[LGM] Improving the LGM 2015 website (branched from: should LGM or its site have something to say about Charlie Hebdo?)

ginger coons ginger at adaptstudio.ca
Mon Jan 26 10:09:32 PST 2015

Hi all,

A concern about the website was raised last week, as an aside, in the 
thread about "Je suis Charlie." A few people expressed concerns that the 
LGM 2015 website is currently missing information that they feel would 
be useful.

I'd like to take this opportunity to more formally invite everyone on 
the list to take a look at the website, see what they think is missing, 
and drop a note to me detailing what they'd like to see added 
(preferably with some concrete course of action included). Better yet, 
if you have some bigger changes to suggest (say, if you think not enough 
hotels/hostels are listed, and happen to know of some you'd like to 
add), by all means, drop me a note about getting an account made for the 
site, so that you can go on ahead and make the additions yourself, 
without the hassle of going through an intermediary.



ginger "all-lower-case" coons
Phone: 647.865.7757
Skype: gingercoons
XMPP: ginger at adaptstudio.ca

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