[LGM] MC's for LGM2014

Femke Snelting snelting at collectifs.net
Tue Apr 1 01:55:27 PDT 2014


Sirko: Maybe you have this covered already? I remember you said you'd prefer others to do this but not sure; let us know. If not:

Ale, Louis: Welcome to Leipzig! Would you be interested in taking on timekeeping/master of ceremonies for a part of the programme? We have a tight schedule so speakers will need our help to keep to it ;-) If you prefer not, pippin, Jon or me can do it, no problem.

A proposal:

Wednesday morning - pippin
Wednesday afternoon - Jon
Thursday morning - Femke
Thursday afternoon - Ale
Friday morning - BOF/workshops
Friday afternoon - pippin
Saturday morning - BOF/workshops
Saturday afternoon - Louis


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