archive.org/web/20110825014309/http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/Main_Page

And last but not least a pretty inspiring list of 'single sentence manifestos' written in 2016 at the organisers meeting in London.

all the best,


* LGM is a congregation of artists, developers and enthusiasts for graphics, video, design and publishing free software, engaged in sharing ideas, work and teaching.
* LGM is about tools to create Libre culture. (Ale Gonzãlez)
* an understanding that the tools we use, shape the artistic work we create
* A meeting of people involved with developing & using libre graphics to do professional quality work, with a focus on showing what can be done and on building what can't.
* LGM is the meeting where you find representants of all FLOSS related with arts.
* A tribe of diverse voices and interests gathering around talks, workshops and empowering activities related to visual, graphics, processes and tools all published under open licenses.
* Libre Graphics Meeting provides an opportunity for artists, designers, and engineers to exchange ideas and to demonstrate products so as to make each more capable of building, creating, and communicating.
* LGM is the annual, in-person gathering of users and developers of the free-software graphics community, where the people involved exchange ideas, collaborate, and share what their work for the ultimate enrichment of the community as a whole. (Nate Willis)
* LG(M) is a meeting place - of people and projects; online through the year and physically manifest somewhere on the planet once a year. Where directions and voice operators, dreamers and crafters of cultural; visual digital media technologies converge or collide.
* an annual release of a year's pent-up joy, excitement and agony which those who don't use F/LOSS could never understand :)
* An occasion to expermiment with possible connections between creative users, creative developers and creative activists caring about Free, libre and open source software.
* The Libre Graphics Meeting is a gathering of people from the software and art spectrum. It fosters communication and the exchange of ideas with a strong focus on free software tools. (Simon)
* intersections in free software. an extensible meeting of many perspectives - in, on and around - the implementation, culture and practice of FLOSS
* The one time in the year when programmers, developers and users of for free and open source software for graphics are leaving their virtual communities and make huge progresses. (ale)
* A place to meet and hangout with the people who are involved with/ make, cool tools that I use, and complain about all the things I want to get fixed.
* LGM is a collection of artists, designers, and developers coming together based on principles of Free Software (and (Open) Culture) to share their work and experiences with each other and the public. (patdavid)
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Saturday April 5 2014 10:00 SR5

Sarup Banskota, ginger coons, Sirko Kemter, Femke Snelting, Martin Owens, Michael Schumacher, Peter Westenberg, Ale Rimoldi, Louis Desjardins, Gregory Pitman, Fridrich Strba, Valek Filippov


Learning from 2014
- short report by Sirko
@ Create clear job descriptions for each team. Allow members to be more indepent, based on job descriptions
@ It was not clear how many people would join: gambling on catering, size of social event
To do: figure out a system of making the system more obliging? payment online ?

- ask a very small entry fee (10 euro / dollar ), an investment engages people to come. 
goal would not be to earn money, but to have a system that lowers unregistered / faulty registrations
- improve communication of informal donations for lunch. it was there but not clear for all ..

concerns: is open for all policy not damaged ?
- lower the error margin by countng the registrations in time (two weeks ahead)

- We should review the forms (co-speakers mentioned in comment box)
- Dietary restrictions are an issue: can we collect information beforehand to make sure food needs are taken care of?
- Infrastructure needs: how can we make sure the registration system lets us do everything we need?
- Current registration system is brittle. Needs to be more robust.
- Asking designers to improve the website's usability
- Food is important! Having food on site makes it easier to keep people in the building.
- People can be cost-averse: Making clear what participants will get for their money, if there is money involved, is important

Teams and description of tasks

@ Too strict division between teams and tasks can be counter-productive
@ Teams were headless, responsibilities are not always clear - per team a contact person is needed who is informed about the teams' work
@ Too many mailinglists ... 
@ delay of respsonse
@ cross team communication: regular irc meetings can help diminish the mountain of mails .. get a meetbot (https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot) to record meetings and distribute minutes
@ having clearer agendas for meetings and expectations before meetings start

Community management, 

 * General Purpose organisers:
   * Louis 
   * Back up person replacing Femke (pippin?)

 * Code of Conduct
   * Tasks:
   * People:
     * Michael
     * Femke
     * ginger
     * Susan
     * Steve
     * Jon

 * Video archiving
   * Tasks: taking care of team, equipment, webspace, recording conference, annotations, encoding etc.
   * People: 
     * Peter / Constant
     * Larisa

 * Local team (to be decided after this LGM)
   * Tasks: 
     * physical logistics, 
     * location, 
     * technique
     * catering, coffee, tea, ... dietary restrictions
     * Printing, signage
     * Local distribution of PR materials
     * venue selection
     * technical details (mics, batteries, projection, technicians, power, power bars, extension cords, connectors, internet)
     * liasing with the venue, making clear of what expectations are at the venue
     * Visa support (check: there is a manual  for free software conferences ... Floss-manuals?), making clear what expectations and timelines are around getting visas

 * Communication 
   * Tasks: 
     * Timing is crucial: press releases etc
     * Social media, 
     * communication of the event
     * banners & posters
     * collect experiences about how to communicate the content of the conference.
   * People:
     * ginger: communication strategy, press release strategy, media kit, etc. Will take responsibility for Communication team if not the local organizer.
     * Fridrich Strba
     * Pat David: Blogging (needs input and info from all the teams)
     * Michael
     * Sarup: blogging
     * Louis: updating the website, doing some press release work
     * Greg: proofreading, etc.
     * Julien: social media (ex: https://www.rebelmouse.com/lgm2014/ )

 * Sponsoring
   * Tasks: 
     * Finances, 
     * reimbursement, 
     * sponsors
   * People
     * Louis
     * Nate? (ask if he is willing to continue the role)

 * Programme/content
   * Tasks: 
     * Write open call
     * Select submissions
     * Organise programme (in dialogue with local organisers)
     * Take care of State of Libre Graphics slides
   * People:
     * Femke (NO general caretaker in 2015, she will look out for a replacement)
     * Ale
     * Larisa (if London does not get picked)
     * pippin (-> FS: confirmed)
     * Local (not ginger)

 * Online infrastructure
   * Tasks: website, mailinglist?
     * registration, (note: reflect on forms and procedures on time)
     * mailinglists. Review LGM - Create - private lists
     * meetbot install (see above)
     * feeds from various social media platforms
   * People:
     * Michael (technical input)
     * Sarup
     * Ale (provided that the local organizing team is willing to use the infrastructure in place)
     * Manuel Schmalstieg (WordPress)
     * Camille Bissuel
     * Martin Owens

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Organisation meeting notes for 2015: https://titanpad.com/lgm2015
Present: Fridrich Strba, Dave Crossland, Phil Langley, pippin, Simon Budig, Michael Schumacher, Nate Willis, Femke Snelting, LarisaBlasic, Liam Quin, ginger coons, Antonio Roberts, Peter Westenberg, Julien Deswaef (on-line)
Teams and description of tasks
Funding team
Local team
Program/content team
On-line infrastructure
People on organising teams are also involved in discussing and deciding the next location for LGM2017, on behalf of/in dialogue with LGM community (spring 2015)
@ Too strict division between teams and tasks can be counter-productive
@  Teams were headless, responsibilities are not always clear - per team a  contact person is needed who is informed about the teams' work
@ Too many mailinglists ... 
@ delay of response
@ cross team communication: regular irc meetings can help diminish the mountain of mails .. get a meetbot (https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot) to record meetings and distribute minutes
@ having clearer agendas for meetings and expectations before meetings start
This year evaluation (short)
Julien did a lot -- not a lot of people on the team. Comm with local media fell between.
Some updates for next year:
- next year Furtherfield and others are involved
- students will be volunteers 
- media arts and design students will show work
- larisa is doing a pilot workshop in june to see if/how participation of students is possible. 
- question is how to deal with lodging, is it possible to use students housing? she is looking into it.
- LGM 2016 In the easter break which opens opportunities 
- Date (unconfirmed): 15 - 20 april
Lara will confirm in two months!
- Antonio and lara are busy with two smaller events that will gain interest for lgm: booksprint , floss manuals ... Meeting between Phil, Lara and Antonio to brainstorm
- For London: Staying north of harrow can reduce costs for those staying in Airbnb. 
Funding team
People: Nate Willis, Louis Desjardins (reimbursements 2015), ... anyone else?
 * Make financial structure LGM sustainable
 * Arrange reimbursements
 * Find sponsors
Budget clarity will help when talking to potential sponsors. Louis has knowledge of where the money goes, and with this and we can now structure such knowledge to raise funds for next year. We need to restructure the way finances work.
Funding for 2015 will (probably) not cover all travel cost applications. 
- remark : budgets should be fixed earlier, 
- rethink the reimbursements structure, transparancy. Make it a goal to be a bit further in the general structure.
Nate (re)starts a team and task list.
Julien: Jumping in with a link to a financial transparency report from the SFPC (as inspiration?) https://github.com/SFPC/finance-and-administration/tree/master/01
Helpful to have letters of invitation, specifics needs to be look into by local team
Local team
People: Larisa Blasic (Antonio Roberts, Phil Langley)
Suggestion: Regular IRC meetings, starting in November. Initiated by Larisa, with clear agenda so that others can help out with organising.
 * communicating to/with teams (program, communication, funding)
 * physical logistics
 * location
 * technique
 * catering, coffee, tea, ... dietary restrictions
 * Printing, signage
 * Local distribution of PR materials
 * venue selection
 * technical details (mics, batteries, projection, technicians, power, power bars, extension cords, connectors, internet)
 * liasing with the venue, making clear of what expectations are at the venue
 * Visa support (check: there is a manual  for free software conferences ... Floss-manuals?), making clear what expectations and timelines are around getting visas
 * Letters of invitation may be required; the local team should be able to provide the letters and (hopefully) get the language correct -- e.g., clarify that the event is a "hobbyist conference" and thus does not necessitate a work visa.
 * Make website ok/visual profile of the edition
 * needs to have minimal budget to operate
 * One of the things that means is that we need a couple of
 * people willing to serve as points of contact if someone attending has an
 * issue or concern with regard to code of conduct issues.
 * Making sure Code of Conduct is enacted: 
   * Appoint contact people and provide them with a SIM card/phone
   * Make sure local human rights are known
Content team
People: Pippin, ginger, Phil Langley, Femke, Ale
- Ask for topics to be discussed, and proposals for speakers on those topics (no guarantees we get them!)
- What about keynote speakers confirmed help interest from sponsors, from potential participants ...
- The reminder for the submission deadline in fosdem was helpful 
so: deadline after fosdem would help
- we ask for an LGM booth in fosdem (Femke, Peter take care of that)
check deadlne, fill it with stuff ... Simon willing to jump in
 * Write open call
 * Select submissions
 * Organise programme (in dialogue with local organisers)
 * Take care of State of Libre Graphics slides
Video archiving
People: Nobody volunteered yet
 * Tasks: taking care of team, equipment, webspace, recording conference, annotations, encoding etc.
People: Julien Deswaef, Liam Quin (minimal help), Loraine Furter ... anybody else?
 * other libre graphics events promote LGM
 * Timing is crucial: press releases etc
 * Social media
 * communication of the event
 * banners & posters
 * collect experiences about how to communicate the content of the conference.
 * webdesign program (in collaboration with local team + program team) + program printout
Online infrastructure
People: Ale (others on 2015 team: Manuel Schmalstieg (WordPress), Camille Bissuel, Martin Owens ... continue:??)
 * website, mailinglist?
 * registration (note: reflect on forms and procedures on time)
 * mailinglists. Review LGM - Create - private lists
 * meetbot install (see above)
 * feeds from various social media platforms


Réunion d'organisation Note pou r 2015: https://titanpad.com/lgm2015

Présents: Fridrich Strba, Dave Crossland, Phil Langley, reinette, Simon Budig, Michael Schumacher, Nate Willis, Femke Snelting , L arisa B la zi c, L iam Quinn, le gingembre co o ns, An tonio Roberts, P eter Westenberg, Julien Deswaef (en ligne)

Équipes ET Description de Tâche s

équipe de financement
Équipe locale
équipe du programme / contenu
Infrastructures en ligne

Les gens sur l'organisation des equipes are also impliqués Dans la discussion et de Décider de la mise en place Prochaine versez LGM2017, au nom de / Dans le Dialogue avec la Communauté LGM (printemps 2015)

@ Division Trop stricte Entre les Équipes et les Tâches can be contre-productif
@ equipes décapités de ÉTAIENT, les Responsabilités ne are pas Toujours claires - par équipe Une personne de contact avec is Nécessaire, Qui est Informé sur le travail des Équipes
@ Trop de listes de diffusion ... 
@ Délai de réponse
@ Croix communication d'équipe: des réunions régulières irc peuvent aider à diminuer la montagne de mails .. obtenir un meetbot ( https://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot) pour enregistrer des réunions et distribuer minutes
@ Ayant ordres du jour clairs pour les réunions et les attentes avant le début des réunions

Cette évaluation de l'année (court)
Julien a fait beaucoup - pas beaucoup de personnes de l'équipe. Comm avec les médias locaux a diminué entre.

Certaines mises à jour pour l'année prochaine:
- Prochaine vous un r Furtherfield et d'autres sont impliqués
- Étudiants w malades soient bénévoles 
- Arts médiatiques et les étudiants en design montreront travail
- Larisa fait un atelier pilote en juin pour voir si / comment la participation des étudiants est possible. 
- Question est comment faire face à l'hébergement, est-il possible d'utiliser les étudiants logement? elle est à la recherche en elle.
- LGM 2016, dans le congé de Pâques qui ouvre des opportunités 

- Date (non confirmée): 15 au 20 avril
Lara confirmera en deux mois!

- Antonio et Lara sont occupés avec deux petits événements qui gagneront l'intérêt pour LGM: booksprint, manuels de soie ... Rencontre entre Phil, Lara et Antonio à un remue-méninges

- Pour Londres: Rester  au nord de herse peut réduire les coûts pour ceux qui séjournent dans Airbnb. 

équipe de financement
Personnes: Nate Willis, Louis Desjardins (2015) remboursements, ... quelqu'un d'autre?

 * Assurez structure financière LGM durable
 * Disposer remboursements
 * Trouver des sponsors

Budget clarté aidera quand  parler potentiels  sponsors. Louis ha de la connaissance de l'endroit où l'  argent va, et avec cela et nous pouvons maintenant structurer ces connaissances pour recueillir des fonds pour l'année prochaine. Nous devons restructurer la façon dont les finances travaillent .

Financement f ou 2015 sera (probablement) pas couvrir toutes les applications de coûts de Voyage. 

- Remarque: les budgets devraient être fixés plus tôt, 
- Repenser la structure des remboursements, transparance. Faire un objectif d'être un peu plus loin dans la structure générale.

Nate (re) commence une liste d'équipe et la tâche.

Julien: (? Comme source d'inspiration) Saut avec un lien vers un rapport de transparence financière de la CEPF https://github.com/SFPC/finance-and-administration/tree/master/01

Utile d'avoir des lettres d'invitation, les spécificités doit être regarder dans par l'équipe locale

Équipe locale
Personnes: Larisa Blazic ( Antonio Roberts, Phil Langley )

Suggestion: réunions IRC régulières, à partir de Novembre. Initié par Larisa, avec ordre du jour clair afin que d'autres peuvent aider à l'organisation.

 * communiquer à / avec des équipes (programme, communication, financement)
 * la logistique physique
 * emplacement
 * technique
 * restauration, café, thé, ... restrictions alimentaires
 * Impression, signalétique
 * La distribution locale de matériaux de PR
 * sélection lieu
 * détails techniques (micros, batteries, projection, techniciens, puissance, barres d'alimentation, rallonges, connecteurs, internet)
 * assurer la liaison avec le lieu, ce qui rend claire de ce que sont les attentes sur le site
 * le soutien de Visa (vérifier: il ya un manuel pour les conférences de logiciels libres ... bourre manuels?), ce qui rend ce visas attentes et les échéanciers sont autour Mise en clair
 * Des lettres d'invitation peuvent être nécessaires; l'équipe locale devrait être en mesure de fournir les lettres et (espérons-le) obtenir la bonne langue - par exemple, préciser que l'événement est une "conférence de amateur" et donc ne nécessite pas un visa de travail.
 * Faire site profil ok / visuel de l'édition
 * doit avoir budget minimal pour fonctionner
 * Une des choses que cela signifie est que nous avons besoin d'un couple de
 * des gens prêts à servir de points de contact si quelqu'un assister a un
 * question ou préoccupation à l'égard de code de problèmes de conduite.
 * Making sure Code of Conduct is enacted: 
   * Appoint contact people and provide them with a SIM card/phone
   * Make sure local human rights are known

Content team
People: Pippin, ginger, Phil Langley, Femke, Ale

- Ask for topics to be discussed, and proposals for speakers on those topics (no guarantees we get them!)
- What about keynote speakers confirmed help interest from sponsors, from potential participants ...
- The reminder for the submission deadline in fosdem was helpful 
so: deadline after fosdem would help
- we ask for an LGM booth in fosdem (Femke, Peter take care of that)
check deadlne, fill it with stuff ... Simon willing to jump in

 * Write open call
 * Select submissions
 * Organise programme (in dialogue with local organisers)
 * Take care of State of Libre Graphics slides

Video archiving
People: Nobody volunteered yet

 * Tasks: taking care of team, equipment, webspace, recording conference, annotations, encoding etc.

People: Julien Deswaef, Liam Quin (minimal help), ... anybody else?
Loraine Furter (website program + print, banners & posters, map … trailer if we want)

 * other libre graphics events promote LGM
 * Timing is crucial: press releases etc
 * Social media
 * communication of the event
 * banners & posters
 * collect experiences about how to communicate the content of the conference.
 * webdesign program (in collaboration with local team + program team) + program printout

Online infrastructure
People: Ale (others on 2015 team: Manuel Schmalstieg (WordPress), Camille Bissuel, Martin Owens ... continue:??)

 * website, mailinglist?
 * registration (note: reflect on forms and procedures on time)
 * mailinglists. Review LGM - Create - private lists
 * meetbot install (see above)
 * feeds from various social media platforms

-------------- next part --------------
Notes from last year: https://titanpad.com/lgm-organisation2016

libre-graphics-meeting at lists.freedesktop.org

for organisers (and organizers), moderated:
Libre-graphics-meeting-org at lists.freedesktop.org

-- all organis/zers read the general mailinglist, so no need to crosspost

irc #lgm (Freenode)

titanpad: http://lgm.titanpad.com :-)

everybody should be on
libre-graphics-meeting at lists.freedesktop.org

everybody involved in the organisation in
libre-graphics-meeting-org at lists.freedesktop.org

Funding team
Requires coherent definition, branding? Define difference between a meeting and a conference

 *  Nate Willis
 *  Frank Trampe
 *  João
 *  Raniere Silva

Local team
visa, invitations, everything else, translations
how about people understanding/speaking english?

 * João
 * Cadunico
 * Alexandre Rezende
 * Gulherme Razgriz

Program/content team
write call, publish, help process of receiving/processing proposals (e-mails, clarifications), selection, puzzle program, feed back to presenters and web team + State fo the libre graphics.

 * Femke
 * Pippin
 * ale
 * Phil
 * Simon (state of libre graphics)
 * Ale González
 * Yorik

Video-archiving, documentation
have our own camera etc. (there is one from GIMP), a larger team, to have a set-up separate from the technical set-up. Feed from the projector
Call for volunteers; it is a key thing!
Also care for pictures etc. produced

 * ville ?
 * chris

Video recording is key. Not very well structured at the moment. Very related to local team. For now mainly social media
Write on this year, to announce the next.
Guerilla gardening, how to make sure different voices are there

 * Julien
 * João, Raniere and local have already some contacts ready
 * Nate (writes about LGM every year)
 * Pat David
 * Frank
 * Simon (as SLG responsible)
 * Liam Quin

The team will meet within the next few weeks and deliver a year-round communications plan.
Possibly plan monthly (ish?) meetings to consider opportunities to publicize LG to a wider audience.
The communications team will consider ways to improve outreach to software projects.
Define a "Mission Statement" or "Vision Statement" for the meeting. (per Julien).

"Branding" (design? please?)
Should this actually be the responsibility of the local organisation? A difference between global and a local branding? Consistency and the price of it?

On-line infrastructure

 * Ale
 * Manuel
 * (lara removed student participants after the meeting and reconsidering their involvement)

LGM 2018 - call for locations
Create coherence? The problem of the communication black hole post-lgm


subtitling videos (helps indexing!)
 * translating webcontent
 * communicate with teams (SLG)
 * a manifesto! (a definition, a mission statement, a vision statement)

LGM is  a congregation of artists, developers and enthusiasts for graphics, video, design and publishing free software, engaged in sharing ideas, work and teaching. 

LGM is about tools to create Libre culture. (Ale Gonzãlez)

an understanding that the tools we use, shape the artistic work we create

A meeting of people involved with developing & using libre graphics to do professional quality work, with a focus on showing what can be done and on building what can't.

LGM is the meeting where you find representants of all FLOSS related with arts.

A tribe of diverse voices and interests gathering around talks, workshops and empowering activities related to visual, graphics, processes and tools all published under open licenses.

Libre Graphics Meeting provides an opportunity for artists, designers, and engineers to exchange ideas and to demonstrate products so as to make each more capable of building, creating, and communicating.

LGM is the annual, in-person gathering of users and developers of the free-software graphics community, where the people involved exchange ideas, collaborate, and share what their work for the ultimate enrichment of the community as a whole. (Nate Willis)

LG(M) is a meeting place - of people and projects; online through the year and physically manifest somewhere on the planet once a year. Where directions and voice operators, dreamers and crafters of cultural; visual digital media technologies converge or collide.

an annual release of a year's pent-up joy, excitement and agony which those who don't use F/LOSS could never understand :)

An occasion to expermiment with possible connections between creative  users, creative developers and creative activists caring about Free, libre and open source software.

The Libre Graphics Meeting is a gathering of people from the software and art spectrum. It fosters communication and the exchange of ideas with a strong focus on free software tools. (Simon)

intersections in free software. an extensible meeting of many perspectives - in, on and around - the implementation, culture and practice of FLOSS

The one time in the year when programmers, developers and users of for free and open source software for graphics are leaving their virtual communities and make huge progresses. (ale)

A place to meet and hangout with the people who are involved with/ make, cool tools that I use,  and complain about all the things I want to get fixed.

LGM is a collection of artists, designers, and developers coming together based on principles of Free Software (and (Open) Culture) to share their work and experiences with each other and the public. (patdavid)

-------------- next part --------------
Timoty Giet
Ale Rimoldi
Loius Dejardin
Femke Snelting
Maria Leandro
Camille Bissuel
Øyvind Kolås
Jon Nordby
Sirko Kemter
Mario Behling
Dave Crossland

- Organization
 - local team LGM event
 - remote, more continiously for supporting local team in events
- Proposals for LGM2014, decision making process

Main part
How can we faciliate a 'new' local team. Femke and Louis have hard earned information, how do we transfer it to them.
Especially, which things does the "remote" team do, and which must the local team do
Femke: Create wiki existed, was useful for this purpose
- allowing new people to understanding the spirit, feel and purpose of LGM. Structure, format
some things are different from time to time, but others stay the same
in a new place, it would be neccesary to adapt
In 2010, unsure if she had the authority to make certain decision

Organize hacking sessions more Making formally part of event,
Next to no proposals for project meetings this
A bit more focused activity
Increases transparency

Proposal from Ale, table for teams in the hacking area. Can have logbook where people sign in.
Have to be careful in not reducing the focus on cross-team meeting
Team internal meeting does not happen that often

Formal structure of LGM organization

Currently we use a local partner organization
What requirements do we have from these (problems that require a legal entity)?
- visa applications.
- legal responsibility. Building, insurances, etc


- Have decision on LGM2014 venue by May 15th. Decision made on IRC.
The group decides unless not able to get 2/3 majority. In that case, vote through past LGM participants + CREATE list.
- Have all travel money secured 3 months before the event.
- The deadline for proposing a LGM2015, 3 months LGM2014.

infrastructure  = [Ale,Camille]. Purpose: Make sure we have working website, internal  communication tool, access to social media accounts
marketing = [Hong-Phuc,Maria,Mario] Purpose: Website content, Social media, Press release
sponsorship = [Nathan,Sirko,Louis] Purpose: Secure money for the event.
travelassistance = [Mario], Purpose: Make sure people who want to come, can come. 
content = [Jon,Øyvind,Femke,Aleksandre?,Ale]. Purpose: Make sure we have the right presentations, workshops, people.
lgm2015 = [Louis]

- [Ale] Start getting the information in CREATE wiki out. Announce when available.
- [infrastucture] Create a solution for sharing of documents
- April 20th, [Louis,Maria] Verify the list of requirements for the local organization team,
and make it available to the people who want to propose
- [sponsorship] Write a sponsor prospect
- [Femke] Document lessons from LGM2013
-  [Louis,Maria,Mario,Dave]. Send email to prospective local teams, saying  we will give a requirement list. Montreal, Medellin, Leipzig, BuenosAires

More information about the Libre-graphics-meeting-org mailing list