[LGM] Notes from the LGM2014 decision meeting, Saturday at 16.00 UTC

Manuel Schmalstieg webdev at ms-studio.net
Sun May 12 02:25:53 PDT 2013

Thanks for the overview!

Regarding the Leipzig proposal, I think it's an absolute must to have
people from the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig [HGB]

Thinking that print-design, ebook design, libre typography are key
topics of LGM, and that this school is very specialized in book
design, I believe there *must* be a strong interaction, if LGM is to
happen in Leipzig.

Have a look at the website of the Book Design Institute, to get an
idea of what they do: http://www.institutbuchkunst.hgb-leipzig.de/en


On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 8:11 AM, Femke Snelting <snelting at collectifs.net> wrote:

> Leipzig
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eGA-Fb-b2v3IRVNZ52L6_PPyqk_DPbaDCTYK4mjW8HQ

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