[LGM] Gathering feedback

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 12:26:43 PDT 2013

Hey! We got our first entry! :-)

Let’s hope for lots more!


2013/4/18 María Leandro <tatadbb at gmail.com>

> working now, just fill it :)
> 2013/4/18 Louis Desjardins <louis.desjardins at gmail.com>
>> 2013/4/18 ale rimoldi <a.l.e at ideale.ch>
>>> hi craig,
>>> > Its showing a 404 :)
>> Ok, now it’s online. I thought that the "draft" would be available to all
>> provided you have the URL but I was too confident on how this works!
>> So, the page is there :
>> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2013/feedback/
>> It’s super easy to change a field but since it is online, we better act
>> *very* quickly if something needs to be modified, suppressed or added.
>> As for the security, I agree totally however I am really not the good guy
>> for this! :-D
>> What really needs to be protected in the most secured way is the data
>> gathered for the reimbursements. So far we have only received a few records
>> but it will increase...
>> Like Ale says, the keys for the server are in the hands of Peter and
>> maybe in your hands too. Is there anything that can be done relatively
>> quickly and will this affect the way I have access to this data? Please
>> keep me posted!
>> Cheers!
>> Louis
>>  >
>>> > Also, I'd like to ask what encryption is being used these days on the
>>> > site? Nothing should be stored at rest without encryption that
>>> > contains any form of confidential data. Is that being covered? If the
>>> > answer is none, can whoever is responsible for the site please ensure
>>> > the site gets moved to a properly secure solution?
>>> >
>>> > Craig
>>> as far i recall you and peter linnel are in charge of the setup of the
>>> OS and software on the site.
>>> or only peter is, but does not really answers to emails.
>>> so, if you can do something about adding ssl and so on, just do it :-)
>>> otherwise, mail peter about your wishes.
>>> ciao
>>> a.l.e
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