[LGM] should LGM or its site have something to say about Charlie Hebdo?

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Fri Jan 16 10:31:37 PST 2015

On 15 January 2015 at 12:56, ale rimoldi <a.l.e at ideale.ch> wrote:

> > > The biggest killer of people
> > > attending lgm is automobiles. Where are the anti car protests?
> >
> > Because we anti-car people get chewed out very aggressively by the
> > vast majority of people.
> sorry to correct you, but most LGM people will be dying in a bed

(I agree heart disease and cancer will catch us in our beds if we measure
by deaths, most far in the future; but I guess that road traffic accidents
will be biggest if we measure within 2005 - 2025.)

People are violent. 12 people were shot in Paris recently, as were many
more people by euroamerican drones running libre software outside of
euroamerica. None of this is relevant to LGM.
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