[LGM] 2011/2012

Alexandre Prokoudine alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 09:49:28 PDT 2011

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Dave Neary <bolsh at gnome.org> wrote:

>> We have mentioned Berlin as a possible venue.
> The last time we considered having Berlin for a GIMP conference, a
> number of the GIMP developers complained because it wasn't exotic enough
> , ironically :-) Since several of them live there, I think it'd be a
> good choice. Plus, I'm sure you could get the C-Base for the conference
> too, which would be a very cool space for it.
>> So, if we think Berlin is a good city, I guess we do have lots of
>> German people who could give good advice on where in Berlin LGM could
>> take place.
> I would get mitch & Sven involved from the start as the people on the
> ground, if they're interested.

Sven? He isn't active in GIMP project for over a year.

> Nate & Jon recently asked me what I thought LGM needed to do to reinvent
> itself, and I was thinking that moving it away from a developer
> conference, and more to a "Maker's" conference of people who do creative
> shit with free software, would be one potential thing to do. That way,
> you get developers there, but they're just trying to figure out what
> people are doing with their stuff, rather than talking about new features.

Yes, 2010 was more or less a success there, in fact. Not so much in
2011 I heard.

> It's a departure, but perhaps it's time to bring in an entrance fee?

Too early. Again, judging by what I heard from 2011 participants, LGM
didn't manage to attract professionals from the industry, and they are
the only people who will have no problems with entrance fee.

Alexandre Prokoudine

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