[LGM] finances

Tobias Ellinghaus houz at gmx.de
Mon Nov 27 23:01:04 UTC 2017

Am Montag, 27. November 2017, 16:41:01 CET schrieb Frank Trampe:
> 19% is a rather hefty cut. I would be happy to volunteer some time to save
> some money.
> Soenke, could we get a discount from K8 if we submit a final list ourselves?

Quoting Soenke:
> that is what overhead charges cover. For K8, it's 15 % f research-related
> projects (national or EU funds commonly include overhead flats between 20
> and 25 % per cent).
> The tax rate depends on whether we are talking donation (tax free, but also
> no mention of donor allowed) or sponsoring (usually 19%).

it seems the 19% are the share for the German government and nothing Soenke 
can give discounts on. Unless you want to see LGM in the next Panama Papers.


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