[LGM] LGM 2020 in Riyadh

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Tue May 1 19:58:08 UTC 2018

I appreciate your intent, but I believe it sadly has the opposite effect;
it's not funny for everyone, especially our colleagues in the Middle East
who face real risk if associated with this kind of thing.

I also take Alexandres point.

On Tue, May 1, 2018, 3:10 PM Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com> wrote:

> My intent was indeed to create some momentum on writing hosting proposals,
> but if it highlights a gray area of the code of conduct (its applicability
> to satire of government leaders), we ought to have that discussion. I think
> it's important to the identity of the organization. I'm fine with an
> actively anti-repression organization or an uncontroversial blue chip
> organization, but we ought to figure out which it is.
> On Tue, May 1, 2018, 13:45 Michael Schumacher <schumaml at gmx.de> wrote:
>> On May 1, 2018 8:24:25 PM GMT+02:00, Alexandre Prokoudine <
>> alexandre.prokoudine at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 9:12 PM, Frank Trampe wrote:
>> >
>> >> Or perhaps you understood that it was a joke but were concerned about
>> >> offending the Saudi royal family? I know that LGM may not have the
>> >activist
>> >> bent that it once had, but if gentle mockery of a repressive
>> >government
>> >> becomes out of bounds, we've really lost our character.
>> >>
>> >
>> >I was beginning to wonder if I should attend LGM in '19 and whether the
>> >conference orgs are finally done with irrelevant topics. Thank you for
>> >reminding me why I shouldn't bother.
>> When I glimpsed the mail subject on someone else's phone just before we
>> boarded our flight from Sevilla, I was hoping for a genuine offer and an
>> interesting discussion about why and how our reply would be a "thanks, but
>> no thanks".
>> It's not like we didn't have similar discussions about other countries
>> for similar reasons in the past.
>> Finding out that it was a mere joke amost made me headdesk on the plane,
>> if only that would not disturb the person sitting in front.
>> If the intention was to make sure that mail exchange on this list
>> continues way past LGM, then most likely mission accomplished, but maybe
>> not about the topics intended.
>> Unless they would be the CoC and its application, I guess.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Michael
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