[LGM] ATTN ALL: Call for 2018 venue...

peter peter at constantvzw.org
Fri Jun 30 12:35:10 UTC 2017

hi all,

attendees numbers of LGM 2013 Madrid was 450,
Main room hosted 250,
extra spaces were available for bofs and smaller sessions

attendees of LGM 2010 Brussels was : 250,
Main room hosted 200 people,
second room also, small spaces were around for more intimate sessions

just rechewing these stats:

ciao !


On 30/06/17 11:21, Louis Desjardins wrote:
>>> One simple question... which is the maximum attendance you remember for
>>> a single event in an LGM? That's it, what maximum attendance is it
>>> needed in a single space? Because with the proposal we're thinking of we
>>> can attend up to four spaces simultaneously—I think that would be enough
>>> for parallel sessions—but I have doubts about the capacity of the
>>> biggest space inside the potential main venue (60–70 sat people,
> maybe 80).

constant vzw | rue du fort straat 5 | 1060 brussel belgie | 0032 (0)2
5392467 | constantvzw.org

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