[LGM] Fwd: Avoiding Wikipedia

ginger coons ginger at adaptstudio.ca
Tue Apr 21 11:13:07 PDT 2015

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Nathan Willis <nwillis at glyphography.com>

> Another possibility might be Wikivoyage, which is travel-centric, but like
> Martin said, I don't see any harm in having more than one link.

A +1 on having more than one link. As the person who put the original link
to Wikipedia there (and, in another link, as someone who teaches university
students that Wikipedia is just as good as any other encyclopedia), I do
want to make it clear that I don't support the original emailer's assertion
that Wikipedia is inaccurate or unauthoritative. If we do want a second
link, the EC one is as good as any and better than most, but I do see it,
as Dave, Martin and Nate all said, as a good additional place to point


> Unless we're getting charged by the bit for site hosting ... in which case
> that's probably something else we should reconsider in the future....
> Nate
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:43 AM, Louis Desjardins <
> louis.desjardins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2015-04-21 10:48 GMT-04:00 Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com>:
>>> Hi
>>> I dunno, I figure wp is a good source in 2015. How often did the shengen
>>> areas change? Not that often that wp will be out of date for long
>> Hi,
>> I support ginger’s point of view here. I think that providing the link to
>> the authority itself maybe a better choice, if only to avoid an outdated
>> info.
>> Unless someone can find a better authoritative source, I’d go with the
>> link she has suggested:
>> http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-visas/schengen/index_en.htm
>> Wikipedia is always available to anyone who wishes to read more about a
>> subject.
>> Again, this is of course not for 2015... or things have change really
>> fast! :-)
>> Louis
> --
> nathan.p.willis
> nwillis at glyphography.com <http://identi.ca/n8>
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ginger "all-lower-case" coons
Phone: 647.865.7757
Skype: gingercoons
XMPP: ginger at adaptstudio.ca
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