[LGM] Sensual Portrait Workshop Registrations

Aude Poilroux ap at k8.design
Wed May 15 07:08:12 UTC 2019

Dear everyone,

Registration for the workshops will happen at arriving. Concerning the
workshop of Stefan Schmitz, we will offer a group size of max. 6 persons.

Registration in advance should be only for persons who absolutly need to
have the list of attendees before LGM (like Anna Simon and Simon Budig,
that's why I wrote the email yesterday). And this registration in advance
has to be organized through the workshop leader himself (our team does not
have the capacity of organising that). If Stefan wants to do that, he can
write an email to the LGM-list.

Have a good day!

Aude Poilroux

*Coordination, Gestion de projets*K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik
Tel: +49 681 84 492 069
Mobil: +49 176 228 228 63

Ufergasse 2
66111 Saarbrücken

Keplerstr. 3-5
D-66117 Saarbrücken

Am Di., 14. Mai 2019 um 16:52 Uhr schrieb Pat David <patdavid at gmail.com>:

> Ah, I guess there will be a registration for those workshops available
> when arriving?
> On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 9:44 AM ale rimoldi <ale at graphicslab.org> wrote:
>> hi pat
>> > I've been asked by Stefan, who's running the Sensual Portrait
>> > Workshop, on how he can possibly get registrations for the workshop
>> > before the meeting.
>> >
>> > He wants the keep the group size down to around 4, but no more than 6
>> > max in the workshops. As such he'd like to do registrations ahead of
>> > time to know what to plan for and expect.  Possibly a
>> > first-come-first-served sign-up?
>> >
>> > What would be the best way to do this and let the attendees know
>> > about it?
>> i think that aude already sent a mail about it...
>> ciao
>> a.l.e
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