[LGM] lgm2012 post-release

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Tue May 8 05:54:06 PDT 2012

On 05/08/2012 06:03 AM, ale rimoldi wrote:
>> louis is working on an email to be sent to all the people having being
>> present at the lgm and asking for a short report on their LGM.
> just a detail: the report will be per project, not per person...

I don't know that there was ever any consensus discussion, but I thought 
that LGM was quite good this year, with a good mixture of talks from the 
various projects (note: there was no Scribus talk this year), but also a 
number of interesting presentations from end-users giving their point of 
view about pros and cons of various software.

One (hopefully) positive thing from the Scribus side is the idea to 
formalize in some way discussions and interaction in general between 
skilled/professional users and the Scribus Team. There also has been an 
idea to expand the idea of the "Scribus Team" to include in some way(s) 
users and other non-developers (technically, I have never been a part of 
the official Scribus Team, for example). Much of this has to do with 
improving the GUI, as well as enhancing the workflow.

I suspect there will be a formal announcement somewhere, but Louis will 
be setting up a financial account so that we can solicit and manage 
donations to the Scribus project.


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