[LGM] Collaboration of LGM and C3VOC

Jehan jehan at girinstud.io
Sat Dec 2 22:43:53 UTC 2017

Hello everyone!

This is a first email to discuss a possible collaboration for the video 
handling (capture, streaming and uploading) of the next LGM (or maybe a 
next-next! Our own organization discussed of maybe organizing LGM in 
Paris in a few years, in which case I would definitely try to invite you 
again) by the C3VOC.

For everyone's sake, some links:
- Chaos Computer Club Video Operation Center, aka C3VOC: 
- Libre Graphics Meeting, aka LGM: http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2018/
   LGM 2018 is at Seville, 26-30 April.

I already had a few interactions and discussions with the C3VOC, the 
last one being just now on IRC, so I will summarize what I 

* I once participated to an event (GUADEC 2016) where videos were 
handled by C3VOC and I was positively impressed by their whole video 
system. GUADEC 2016 had (working) streaming for several conference rooms 
in parallel, with basic (i.e. good) live composition, during the whole 
conf, and the videos were uploaded automatically at the end of each conf 
on both youtube and media.ccc.de platforms (not sure how long it took, 
but one hour after our talk maybe, that was uploaded and sharable, all 
in good quality). This is all I expect from conference videos.
As an example of what they do, here was the streaming of our talk at 

* Their video system is home made and Free Software.
See this conf for instance: 
Code: https://github.com/crs-tools/ and https://github.com/voc/voctomix

* Of course if the C3VOC comes to record LGM, I hope we will give them a 
talk to present their video system as well! This is perfectly in topic 
with LGM. :-)

* They have a pending request for another conf in Austria on 27/28 
April. So depending on what happens with this other conf and if they 
don't have enough people to send to both confs, this may not be 
possible. But let's still initiate contact.

* The C3VOC needs:
20:22 < atze> Jehan: the basics are actually pretty simple.. we need a 
decent network connectivity, helping hands, a bunch of artwork and an 
insurance for the equipment. in your case, transportation would be a 
very interesting thing in aspects of time and money...
20:23 < atze> so at least 3 things must be in place: the venue (resp. 
the technicians there) must fit, we need enough people on our end who 
want to do this (remember, all voluntary work) and at your end some 
funding needs to be done.

* Difficulties may be for the material:
22:09 < atze> to make a long story short, I have no idea how to get our 
equipment to spain efficiently, but it sounds very interesting.. please 
write at mail to the address and we'll send you the checklist. there is 
still some time left and it takes some days to evaluate our human 
ressources :)
22:15 < Jehan> atze: how much of an equipement is there?
22:16 < atze> Jehan: we have flight cases, one per room. it has roughly 
the size of a small car's trunk and weighs 70kg
=> Since LGM has a single talk room, that means that we have to account 
for transportation of a single 70kg trunk.

* I told them that on my side, I would expect as a minimum that LGM pays 
their transportation and accomodation expenses obviously, and probably 
some catering (though I'm not the one to decide this, but I personally 
think this is the minimum).

* I explained them that LGM had about 400/500 participants at its best 
(LGM Madrid in 2013, apparently 450: 
http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2013/report/index.html) but that the 
participation really decreased lately. Of course we really hope to bring 
LGM back to its best. :-)

* LGM always has only one conference room at a time (no parallel talk) 
and seeing previous years, it seems that makes about 15+ talks per full 
day (Madrid again had an impressive count of 89 talks on 4 days which is 
huge; though it seems to be rather 10-12 on other years, so it is not 
necessarily that packed).

* They wanted to know how many people we expect would watch the streams. 
I could not answer this question. I hope a lot. :P

And that's about it.
As a conclusion, if we find interested local video teams, that may still 
be an alternative (maybe even better organisation and cost-wise), but 
the C3VOC participation seems like a very interesting solution to me as 

Now if anyone has questions? More requirements? Check-list exchange? :-)


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