[LGM] Direct me to wrap up of previous LGMs, please

Dave Neary dneary at gnome.org
Thu Apr 25 10:59:07 PDT 2013


I agree.

On 25 Apr 2013 19:52, "Louis Desjardins" <louis.desjardins at gmail.com> wrote:

> 2013/4/24 S.Kemter <sirko.kemter at gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>> I think it's enough at this point now. Getting sick of your poison you
>> are distributing the whole time here. There are 4 proposals, because
>> Andreas forgot to mention Buenos Aires. That means 3 are on your side of
>> the Atlantic. We all agreed in a meeting you was not seen in, that for the
>> future we like to see proposals in a higher quality in advance.
>> It was also agreed how to handle it this time, there is time until 15th
>> of May for all for putting together a proposal answering to all questions.
>> After that an IRC meeting will happen, where all open questions will be
>> answered and an decision will be made. There was not fixed who has the
>> right to vote in this meeting, it's an open process. There is also the
>> option that no majority can go for one place and also there was an
>> agreement to give more people the possibility to have there voice heard
>> on the mailing list. It looks to me like an fair and acceptable way how to
>> handle it, a huge step forward. Definitely better as the marshland we
>> had here before.
>> People who knows me well, know I have an memory like an elephant. So lets
>> go back what did happen in Vienna. Two proposals for 2013 Madrid and
>> Montreal. The majority was for Madrid and it was more an "could be" meaning
>> for Montreal 2014. It was more lets Louis not travel sad home....
>> From 8 LGM 3 was in Montreal, I think a lot agree that's more then
>> enough. A lot will agree go there will destroy all opportunities we have
>> now putting a clear process how and when propose it and make LGM to an
>> really FLOSS event for all people interested in. Not for a few that like
>> the marshland like it was because they have there sheep in the try....
>> We will see what happen after 15th of May and where we go and how many of
>> the proposals stay as option for 2015 in case they are not taken for 2014.
>> But I fear after that unfortunate attempts here to enforce Montreal for
>> 2014, nobody likes to go there also for 2015 even it has PyCon as an
>> argument in that year to.
>> What I wondering about is the arrogance that some have saying such things
>> like differ from other floss events and is something totally special. It is
>> not, some have to realize that. On all events the process is open and who
>> does the work decides.
>> This year on the table there was not only a lot of people, there was also
>> a lot of people who are involved in other floss events some of them are
>> bigger then the LGM such events like SCaLE, Flisol, FOSSASIA, LinuxTag,
>> Linux-Tage, DevConf.cz
>> speaking about participation where was your voice in the closing session
>> or on the table? So please stay away now from your poisonous mails trying
>> to enforce Montreal for 2014, it's not helpful we will find out soon where
>> we go for 2014 and then open it for 2015.
>> br gnokii
>> P.S. dont feed the troll
> To: Mr Sirko Kemter
> Dear Sir,
> I think your words are unacceptable. This verbal violence shocked me
> completely.
> Such an attitude has nothing to do with the spirit of LGM.
> In over 8 years of the event I have never seen or heard such language as
> the one you used in your aggressive apostrophe to one of the most valuable
> member of the Scribus Team and of the LGM community.
> For those reasons I must ask you to:
> 1. Express publicly your apologies to Greg (because you insulted him
> publicly) and to everyone who felt attacked or shocked by your intervention
> — for using such a language towards him.
> 2. Withdraw from the discussions that will occur in this mailing list.
> Your attitude disqualifies you as a voice at LGM thus you cannot take part
> anymore in the decision making process for the venue in 2014 or for any
> kind of decision in the LGM, whatsoever.
> Louis Desjardins
>> 2013/4/24 Gregory Pittman <gpittman at iglou.com>
>>> On 04/23/2013 05:58 PM, Tobias Ellinghaus wrote:
>>>> Am Dienstag, 23. April 2013, 21:33:10 schrub Gregory Pittman:
>>>> [...]
>>>>  Well, for one thing, decisions are not based on the results of an
>>>>> applause meter (as Femke mentioned at the time).
>>>> Since LGM is meant for the people actually going there an applause
>>>> meter might
>>>> very well be the best way to decide where to go. No idea if personal
>>>> preferences of a few committee members are any better, we will see in
>>>> about a
>>>> year by looking at the number of participants.
>>>> But that's just my personal opinion.
>>>>  If you think about it though, there are some serious problems with
>>> this method. At the foremost, it turns to decision into cheering for a
>>> city/country, as opposed to seeing a proposed site in the context of the
>>> quality of the LGM that might take place there, and perhaps some sense of
>>> the economic and other challenges that attendees might face. The
>>> presumption that those who did not attend LGM this year but have in the
>>> past are no longer interested in LGM and unlikely to attend in future
>>> doesn't really have anything to back it up. It seems possible that there
>>> are some who cannot afford to attend every year, and proximity to where
>>> they live is a major issue. If we imagine, for example, that next year LGM
>>> might be in Leipzig, that would be 3 years in a row in Europe, rather
>>> skewing the assessment of attendance.
>>> I don't think it's unusual for groups who have meetings to rely on some
>>> committee for site selection. In the case of LGM, anyone who wishes to be
>>> part of this process has been welcomed to volunteer to help. In the past,
>>> few have come forward to volunteer their time and effort for the purpose.
>>> Greg
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