[LGM] Interactivos?'13 Tools for a Read-write world

Monica Cachafeiro monica at medialab-prado.es
Fri Nov 2 04:28:52 PDT 2012

Hi all!

It's our pleasure to send you the open call for projects to be developed 
during the workshop Interactivos?'13 Tools for a read-write world 
<http://medialab-prado.es/article/ilgru_call_projects> within the LGRU 


The call will be open until *January 15, 2013*.

The workshop will be held in April from the 13th until the 27th of 2013. 
Three days before (from the 10th until the 13th of April) Libre Graphics 
Meeting'13 and LGRU meeting will take place, please save the dates, we 
will contact you with more information soon.

Please help us to spread the word!

All the best


Mónica Cachafeiro
Medialab Prado
Área de Las Artes, Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Tlf: 915 177 289, ext. 57289

Durante las obras que tienen lugar en MEDIALAB PRADO (Plaza de las Letras. Alameda, 15. 28014 Madrid) el personal y la actividad se trasladan temporalmente a Paseo de la Chopera, 14. 28045 Madrid (Intermediae-Matadero-Madrid).

Go Green, Keep it on the Screen!

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