[LGM] Request For Comments - reorganizing financial tasks for LGM

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Sat May 21 15:07:29 UTC 2016

On 21 May 2016 at 10:22, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmottard at gmail.com> wrote:

> coming for ~ 2 weeks to
> LGM costs me more financially that 3 months of usual day-to-day
> living, even with GIMP sponsorship (because of various locale
> transportations, food, etc.)!

If LGM raised more funds, it could pay all your expenses.

So it seems to me entirely in your own interest to call out the kinds of
fund raising that you _do_ approve of.

Looking up the thread, here is a list...

- exclusionary attendance fees, "give one get one", to form a ticket
bursary fund

- garment color difference

- ticketed gala dinner (with provisions made for people who do not wish to
attend any exclusive event)

- a page on the website and printed schedule thanking a list of supporting
members for their financial support, and congratulating a list of travel
bursary awardees who had their travel booked by the organization so there
was no back-and-forth reimbursements.

- @libregraphicsmeeting.org email forwarding

- particularly nicely designed and printed conference book

- annual membership

- one time donations

- corporate sponsors (ex. Google)

- non-profit private sponsors (ex. FSF, PSF)

- public organisations (ex. EU, OIF)

I've added this list to the bottom of
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/LGM_Funding_Notes and put my initials with
a percentage of how much I approve of each idea. I invite you all to do the
same, and to add more ideas of concrete things that could be offered to
raise funds :)
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