[LGM] Next Libre Graphics Meeting. Madrid.

Monica Cachafeiro monica at medialab-prado.es
Wed Jun 6 09:20:11 PDT 2012

Hi all!

I'm Mónica from Medialab-Prado, where the Libre Graphics Meeting will 
take place next year- 2013.

It's a pleasure for us to propose you the following dates for the 
Meeting: April from 10 to 13.
Following the international meeting, an  Interactivos? workshop will 
take place. It is aimed to develop projects related to Libre graphics 
contents. Interactivos? will take place from April 13 to 27.

Hope this schedule suits you,

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Mónica Cachafeiro
Medialab Prado
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Tlf: 915 177 289, ext. 57289

Durante las obras que tienen lugar en MEDIALAB PRADO (Plaza de las Letras. Alameda, 15. 28014 Madrid) el personal y la actividad se trasladan temporalmente a Paseo de la Chopera, 14. 28045 Madrid (Intermediae-Matadero-Madrid).

Go Green, Keep it on the Screen!

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