[LGM] Logs from the March 4 LGM-organizing status update IRC meeting
ginger coons
ginger at adaptstudio.ca
Wed Mar 4 13:35:15 PST 2015
<gingercoons> alright. so, general update meeting, then.
<gingercoons> we have people from the content team here, who can maybe
speak to the state of the schedule. I can speak to the state of
communication, although anyone else from comms who wants to jump in on
that can do so as well
* gr3gjsmith has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted
IRC client)
<F_S> where do you want to start?
<peter1> sorry is there already a schedule ?
<gingercoons> well, I'm sure people are probably interested to know
about the state of the schedule, so maybe a quite update on that?
<F_S> almost!
<F_S> we've got a healthy amount of talks and workshops, BOFs selected;
we're now getting the last elements confirmed
<F_S> so the schedule should be published by Monday :-)
<pippin> we've got a schedule puzzled; not all talks are confirmed yet,
and we're working on getting it online for next week or so
<peter1> smooth !
<F_S> some important parts for the schedule:
<F_S> the talks are still one-track
<F_S> days run from 10:00-19:00 with 2.5 hr breaks in-between
<F_S> workshops, BOFs reduced to max 4, most 3 in parallel
<F_S> (last year we had 5)
<F_S> and party on Thursday 30 March. What else?
<F_S> Ah, State of Libre Graphics is back
<F_S> so you'll get more info on that *soon*
<F_S> am i forgetting anything important? laraaa a-l-e pippin ?
<gingercoons> and, chiming in at the mention of the party, I should say
that it'll be happening in the community space at Mozilla's Toronto office.
<a-l-e> nö, you're doing fine, F_S :-)
<F_S> :-P
<peter1> any noteworthy new tendencies in the proposals ?
<F_S> hard to say ... the interest in workshops/meetings seems to continue
<F_S> and fonts keep going strong too
<gingercoons> any other news from/questions to the content team?
<F_S> i think we're good for now? check your mailbox in coming days if
you haven't confirmed your talk yet!
<gingercoons> thanks for the update, F_S
<laraaa> F_S did you follow up on all who did not confirm?
<F_S> almost; i check with you on Sunday ok?
<gwidion> You say "State of Libre Graphics is back" so there were
considerations about dropping it?
<laraaa> k
<F_S> uhm not really we just wanted it take a bit more attention even,
pippin ?
<gwidion> :-)
<F_S> will you consider submitting some slides gwidion
<F_S> ;-)
<pippin> I'll dig out the mail I sent last year, the content of which we
should probably get to the website as well.
* ryanlerch_ (ryanlerch at nat/redhat/x-dllydsvjigzuxhfk) has joined #lgm
<F_S> so, time for the state of communication!
<gingercoons> we could do communication, or we could do local
<gingercoons> I believe I'm probably speaking for both
<F_S> start local!
<gingercoons> in terms of local organizing, things are going pretty much
apace. rooms are all booked, party is set, need to confirm coffee
machines, but all else is looking good.
<gingercoons> the space we've got is pretty excellent. there's a nice
little complex of buildings on a side-street, one with a big lecture
hall, and then just across, another where we have four small,
re-configurable classrooms booked
<F_S> how is space for meeting around talks/workshops set up?
<gingercoons> so lots of room for ad hoc stuff
<F_S> ah good, important
* Animtim_laptop (~timo at mal35-4-88-164-239-139.fbx.proxad.net) has
joined #lgm
<gingercoons> there's a big hallway outside of the lecture theatre, so
that's good for ad hoc
<pippin> (a lagging note from the content team; we're trying to plan
hosts/chairs for the days as well, and gingercoons is among those
presumed volunteered to do so)
<gingercoons> but in addition to that, the little street the two
buildings are on is basically owned by the university and has no
traffic, so people can congregate outsie
<gingercoons> *outside
<gingercoons> there's also a little pub next to the building that the
classrooms are in
<F_S> trying to remember your weather forecast from last year ...
<gingercoons> (pippin: of course. happy to be volunteered)
<gingercoons> almost warm enough for patios
<F_S> (so we'll try to have different 'hosts' for each day, timekeeping
and taking care of the flow of the day)
<gingercoons> expect the weather to be around 14 C
<F_S> alright
<gwidion> Anything set for sessions recording?
<gingercoons> I believe peter1 mentioned that he had some plans for that
<peter1> plans ....
<peter1> set up and go !
<F_S> yeah
<F_S> but you'll need some volunteers i guess to help out?
<gingercoons> are you bringing equipment, or will you take advantage of
the stuff available here?
<peter1> ehm could bring, but if it is there would be great
<peter1> especially tripods and cables
<gingercoons> there's stuff here. little camera that does pretty good
work and takes SD cards, tripod
<peter1> of ok
<peter1> can you sent camera type ?
<peter1> so i can check ports and formats ?
<mrscribe> Title: VIXIA HF R500 - Canon Canada Inc. (at www.canon.ca)
<peter1> pff at the speed of light
<gingercoons> had it ready from last time the question came up :)
<peter1> oh impressive preparations ...
<F_S> for publishing materials afterwards, is there a plan already?
<F_S> 2014 is at GIMP right?
<gingercoons> none yet. they just went up on gimp.org last year, right?
<gingercoons> (F_S jinx!)
<gwidion> had they? :-)
<peter1> http://download.gimp.org/pub/gimp/lgm/2014/
<mrscribe> Title: Index of /pub/gimp/lgm/2014 (at download.gimp.org)
<F_S> eh yes but now how to find back the link with speed of light speed
<F_S> ah
<F_S> peter1:
<gwidion> :-)
<gingercoons> anyone have any ideas about where we could put the videos
this year?
<gingercoons> it seems like they've been a little adrift since the end
of the rivervalley years
<gwidion> schumaml - there?
<peter1> yes that is more the question
<gingercoons> would be nice to come up with something that has a little
chance at continuity
<gwidion> Maybe we could just put them alongside the 2014 ones - I am
just not sure how we are for space at the GIMP ftp servers
<peter1> i will check constant also
* F_S would so love an interface to all years that is not youtube
<peter1> will talk to michael about interface maybe ?
<F_S> yes, let's do that
<pippin> for continuity, putting them on download.gimp.org seems like a
good default option; perhaps also for getting some continuity in the
people involved in capturing the data
<laraaa> if anybody's interested in little lua online video rep - i can
send you a github link
<gingercoons> all of this seems like a good segue into a bit of a comms
update (unless we want to go on talking about video, but it sounds like
people have some avenues to explore...)
<F_S> no think if peter keeps lara and gimp in the loop, one of next
meetings is timely enough
<F_S> great it is already on the radar though
<F_S> so, comms update ...
<gingercoons> for sure! hopefully the videos this year will do a good
job of having a bit of a life of their own after the event
<gingercoons> on the comms front, there's a press release coming up
(looks like next week, so that we can announce the program)
<gingercoons> which is going to get sent around to a number of relevant
outlets and will also be available to go to mailing lists
<gingercoons> it'll be promoting 1) the existence of LGM 2) the fact
that a program is up and registration is open 3) the fundraising
campaign 4) the pre-event events
<gingercoons> so hopefully that'll help stir some attention up
<gingercoons> as with last year, patdavid has also graciously consented
to write some posts about projects for the website, once we get a little
closer to the actual event
<F_S> nice
<gingercoons> yeah. basically, comms is duly comming, as appropriate
<sanguivor> Having a video mixer (and an operator) for capturing the
slides as needed on the fly would help. Last year the reason for the
publishing delay was getting the slides to accompany the video files.
<a-l-e> yep, i agree with sanguivor
<gingercoons> anyone have access to something like that?
<gingercoons> we don't have anything of the sort on hand in the faculty
that's acting as hosting sponsor, and getting an internal technician at
the university would eat up a fair amount of budget
<a-l-e> at the rmll.info there was a team trying a DYI setup based on
rapsberry pis...
<peter1> no mixer here
<F_S> ok, let's see what we can round up in coming weeks
<gingercoons> any other updates or issues anyone wants to raise today?
<peter1> hmmm funding? :-/ ?
<gingercoons> what about it?
<peter1> :-*
<peter1> is everything ok ?
<gingercoons> well, our usual fundraisers are doing their thing in terms
of finding money for reimbursements
<gingercoons> without even announcing the pledgie, people have already
spontaneously donated almost $1000
<F_S> btw, the amount of reimbursements needed seems equal to last years
<gingercoons> so that number should go up once we start actually
promoting it
<pippin> making projects expecting to benefit from the fundraisers, put
logos on their pags - and also link to the inkscape one?
<gingercoons> we could definitely do both of those things
<F_S> (though always hard to say)
<F_S> so maybe this is good to bring up here:
<F_S> a task we could take on this year, is rethinking the financial
structure for coming years
<F_S> anyone here interested/available to prepare some strategies, and a
meeting in Toronto?
<F_S> it is something that comes up every year, but always at the last
<F_S> so with planning set for two years, it might be time to bite that
<gwidion> F_S: definetely something I'd like to see more structured.
* houz (~houz at unaffiliated/houz) has joined #lgm
<F_S> ok. so would you be interested in working with a few people on this?
<gwidion> yes
<gwidion> even on online meetings
<F_S> it is a long term work, so does not need to be settled overnight
<gwidion> :-)
<F_S> ok gwidion i am not so useful for this, but interested in thinking
with you how to get a group working on this, and what the issues are
<F_S> so let's leave it at that for tonight, with respect to long term
financial planning
<F_S> ?
<gingercoons> any other issues for this meeting?
<gwidion> F_S: great - we should talk along then, I think it is ok for now.
<F_S> ok!
<pippin> thanks for now :)
<gingercoons> alright. sounds like that was a meeting then!
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