[LGM] hybrid media publishing mailinglist

An Mertens an at constantvzw.org
Sat Apr 30 09:25:08 UTC 2016

Not that I know of...
There is the mailinglist of algolit (that I manage together with 
Catherine in cc), where topics around algorithms and literature/text are 

As we're all highly interested in hybrid publishing, that topic 
sometimes flies by.
Maybe it is a good idea to explicitly open it up and invite at least 
every one who made LGM-presentations about it?
I would be very happy to have writers, designers & developers united...
Or does it deserve a separate mailinglist?


On 04/29/2016 12:33 PM, Lorenz Schori wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any mailinglist dedicated to hybrid media publishing using
> FLOSS tools?
> Cheers,
> Lorenz
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                   C O N S T A N T
                        V Z W

Rue du Fortstraat 5 | 1060 Bruxxel | www.constantvzw.org
An Mertens | 0477 73 55 11 | www.paramoulipist.be

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