[LGM] LGM 2019 - Funding

Frank Trampe frank.trampe at gmail.com
Wed May 1 19:13:44 UTC 2019

The expectation was that the $20,000 would vastly exceed the cost of
recording and producing the videos such that the remainder would cover a
lot of travel expenses. That's roughly how it worked last year.

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 2:06 PM ale rimoldi <ale at graphicslab.org> wrote:

> hi
> > 16:27 < soenke> @pippin re sponsoring - Google can help but easiest
> > for them would be videos w/ logo (only proof needed, money can go to
> > general travel budget as we). Would that work if Gimp also comes on
> > board f sponsorship?
> > 16:40 < pippin> soenke: trying to gather response, but I am quite
> > sure it will be NO
> > 16:42 < pippin> soenke: offer google their logo on the website and/or
> > printed program, GIMP funds are ear-marked not for general travel,
> > since continuing that practice is a bit unfaithful to the people who
> > have donating the funds to GIMP.
> > 16:47 < soenke> @pippin ok will tell them
> > 16:54 < soenke> @pippin ok spoke with Google - all is fine as long as
> > videos (also) end up on youtube
> i also had memories of that discussion, but could not find any trace
> of it in my archive.
> thanks jehan for resurrecting it!
> the agreement between soenke and pippin seems to be rather clear, but
> we don't know what was the exchange between soenke and dave.
> all in all:
> - i'd also prefer not having the google/corporate logo on the captions,
>   but it's not a hard no. (there are people putting more than 20 K
>   worth of work in the LGM and their names should also be prominently
>   on the slides...)
> - GImp promised the money for an important part of our budget (the
>   videos) at a time when the Google sponsoring was not clear.
> - Google has sponsored our videos in the past, so it was to be expected
>   that they might be ready to do it again.
> - Last year we had to give  up one of the locations / partners because
>   of the Google sponsoring...indeed, we cannot assume that the people
>   doing the captions will agree to work for us (for the same price) if
>   it's Google paying their bill.
> personally, i would welcome it, if dave could get google to help
> reimbursing the travel costs for those who are actively participating
> in the LGM.
> would that be possible?
> ciao
> a.l.e
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