[LGM] Supporting a possible online LGM

Simon Repp simon at fdpl.io
Mon Apr 6 20:21:51 UTC 2020


Just learned of interest to present LGM online in some form this year.
(great idea, would love to see that happen!)

Here's 2 ways in which I can offer my help to support this:

1. I'm hosting regular free/libre media production workshops, meetings,
etc. in vienna/austria (except right now), and I can gladly promote any
online LGM program through our channels (especially on
https://www.meetup.com/vienna-libre-media/ with ~180 subscribers and to
another ~180 people in the local hacker community around vienna's
metalab.at, I've got a feeling everyone's thirsty for activity anyway
and it would be well received)

2. I don't know what kind of infrastructure a possible online version of
LGM would require (e.g. would decentralized resources be of use?), but I
can gladly ask around our local communities if there is knowhow, hands
or possibly servers available.

I'll be following further development here and on fediverse, keep it up :)


ps. i'm also new on the list, hey everyone (^-^*)/

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