[LGM] dates for asking questions about your LGM2018 proposals

Soenke Zehle soenke at kein.org
Fri Jun 24 09:08:16 UTC 2016

(sent from my list subscription address now...), Soenke

> Hi all,
> 04-07 to 07-07: 12-14, 17-20
> 08-07 to 09-07: 12-14
> best,
> Soenke
> 2016-06-24 9:31 GMT+02:00 Femke Snelting <snelting at collectifs.net>:
>> Dear Zoe and Soenke,
>> We would like to offer the LGM community an opportunity to ask questions
>> about your proposals for LGM2018 in the first week of July (4-9), lunch-time
>> or early evening. Can you let us know when you are available for this?
>> We will upload your updated proposals here:
>> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-proposals/venue-proposals-2018/
>> all the best,
>> Femke

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