[LGM] LGM 2016 Friday morning.

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Fri Apr 15 13:53:36 UTC 2016

The talks from this morning:

Roman Miletitch
Draw/Play: Digital Interacting on Paper
This was a description and video demo about a device Roman and Jeremie
Cortial have been working on. It's a combination of bespoke hardware,
running some open libraries, to allow drawing on paper with colored
markers, which are then digitized and represented digitally.
The specific use they have mostly been working with is to create
interactively a digital pinball machine, with as many reiterations you
would like. Although they have not pursued this in other directions, the
libraries are open source and might be used for other ideas.

Julien Deswaef
A Quest for a Git Visualizing Tool for Designers
Julien is on a mission to find a Git Hub-like alternative to assist
designers in archiving their work and its various iterations. Thus far
he hasn't succeeded, but he remains hopeful for finding the right
platform which would be usable by designers in a more visual way, in
addition to keeping an archive of their work, and sharing with others.
The talk explained the shortcomings of various alternatives out there.


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