[LGM] 2013 campaign still on

Michael Schumacher schumaml at gmx.de
Mon Feb 3 14:39:20 PST 2014

On 03.02.2014 23:15, S.Kemter wrote:
> Hi,
> that might be but there are a lot of others open, one of the main
> problems why it doenst work that well is not that there is not enough
> marketing

Hm... just went and checked if the participating orgs announce LGM on
their front pages

Blender     - nada
darktable   - nada
Entangle    - nada
G'MIC       - there's no link to them! (but nada)
GEGL        - nada
GIMP        - announcement + badge, could move it higher, though
Inkscape    - nada
Krita       - announcement, pledgie link, no badge
Laidout     - nada
Libre Graphics Magazine - nada
LibreOffice - nada
Magic Lantern - nada
Manufactura Independente - nada
MyPaint     - nada
OpenFontLibrary - nada
OpenICC     - nada
Oyranos     - nada
Pitivi      - nada
Scribus     - announcement, pledgie link, no badge
Valentina   - nada

Maybe I have missed some (would be happy if I did, because this means
more attention for LGM), but I really checked all of them twice.

Fellow LGM-attending projects, please change this :)

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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